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Everything posted by toby

  1. The FF addon actually gets pages from the internet too. Like Opera's fast foward, it guesses your next move, you can set it to guess a lot of clicks (meaning more pages are preloaded). But Opera's is just one button, no preloading. Much better.
  2. This is illegal, a perm ban in Runescape for ALL accounts (the one buying, the one selling, and the one traded).
  3. Another illegal server? Someone else found proof hosting servers gets a perm ban from them, and therefore us I think.
  4. He asks you to add his noob, then says crappy ways of making money in RuneScape. Shredder, don't you think your double post, if not mine too, will get you loads of money?
  5. Who gets 99% of what they are sold? Here, I get about 20%, and they own the phone lines! (BT)
  6. toby

    Skype Phone

    eBay bought them a year ago, $2.6B I think.
  7. It's one of those weird inbetweens, if you're digital it'll be your desktopbg, if you're old you probably don't have a laptop. My grandparents have been converted (to digital), so I dunno anyone who'd like this.
  8. You could do the whole thing with document.write and all sorts of dom manipulation.
  9. Right...This guy doesn't make any sense, and I've never heard of you. Pre-pc 126's are rare, and well known. And by then, it's not boring.
  10. The only things better in FF than Opera, are the range of plugins (they take two minutes and no knowledge in Opera), and how you get it (When I debate with friends, open source seems to outrank everything, which makes no sense).FF is pretty bad, worse than IE6 in areas. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ In every debate I've had, no-ones found anything near that for Opera. And its all true.
  11. You could just use the first 17 letters of md5 of the file name?What is the link between the file and the random code?edit: Oh, the file is the same, then loads of random 17-long strings in a file, which any can be matched by the second box?
  12. Make one monster animation better than that, that you could do about 100,000 of, for dialup users.
  13. I got live cds of this and Ubuntu, and while neither worked on my resolution, I think KDE was worse than Gnome.
  14. At the least, I would do a dual boot, so I can use Ubuntu for speed.The external hard drive, I meant something that can have passworded folders, and still work on both Os's.
  15. Soon I will be needing a external hard-drive, mainly for college. I will hopefully have an laptop with Ubuntu on by then, but I also wanna use school/home(this) computers using Vista/Xp. And passwords, but not on the whole drive.Any product links or brands I should look out for?Also, is Ubuntu, Java and Openoffice enough for college? I'll probably get wine, and loads of beer
  16. Completey wrong place..If you want a well paying job in RS, add me and pm me, tobylane.
  17. Is this legal? A lot of private servers where you aren't supposed to host (ie, RS, not wow). Its not on http://iro.ragnarokonline.com/download/download.asp so I really doubt it.
  18. It's almost identical to the png-php thing, but its html. There are some extra things, like {}-f, but I can't comment on them. RewriteEngine onRewriteRule ^(*)\.html$ $1.php Then theres stuff like [R] to redirect (ie, the user has any clue), or headers, different proccessor, etc. Another way, in Cpanel I think theres a Mime-editor. Just make php parser .html. Edit : btw, somehow I knocked myself off the .html stuff this forum uses, I think I prefer it.
  19. It's one of the best installed mmorpg, not all mmorpg's. I havn't seen a good GW pic, but those people are nicer and happier.
  20. On this shell, that has shared apache, php and gd, I have this file working. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ But, with the normal htaccess of RewriteEngine onRewriteRule ^sig.png$ gd.php http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Doesn't work. Also, another gd picture doesn't display the text. <?phpheader("(anti-spam-(anti-spam-(anti-spam-content-type:))) image/png");$im = imagecreatefrompng("button.png");$bg = imagecolorallocate($im,255,55,25);imagefill($im,0,0,$bg);imagestring($im,3,20,5,"Your IP is ",$bg);imagepng($im);imagedestroy($im);?>The second line is supposed to be header("Content-type: image/png");; Any ideas? Edit: Also, how can I use mt rand to make the first more random? It's an array of the texts.
  21. We (UK) have it, and it just seems to be wasting time and money doing all those requests. But yeah, they always have crap to hide.
  22. Like with all dual-boots, they share the /swap area.
  23. At my old school, the run program prompt was blocked, which came up when I did it on this computer.Still, I might try this at the library.
  24. ... Someone who has 200 sharks and loads of glories, or RFD done, isn't exactly in rags.
  25. ...This is crap... Yes, there are some really really REALLY freaky words that get an unban, but I've seen one too similar to this, saying stuff like cult, genocide and cats that got denied...
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