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Status Updates posted by anwiii

  1. just spent 3 hours talking on the phone with my mom. she sure does talk alot! haha

    1. Misanthrope


      My sweet Mother passed away two years ago, but I can relate, nonetheless. Enjoy your precious Mum while she still walks the earth among us.

    2. web_designer


      yeah msanthrope...same thing pass in my mind...you are so right...

    3. anwiii


      i love my mom. i really don't know how people can get by after losing their moms's. i am sure i will find out one day. i am not looking forward to it! my heart goes out to both of you...

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  2. if at first you don't succeed.......never go skydiving!

    1. anwiii


      if you don't know what that means, don't EVER go skydiving! haha

    2. web_designer


      like i will do it, maybe only if someone push me...hahaa

    3. anwiii


      pushing you out of a plane a mile high off the ground gives new meaning to the word skydiving haha

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  3. I just uploaded a new avatar of my best friend. He(Bruin) is very loyal :) I had to take the picture with my laptop because I don't have a digital camera, but it turned out ok....

    1. Hurt4love


      Where is it I can't see it?

    2. web_designer



      GOD..i knew you are dangerous...hahaa

    3. anwiii


      H4L- it's in my avatar. the picture next to all my posts. :)

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  4. one bright morning in the middle of the night, two dead boys got up to fight. back to back they faced eachother...drew their swords and shot eachother. the deaf policeman heard the noise, and came to see the two dead boys. if you don't believe this lie is true, ask the blind man...he saw it too

    1. DodgyPhil


      I see what you did there!

    2. Hurt4love


      As they saw the terrifying scene, the mute girl screamed while the Bald man lost his hair :P ...Nice one anwiii :)

    3. anwiii


      ha well i didn't write it. i just remembered it as a kid growing up :)

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  5. my car battery charger just arrived by fedexafter a month of having absolutely no trasportation! however, it might take a while before i get it fully charged. hurray for walmarts! also, if i told you i will just be having one drink tonight, i would be lying :)

    1. deadmad7


      fedex sucks... other than that -- great! Now you put your horse into rest for serving your for a month without food or water... now it go into the woods to hunt for its food :) and pond for its water! great job anwiii!

    2. anwiii


      exactly chini! haha and sorry for that btw. it was my world yesterday. you all were just guests :D

    3. Hurt4love


      I'm so happy for you!!!!! Finally you got your truck running again yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey :D

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  6. people's status messages are so fake and unoriginal. how can they even be admired...



      I did what WD did.

    2. chini13


      :) yeah fake..who is fake...if people will post the real ones..the messages wuld become boring
    3. deadmad7


      i do the same thing as wd too!

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  7. stop and smell the roses sometimes...but not next to the guy who ate beans!

    1. web_designer


      hmmmmm...i will try to figure out what that suppose to mean???

    2. anwiii


      beans beans, they're tropical fruit. the more you eat them, the more you toot. the more you toot, the better you feel.....so let's eat beans for every meal!

    3. deadmad7


      did you mean to make that rhyme???

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  8. ok. working on a nich keyword website. i will update you all when i am done. for now it's parked at sedo. http://kindlewirelessreadingdevices.net/ is focused on the amazon kindle wireless reading device. specifically geared to the new dx model. it will go live next week.

    1. sonesay


      Ah nice. I will be sure to follow along.

    2. rob86


      It looks like something that'd be banned by Web of Trust

    3. web_designer


      great job anwiii...i will wait for your site and topic...good luck friend :)

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  9. Look for my new post entitled "How to SEO" and follow along with me while i turn a brand new domain and a brand new website in to the #1 position in google for a popular keyword. if i can do it, so can you....and i will show you how after i complete my goal in 1-2 months!

    1. web_designer


      hey this is interesting...i will look forward to it...good luck anwiii...i trust you :)

    2. livepcportal
    3. k_nitin_r


      Oh, so this is why you've been working on that new WordPress theme!!!

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  10. i am drinking juice. who wants to talk to the drunk guy? i will be in the chat room. BEWARE! i might make fun of you.....

