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Everything posted by psychiccyberfreak

  1. hey guys, I was wondering. How do I take an image's blank background and cut it out so I can just fool around with the image?My sig is coming good. In my opinion it looks good for my first sig. I'll post it up here when it's done. It kinda looks plain, like a bunch of pictures sloplly pasted on a background, with something that looks like pink smoke... What could I do to spice it up?
  2. yeah, I hav to admit, that's not too efficent. Nice try though...
  3. k, here's the thing, my budget is usually tight, so for now I'll use the gimp, and then later when I can make some money I will buy the software. I know that may sound messed up to you, but I'm too young for a job.
  4. hey, I'm making my own sig in the gimp for the first time, and I was just wondering what I should do or some beginer tips or suggestions.thanksB.J.
  5. totaly man, you gotta hate, without it life would be boring, too easy, blah blah blah. seriously, hate can do some bad things, but it's like drugs, you can't stop once you're on it. too much hate is kinda bad, but you need to get enough hate in your life. the best kind is when you have the advantage or whateva.
  6. hey, your design I'm sure is high level and all, but it's a little dark. I can't read the text too well. Mabe change the font color or agust the contrast / brightness of the graphics.That's what I think, other then that, pretty sweet.
  7. I like saint michel's, cuz it has a nice neon- purple color, it looks like mario is way high off the ground, plus, I like the text style, it stands out from the dark image.
  8. yeah, I'm new to linux, so this will be my first walk away from windows xpI'll try all the oses you guys tell me about.I'm going to make a cd that I can boot something like debian from without having to install everything, so I can feel like I'm at home when I go over to a friends house or something.
  9. My favorite phone brand is kyocera. My first phone lasted a long time, even though I dropped it, left it in a freezer, sprayed it with a mister fan, you know, all that great stuff. I have the slider now, it's freakin awsome.
  10. If your talking processors, which I'm sure you are, I have an intell based prosessor. It's a pentium 4, so I'll go with that. Thanks.
  11. so, what should I download? [alpha] [arm] [hppa] [i386] [ia64] [m68k] [mips] [mipsel] [powerpc] [sparc] or [s390]?
  12. wow, thanx. That was helpfull.anything lightweight?
  13. I wanted to know what the best free os out there was. I would like it to be lighteight, sence I allredy have windows, and I'm uisng this for other things like checking e-mail. Something that boots up quick. Any suggestions?
  14. man, I saw something like this, it is freaking awsome, I'm definately using that fed ex box Idea while I redo my room next week, no, I'm dead serious, I'm just gunna paint them and make them look like they are wooden.
  15. I'm 13 and I know how to do some PHP, I want to program, but man, someone get her phone number! just kidding. no seriously, that is crazy. What do you need to get certified anyway?
  16. try wiping it clean, then putting all the songs back on. Try using different computer, put i-tunes on it, and that should wipe the I-pod clean and just load your ipod back up. What happens is that if the Ipod can't read the song, it stutters, tries to play that part, and sometimes skips songs. try that, or else send it back in.
  17. have you tried fooling around with the color bit rate? (16 bit looks like what you have, 32 bit is normal) just right click on the desktop and hit properties on the menu, and then go all the way to the "advanced" tab and change 16 bit to 32 bit. I think that's what you do. All else fails, do what they juat said.
  18. well, he probably died because: [+]he had a seasure from all the flashes [+]he went dehidrated or starved himself [+]he was playing a horrible game just kidding... [+]he died for some other reason then playing video games [+]he did not have enough sleep, too much stress, blah blah blah... I predict that someone will do studies on how he died, now. After reading that, I'm kinda afraid of my playstation now, but that won't stop me from playing games, using the computer, and all that great stuff!
  19. I don't know about that, can you give me a link to some proof? I never remember that happening. Still, macromedia has a lot going for them, so I don't think adobe bought them out at all, then again, what do I know.
  20. yeah, on top of what all the other guys said, sometimes I get that on my DSL router. If you notice that, try turning off your router/modem and letting it cool off. Once it's an average temperature to the touch, put it back on and try it again. If all else fails, call tech support for your ISP, then your router/modem.
  21. I'm going to have to say true fusion's.he has a cool background, johnny's is kinda plain. true fusion has a really out of the ordinary font for that text. Jhonny's may have a really life-like 3D character there, but I like the style of truefusion's. Sorry johnny.
  22. yeah, I'd use the php manual like opaque said. you can get it free off php's official site. If you don't like that, pick up a book from your local bookstore.
  23. my suggestion is to get a book. Vb from what I hear is very easy, it's kinda like flash exept with some limitations and a twist. If you can borrow a copy from a friend or something, but DON'T register it. good luck with vb. I don't think you'll need it, it's simpler then java, so it's gotta be easy.
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