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Everything posted by toby

  1. I have little knowlegde of PHP, and none/never done a cron job. How would I save two images that change every ten minutes on another website? Maybe add a timestamp and put them in a folder.
  2. My school had this, never got round to using it.Anyone uploaded what they made?
  3. Main Signature Text (e.g. your username): tobyColour Scheme:AbstractGrunge Type:Not paint attackAnimation: If anything, the word "tobylane" floating around at the bottom.Characters/Objects: Nothing really, if you really need something msn me.
  4. So you quit this year or you still act like you are 10?It's free, wow is like $60 then $15 a month.You can play on any computer. It got a new skill TODAY, it gets updates weekly.Anyway, if you hate it, why should we?
  5. At least 6 years old. Anyway, don't google download the internet every week or so?
  6. Try making it file.html then opening in a browser.
  7. MS has better graphics, but thats all I know.Runescape is no-download, you can play from any computer. You can't run out of things to do, Arbitary was probably f2p and picky. In one way, it's completable, you can get 99 in a skill but you can still get much more xp, and higher up on the highscores. But in another way, it's updated almost weekly, so it takes years of fun to finish it, and that doesn't stay like that for long.
  8. Err.. where do the non-russians go?No, I'm fine missing out if there isn't an english version.
  9. Kardus has a point, like comparing mIRC to *****X. But I'm sure mIRC has more downloads.Opera isn't that different from FF, in over 99% of cases, if it displays in IE and is W3 valid it will show well in FF and perfect in Opera.
  10. I really doubt this could be safe on a large scale, ie alongside wireless internet on a train.And US have this 230-something which makes you go to the toilet.
  11. We get that? That's dedi-level access.
  12. In Opera, site prefences (right click on any page) then scripting and it's off by default.
  13. I say lie-nux, but my brother says lin-uxs Don't know them GNOME Don't know. Ascii - A-ski Most of the rest are just phonetic english.
  14. I tried it, I didn't like it and it didn't really work. So if it was a placebo, should be more believeable.
  15. One leads away, one is literally stamped on. Try perspective drawing (using horizon points) for a bit (an hour or so) to get the idea of depth.
  16. Anyone else see the nonsensicalness of this? I say it like Charcoal. Href is Heh-ref to me.
  17. Either digitally record it, or get a ps2 emulator and poke around. Or just plonk it in your CD drive and hope it's like a normal data disc.
  18. Or, do what you should do anyway, get Opera. Then do what I do, turn frames off.
  19. If you mean why average computer rather than a bank, it's a lot easier and smaller fine.
  20. I'd suggest getting a few LiveCDs, personally the only one I've tried is Ubuntu and I love it.
  21. The only payouts, in order from smallest to biggest, are domain, hosting and forum. All can be free (Co.nr or .tk, Here, Smf) to fairly high ( com/biz/info, dedicated server*, Ibp). Ibp > Vbulletin > Rest are free. * One I go on, with about 85k members now is on four servers.
  22. That website doesn't say anything about it's size, the only thing I found was the daily snapshots, they are 1.3mb. I don't think this is much of a real OS, not one you could post here on. Stuff like DSL (Damn Small Linux) are smallest, proper operating systems.
  23. I do want proof because of how ridiculous this sounds, and if it's a problem Jagex need to know about they will ask for proof. So prove how Jagex-allowed adverts can get you hacked.
  24. Sure, a resposible company that advertises on Runescape sends out your ip to their favourite hackers(!) You can tell Jagex that an ad does this, but I know for a fact you have no proof.
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