    1. web_designer


      yeah yeah...look who talking about juice now... :)

    2. deadmad7


      lol... how does making fun and talking advantage of something cross on the same line?

    3. anwiii


      i know it's hard fo you to understand some things deadmad, but please try harder...

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  11. Tramposch- will you be my valentine?

  12. not only do we have spam posts, but can the mods delete the status spammers too please? this is getting WAY out of control!

    1. Baniboy


      You should chill, it's your birthday!

    2. rvalkass


      I've found a way to remove the comment spam en-masse, so report the offending members and I shall take care of them.

    3. anwiii
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  13. an example of our forum moderators at work. who logged in last? XALOR- 5 months TRAMPOSCH- 2 1/2 months DEADMAD- 2 weeks

    1. J90


      Pretty dead round here....

    2. deadmad7


      i just don't log in... i check in here once in a while... :)

    3. anwiii


      good to know the mods check in once in a while without logging in. i was getting worried

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  14. ok. that settles it. it's not my battery. it's my alternator. my brand new battery is completely dead and i need to go in to town again soon!

    1. Hurt4love


      Is your truck working now?

    2. anwiii


      no. do you want to buy it from me as is? :)

    3. Hurt4love


      hahahaha I'll think about it ;)

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  15. i feel i am becoming lazy :( something is sure to change soon!

    1. chini13
    2. mandla


      hahah you lazy, dont think so.

    3. anwiii


      hahaha! see? chini agrees! haha

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  16. no more wishfull thinking. purchasing 3 years of host gator service in 5 minutes. i lost a ton of time and money due to xistos neglegence. knowledge sutra goes down? up the next day. all my sites go down? it's been a week already. i will never be referring anyone here for hosting again. in fact, i will be doing the opposite

    1. anwiii


      they are in effect forcing me to stay with their hosting right now when my hosting doesn't even work. i think i will have to transfer my domains soon too. this is too funny! their who system is crap

    2. velma


      You can't change your nameservers or you can't transfer the domain?


      If you want to transfer, let me know and I will have the domains unlocked.

    3. velma


      Update the ticket saying that you want the domain unlocked and give them the namesevers, I will have it changed asap

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  17. bikerman put me on ignore because he doesn't like what i have to say. i think i will sit in a corner and pout now

  18. let's start reporting all posts by EZA that are considered spam or irrelevant. let's help keep this forum clean

    1. Baniboy


      there aren't any mods around to ban her...

    2. anwiii


      add another stalker to my list of stalkers haha

    3. sheepdog


      Gosh you guys are being mean!

      At least leave the agressive dog post till I get a chance to reply!

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  19. it's official! XISTO, the same company that hosts KNOWLEDGE SUTRA lies to their clients and customers! If you're looking for reliable hosting, you have come to the wrong place!

    1. kobra500


      How/Why what's come to your attention?

    2. Baniboy


      Why is it that every time you write an apocalyptic status update, you give no reason for it? you gotta stop talking mysteriously :D

    3. anwiii


      i am not talking mysterious. i wrote a post about it. you two are just too lazy to read on the forum anymore :)

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  20. drunk guy in the chat room. who wants to join me? i ain't sharin' my "juice" though!

    1. anwiii


      you were the only one crazy enough to join me!

    2. Baniboy


      yea and you didn't even give me juice! cheating!

    3. chini13


      lol anwii ..i would like to join u in the chat lol

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  21. what's with the crotch grabbing in the gallery images? haha

    1. anwiii


      the blow horn or the crotch grabbing? personally, i wouldn't mind me a blow horn. i can greet a lot of people passing by with that thing!

    3. q9c9p


      sorry guys, for a moment there I forgot that out there there is people who might get disturbed by crotch grabbing images...:D

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  22. give me your best shot in the chat room. limited time only!

    1. anwiii


      how about in the *bottom*

    2. anwiii


      yea *BLEEP*ers.....bring it!

    3. anwiii


      come on! i drove two people away already. who is up for the challenge!

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  23. comments now opened for spam....



      You beat me to it!

    2. anwiii


      well it's hard to beat me to it when i spammed myself 2 seconds later! :D



      True, so I'll be the second. SPAM!!!

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