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Status Replies posted by anwiii

  1. I got great grades!!!! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey our hard work and huge stress in semester 1 paid off in the end!!!!!! It's true when there is a will there is a way!!!!!!

  2. Studies show that if a cat falls off the seventh floor of a building it has about thirty percent less chance of surviving than a cat that falls off the twentieth floor. It supposedly takes about eight floors for the cat to realize what is occurring, relax and correct itself.

  3. How I am excited to the New Year full of dreams and many motivations! This year is going to be great! :D

  4. happy new year to every one here.....!!!:):) Wish this year will bring tremendous joy ,love and success in your lives and all the sorrows and problems will vanish :) :)

  5. girls are crazy!!!

  6. new years sucks.... another year gone by....

  7. I m back to knowledgesutra

  8. My theory on why the Mayan(?) calendar ends on 2012: They said "**** it! I don't want to do this anymore. Bye everyone, I'm going to live my life, not make calendars."

  9. Mom`s papmering finally :) And her food made with lots of affection and so much warm love!!! It is good to see my family again!

  10. kinda late in realizing this but its been ONE YEAR since i joined trap17...

  11. Merry Christmas everyone!

  12. don't forget the celebration of hijacking of mithras day, which is also happening soon, kobra500

  13. seems i ate a lot of ice cream...when the weather is cold...and now i have a virus :(...but whatever...that ice cream was really good...:)

  14. Oops! Overdue for my Xisto payment again and I've got to get ready for my domain name again too!

  15. ROTFLSHMMCIATIHASSSCTPAIGTTHBTTFOINRHAS - Rolling On The Floor Laughing So Hard My Mom Comes In And Thinks I'm Having a Stroke So She Calls The Paramedics And I Go To The Hospital But Then They Find Out I'm Not Really Having A Stroke

  16. ROTFLSHMMCIATIHASSSCTPAIGTTHBTTFOINRHAS - Rolling On The Floor Laughing So Hard My Mom Comes In And Thinks I'm Having a Stroke So She Calls The Paramedics And I Go To The Hospital But Then They Find Out I'm Not Really Having A Stroke

  17. Good Ole Titanic, she was a good ship, a bit bloated but what the heck.

  18. Be or not to be...

  19. apocalypse afterparty, anyone?

  20. seems i ate a lot of ice cream...when the weather is cold...and now i have a virus :(...but whatever...that ice cream was really good...:)

  21. apocalypse afterparty, anyone?

  22. seems i ate a lot of ice cream...when the weather is cold...and now i have a virus :(...but whatever...that ice cream was really good...:)

  23. Oh ! spammers are just destroying the make money section!

  24. seems i ate a lot of ice cream...when the weather is cold...and now i have a virus :(...but whatever...that ice cream was really good...:)

  25. Smiling could mean the world to someone. Even on the phone make it a habit to smile because you never know what happens next, whose day you are going ot brighten with your smile, or better yet whose life you are going to change with your smile.

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