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Everything posted by psychiccyberfreak

  1. I have a new Ipod, and I love the fact that I can put the skins over it to express myself.
  2. the contest can be found here. You can post something at that location and you will garenteed get an awsome prize. A definate check it out.
  3. I have it, and sience it I've uninstalled msn, yahoo, AIM, and ICQ. Totally kicks.
  4. Hey everyoneI was looking to have a g-mail account, so can u please send an invite to me? thanx.My e-mails-bj@psychiccyberfreak.tkbj@psychiccyberfreak.trap17.compsychiccyberfreak@yahoo.com <--- I prefer this one, but it doesent matterpsychiccyberfreak@prodigy.net
  5. I already used dreamweaver's free trial, and I loved it, but it wasent free, and cost like 1000 dollars or something. so, I'm looking for a good visual html free web page creator, and I have frontpage on my other computer, which I dont have any of my site data on, so for now, I use word, and This is what happened Yeah.
  6. can someone help me find a good html editor?
  7. Its racist to say, and when you don't say it, people think your gay. Its realy sad. "Society these days can be so horible. That's why I made up the shatterbox. Yes, it's limmited to the people at my school, but you all can make your own vertion, just don't copy mine.
  8. yeah, I use core ftp too. Its great, and Ive never had an issue with it. Also, if you use frontpage, or dreamweaver, there's a built in ftp client that you have to set up first, but definately worth it!!!
  9. a little err, plain, how bout adding some sick graphics.my site still aint up, but I could be using a cool layout, but thats ok.it looks preatty good, but you should make it more attractive.
  10. well, that's the only two games I have so far, but I could probably get some others, so I'll get back to you on that.I guess I can just rent it...
  11. your not the only one, I got dumped by one before I could even know her. I think she's playing hard to get, but I don't know. I wish I could just read their minds, how scary it might be.
  12. dude, I wish i could get dsl. My dad hates cablevision, so we have satilite tv, which is horrible for an internet service, so we get dsl, but our phone company kills us because were 50 ft away from the acces point. that means my nabors can get it, but I cant. does that suck or what.
  13. I've always dreamed of making bots like that!amazing! how did he do it? I cant belive I'm working on a cruddy little coustom build PC. THAT"S AWSOME.if only it had a cockpit, some flames painted on it, so i could drive it down to 7 11 everyday and pick up girls.mabie its too early to do that, but AWSOME!!!
  14. I am going to upload a picture for my sig, it looks awsome, and I made it on my claculator. colored it in paint, looks preaty cool.I made a costume for holoween for it, cause I couldent find one for me in my attic. It's a program that draws a face on my calc. I think this is kind of becoming an obsession, but I still hang out with my friends. (they think what I'm doing is awsome, and want me to teach them how to program on a calc)I'l upload it once I get out of school. TGIF!!!
  15. helo. It's me.I'm putting together an online gaming clan, and I need some good people that play diablo 2 and aquanox, mabie some other online games, I found a program that I will e-mail you when you join, along with a pdf (your clan handbook)if your interested, post something.you may get something if you join...
  16. The most amazing calculator that ive seen is the TI-92 plus. IT DOES 3D GRAPHING!!! That would come in handy when making 3d games, but nobody has one these days. Heres a list of games I'm working on: * an RPG rloe playing game (no name, please help me out here.) * a text adventure game * an already made magic 8 ball game w/o graphics (working on the graphics part...) *a virus that does not do anything but annoy the hell out of you * and something that algebreicly solves equations (dumb math class...) Once I get my hosting I will definatly make a section for that. I found someone who made a final fantacy game for his calculator. click here to download it. That and on my site I'm working on something like cokemusic.
  17. I'm realy big on final fantasy games. I found this guy who made a vertion for his graphing calculator. amazing. Other cool games are square-unix games, and games on gamespy are preatty cool. DIABLO 2 ROCKS!!!
  18. what have you made for your graphing calculator?
  19. These things are awsome!!!they are like mini computers, like a PDA, but simpler.I make a bunch of programs for my calc, and eventualy when I get my hosting, I will put my calc software and other cool stuff on there. If anybody wants they can put up the source code for their calc stuff, and you can just copy and paste it into any TI Graph link software maker. later!
  20. I found it at free-webhosts.com, and I think it's fenominal.
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