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Status Replies posted by anwiii

  1. i love you all mwah thanks for greeting

  2. who in the world is giving eza wisdom flags for her spam?????

  3. Can we disable the ugly recent gallery images please, a waste of bandwidth for someone not interested in them.

  4. Why most of the forums have a calendar ?

  5. could somebody just ban eza? pretty please?

  6. OH My FREAKING GOSH! Did the temperature just drop, what, 15 degrees in a week while I was away? It's FREEZING!!!

  7. who in the world is giving eza wisdom flags for her spam?????

  8. could somebody just ban eza? pretty please?

  9. OH My FREAKING GOSH! Did the temperature just drop, what, 15 degrees in a week while I was away? It's FREEZING!!!

  10. OH My FREAKING GOSH! Did the temperature just drop, what, 15 degrees in a week while I was away? It's FREEZING!!!

  11. I can`t move, sleep, sit, stand and walk and my back is not getting any better. I have no clue what to do :(

  12. OH My FREAKING GOSH! Did the temperature just drop, what, 15 degrees in a week while I was away? It's FREEZING!!!

  13. 29 it is weeeeeeeee

  14. 29 it is weeeeeeeee

  15. could somebody just ban eza? pretty please?

  16. COMMONNNNNNNNNNN....i want one of my friends online...i have something interesting to share....but it seems i can't find anyone....so i will act evil and not telling anything till i see a one...:D

  17. 29 it is weeeeeeeee

  18. COMMONNNNNNNNNNN....i want one of my friends online...i have something interesting to share....but it seems i can't find anyone....so i will act evil and not telling anything till i see a one...:D

  19. Nobody ever makes sigs with cute little puppies..

  20. working on WD's and m2k's sig.... dun...dun..dun

  21. About to go to Tennessee. Have family coming in over there.

  22. you have nothing to lose

  23. Hostgator is rocking Black riday :D 36$ for 3 years hosting... man this kills all those lame hosts out there. :D :D

  24. Hostgator is rocking Black riday :D 36$ for 3 years hosting... man this kills all those lame hosts out there. :D :D

  25. has just saved $16.60 on a $19.99 planetary jigsaw puzzle from a combination of a coupon promo (that was supposed to expire today) and Borders Bucks, and only had to pay $3.71. Suh-weet! =DShe is extremely glad she didn't have to spend that much. <3 It was an impulsive buy, however.

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