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Status Replies posted by anwiii

  1. I'm hungry hungry like a hippo. /game reference

  2. Nobody ever makes sigs with cute little puppies..

  3. i want to be the first to say ..."HAPPY THANKSGIVING" for all of you...may god bless you all and make your dreams come true by the next year...happy holidays :)

  4. Rain rain go away little aizee wants to play =(

  5. I despise people who smile in your face and stab you in the back. They disgust me totally! Is it that hard to be honest to others?

  6. let's start reporting all posts by EZA that are considered spam or irrelevant. let's help keep this forum clean

  7. Look for my new post entitled "How to SEO" and follow along with me while i turn a brand new domain and a brand new website in to the #1 position in google for a popular keyword. if i can do it, so can you....and i will show you how after i complete my goal in 1-2 months!

  8. aw damnit.. everytime i post the voting thread, at least of your sig has a blank icon and i have to fix it... and that reminds me, don't forget to vote in the sotw. http://tinyurl.com/SOTW15

  9. ok. working on a nich keyword website. i will update you all when i am done. for now it's parked at sedo. http://kindlewirelessreadingdevices.net/ is focused on the amazon kindle wireless reading device. specifically geared to the new dx model. it will go live next week.

  10. Featured friend of the day: Anwii cutee brother of Chini cutee xD

  11. hh hooo i have learned a lot ..now let me live the life...i have been to rest ...let me work for life...i have dreamt a lot ..let me see them live ohh hoo..it 's so depressing not to have a life...locked in a cage ....it is not the life..give me tonnes of work...a purpose of life..open the door please...free my mind...im not a dust ..im a girl alive .a reason to smile.....

  12. Someone really likes planes..

  13. my new site is 90% done.. all i have to do now is the SEO and cache...

  14. Yahoo! email, you're really a freakin idiot for the second time this week, you know that?

  15. finding friends to discus

  16. what is love? baby don't hurt me... don't hurt me... no more!

  17. Featured friend of the day: Anwii cutee brother of Chini cutee xD

  18. I'm a lonely pile of dung in the middle of a field so green, being dung, as you might expect, I rarely feel clean.. I'm not a plant growing for villagers to eat, nor will I be fine cuisine.. I'm a pile of dung, that's all I am, and that's what I've always been.

  19. Featured friend of the day: CHini Cutie =)

  20. my hands are shaking like i'm some kind meth addict...

  21. well i know that life is not a bed of roses but picking up these numerous thorns is getting tougher day by day...

  22. Featured friend of the day: CHini Cutie =)

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