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Everything posted by psychiccyberfreak

  1. I like the I-pod best. When that fails, I pop out my clie, download some tunes from music.download.com free and legally, and listen away. Really awsome.
  2. my site got a security update! now I'm pretty much hacker proof.
  3. what's the site? It sounds interesting, even if it is just a little project of mine.
  4. mabie you should try getting a clipboard history program. I have one built in to "A-Toolbar", I got it off download.com if you want to take a look. It has a whole bunch of other tools for web site owners too, give it a try. I feel sorry for you with the e-mail thing. That happened to me in a contest where I won $1.50 from the cap off of a root beer bottle. whatever. Try some hacking mabie, like write a script that will read your password off the hotmail database, and use the web pages as a refference. Good luck.
  5. that's a good site. All of my stff was blocked exept for the good popups and the DHTML ones. Good site, really!
  6. I use that, but I wanted to have an edge. mabie I should use something premium though. I dont know.
  7. I agree, diablo is awsome. I havent played in a while, mabie I will tonight. Diablo needs another expansion pack. It's a good game, but it could be better.
  8. that's really great! I'm glad they finally found a cure, but is it for everyone? and if we didn't have radiation, this probably could have been avoided. Cancer, you know. Whatever.
  9. yeah sure, make microsoft richer I cant do anything on my laptop. Why help micrsoft, if they cant help me?
  10. if its free, I want to do it. 4500 is alot. I only have like 100 now so I will gladly take the test, even though I'm a newb to c programing.
  11. there's a neat accessory that sony makes for the memory stick and you hook it up to your TV, put in your memory stick, and you can record anything on your TV. Movies, you playing video games, whatever, and just snap it into my clie, and BAM! anything I want. I just need to save up for it though...
  12. I've seen that, it looks pretty cool. Flying to school and stuff? awsome. Tell me when I can buy.
  13. that would be pretty cool, but then we would all be lazy. You know? lets do something practical.
  14. I hope it's much better, cuz I normaly hate microsoft. Mabie more like firefox? it better, cuz I probably wont look at it.
  15. it lookes a little plain. TRy some more graphics, or a color scheme. just black looks plain. Mabie some chrome. TRy it out.
  16. that's weird. Someone likes too much TV. I dont really watch anything but invader zim, family guy, you know. TV is really messing up some people. some things are just stupid, like soap operas. I hate them, everyone is a near-life screwup. Someone killing someone to fix a tv? messed if you ask me.
  17. I Just downloaded episodes of invader zim, and transfered them to my clie, and now I watch tv at school, it's freaking awsome. so now all I need is a few 3d games and a video recorder thing and a backup batery, and I'm all set. The flash player is pretty crappy, I cant play anthing more then 2 megs (ram space) so you know, it's ok. It's still pretty cool for a little palm pilot.
  18. wow, that's pretty messed up. A chicken. yeah, it is a deadly animal. wach out for it's deadly feathers, they could give you alergies! hahaha! yeah right! now, who the hell fines a chicken?
  19. even though bill gates is pretty avericious... :lol:anyways, windows I say is like this:It's as far away from perfect as possible, yet, you can't really have a high end computer without it.I don't really know about you, but when's the last time you've heard a big thing in the news that has to do with linux, or OSX? I've only heard of things like "new update lets you destroy malware in windows" and let's not forget, "the biggest game ever! (system requirements: nvidia sound card, windows operating system, etc." You can't really make an apple computer, and you can't really upgrade an I-mac. That's probably why everyone likes windows, but I wish that this longhorn thing is finalized before it's released, cuz I hate updates. They allways slow down my system untill I am fed up and buy a new computer. IT takes my laptop around 15 minuites to load, and I have 8 things in the background. It's enough to drive me insane!
  20. heh, I tried to use gamespace light, I dont get one bit. Also, they only let you use a certain ammount of polygons, so if you sell it, it'll look like crap. You know?
  21. Something similar happened to my laptop. The graphics card fan would not spin. What I did was in my computer, I took it under the hood, and had to reconect the wire to the motherboard. Now it works fine. So anotherwords, try checking that everything is plugged in inside of the computer. for your os problem, try copying all of your documents onto a CD and then wipe the drive clean, format it, re-install the os, and load your files back on with the CD. Dont use the CD for programs, though, only for documents. If all else fails, get a good computer. If you get a dell though, do NOT use their coustomer service. Either that or try using a computer repair shop. They do this stuff for a living, so they will definatly fix it. Hope that helped you.
  22. I highly reccomend making a boot disk, mabie that will help.If that dosent work, try getting new ram. Sometimesif a few chips die in that ram card, you get less memory and windows can't load itself onto the ram. Also, it could be the fact that you need a boot-disk, or a network or some external source to boot, like at my school.
  23. actually, widnows 98 was robably microsoft's finest creation. Windows XP is full of bugs and holes, but 98 worked like a charm (for me, anyway) I just didn't like that retro-style look.
  24. Actually, I started with an old casiopia E-25, a windows CE device. I liked it, but somehow for me it was lacking. I coulden't find another PDA suited for me, untill I layed my eyes on this one. It was expensive, but I got it off ebay for like $330 and it came with a nice case, it was my dream come true. It didn't come with the drivers CD though so I bought a spare one, and now my system was set up. This is a very reliable PDA for me so far. Sometimes it takes a long time to respond or prosess sometimes. It's pretty good.
  25. I just got my new sony clie PEG-UX50 and it is one heck of a handheld! It includes: [+]wi-fi [+]bluetooth [+]built in camera [+]memory stick drive [+]addon slot [+]landscape positioned screen [+]built in keybord It has a ton of included bundle software, and the nice thing is that If you download an mp3 off of a web site, you can just swich to the music player and listen to it without the computer! The camera gives you pretty good quality for it's size, kinda like a high end webcam. IR port to beam stuff, layed out like a mini tablet PC, runs on palm OS 5.2, and a retractable stylus that is the size of any other pda stylus. Assignable buttons are great, especialy if you use a different web browser than they give you. The one problem is that it comes with nothing but a wrist strap, and the cradle, and cables, and charger. The worst thing is the batery life, and average 30 minuites for something like the camera. They have a detachable extended battery that you can buy, but it's pretty expensive. The bottom line is that if you really need something high end, get this, and the extended battery, or carry the charger everywhere you go. You need the cradle to charge it, but the USB cable goes into the handheld itself. I personally like it, but the battery could last longer. unit's info page
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