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Everything posted by Dawid

  1. I'm a fairly curious- Relating to the above post what is the average age of users on trap 17? I think there has been a poll sometime in the past but I can't remember. I'm assuming that the average age is fairly young, an assumption I make by observing some of the forum topics and posts. I'm 21, turning 22 in August though so I suppose it's a fairly biast opinion- It would be cool if there was like a 20+ section though where we could actually chat about some meaningful topics- Like the recent death of Pop John Paul II- massive headlines around the world yet no topic of Xisto.
  2. I've had this problem many a time and it has always happend when I needed access to my site and more particularly, my email. If your account gets suspended your credits need to go all the way up to >3 and not just positive before your domain will be reactivated. Even then the script takes a while, up to a few hours I have found, to reactivate. So I guess the best method would be to just not fall into negative credits
  3. I bought the sony erricson k700i and it has really treated me well so far. I particularly like the mp3 player, even though it may be low on storage space it's still a great feature. the camera isn't bad at all but I have found the video to be a tad buggy at times, I'm not talking about the quality either- just the frame rate sometimes will go all strange. It's got bluetooth and also has the software so you can use it as a remote with your laptop or desktop computer. it's pretty cool, you can control the desktop and media player, it acts as a mouse. The battery life is around 5 days with medium amounts of talk time and not really using the MP3 player or the built in FM radio. It's pretty neat because you can actually use bluetooth to transfer some mp3's accross and then use them as your ringtone, plays really well and with a considerable level of volume. All in all, not a bad phone, has some flaws but hey.
  4. Dawid

    Favourite Gun

    I love the plasma gun. My favourite quake gun ever was definately the hyperblaster in quake 2. I used to rock with that gun, I wish they had that one in quake 3. The BFG is actually going to make an appearance in the doom movie starring the rock. Does anybody know what sort of guns they are going to have in the upcoming release of quake 4? I really havn't heard much about it, I would have though that there would have been much more hype about it at the moment. Quake, what a series of games.
  5. You really should've put an option for none on there. I'm pretty happy with my PC and couldn't justify myself splashing out for a consol at this time, pretty expensive and from what I understand, games can also prove to be pretty expensive. Although I must admit that I have enjoyed sessions on my one mates XBOX from time to time.
  6. That is really bad but unfortnately it happens all the time. Up until late last year I lived in South africa for about 14 years and I'm very sorry to say that something like that would never ever make the news simply because it is far too common. I feel so bad saying this but in South Africa often babies get raped and that will usually not make national news, just a local paper. It's a fantastic country with so much oppurtunity and the friendliest most accepting people around but man they have to get that rape situation under control.
  7. What is PSP? Is it a newer version of Photoshop because I just bought the creative suite last week and would be heavily dissapointed if a newer version just came out today. Well I guess I would only have myself to blame for not doing a bit of research!
  8. School may suck but just persevere and get through, life after school is awesome. If anybody ever told you that school days are "the best of your life" ignore them because University after school is really amazing. You meet 10 times the amount of people and you don't get judged. I'm not saying that all universities are like that but I know mine is, I've had such a wonderful time since school. When you look back on your school days you can't believe how many idiots and morons there were back then and how people could be so shallow and one dimensional. Just push through it, good times are coming soon.
  9. Dawid

    Nasty People

    That may just be a different view of what is appropriate or not. To call it nasty is just ridiculous I think though, it really doesn't sound as if she was intentionally trying to aggrevate or irritate your girlfriend, clueless and ditsy yes, but nasty is a bit rash don't you think?
  10. I apologise for that outburst but it also comes as a result of my credits going negative once and thus meaning I couldn't access my mail and I got credits up to around three and desperately needed some information from my email that was sent to me from my lecturer in proffesional communication- my account was not enabled for more than 24 hours and it really messed me around badly, I had to phone the lecturer at around 8pm at home and asked him to send it to a different email address. What a fantastic impression that made on him especially seeing as he'll be one of the people assessing my 2 year thesis in a months time.
  11. **I know my account may be suspended due to this post but this is how I feel**I absolutely hate the credit system- I don't know exactly what people do around here for a living but I don't have time to spend a few hours a week making posts about topics I don't even want to participate in because they really do lack anything intellectually stimulating. If your over 21 these forums really are just a means to get free hosting and they do really provide very little entertainment. Dodgers posts may have been content from other websites but at least they provided something worthwhile reading on these forums instead of reading about how much people hate the phrase "I know you are but what am I" or what your favourite soft drink is. I'm involved in another forum, no obligation for anything and it has around 3000 users but one gets to actually discuss and debate on topics that actually matter. There are real issues out there and other forums at least have the IQ to speak out about them, I for one am getting sick of this truley mindless gibberish that gets passed around out here and am seriously considering, like dodger, a change of host or even paying for webhosting because spending time on these forums is as much of a waste of time as watching WWE. The forum subsections that actually have potential to provide some decent discussion are all labelled "No post count" anyway. I realise that my hosting may be disabled because of this post but I please ask you to at least respect the fact that I have valuable information on there and to give me a week or two to find a new host and transfer all my data across.
  12. I don't know where you guys are living but I havn't heard that in years, not since primary school basically. I think by saying that you are indirectly saying to the other person " I am as stupid and thick as they come and cannot hold down a decent conversation so I'm happy to look like an idiot and talk like this, even though the only thing I'm accomplishing is making a fool of myself"
  13. Dawid

    Online Money?

    Hey man, your best bet is Google adclicks. There are tons of guides on the web on how to get the most money from them. I don't have them on my site but one of my best mates does and he has received two cheques from them. If your website gets a fair bit of traffic give it a shot, I've heard of small business's getting a lot of money. The key is in the definition of your site, thus leading to what ads get displayed as they pay differently. My mate said that he managed to set it so that ad's for web hosting pop up and you can get up to a few dollars for a click. Just do a google search to see how one can get the most cash out of it. It generally takes google two or three days to review your site and get back to you. Good luck!
  14. I wholeheartedly agree with that statement. Very cool game but as much as I tried I never really got into it. Battlefield 2 is gonna be an absolute cracker though. The previews and everything I've read about it so far makes it sound as if it'll be one of games to remember this year! Does anybody know when it's coming out? Maybe I should go ahead and pre order it...
  15. I'm not the biggest fan of NASCAR, mainly because it doesn't get broadcast in this country like in does in the USA. I enjoy F1 one though, mainly because it does get broadcast here . I've managed to see a few clips of NASCAR though and it did seem pretty exciting, I think it's a bit too american for me aswell though:) One needs some variety in life and unfortunately all we get on public tv is 90% american...
  16. WOW! That sounds fantastic, I just happend to watch the movie last night! How weird is that. Man those graphics just look too ridiculously good. The screenshots seem to have a bit of a mafia feel to it, I wonder if they can better mafia. The big difference between the two games is that Mafia basicly popped up out of nowhere, no hype or anything really- With a title like "The Godfather", one would at least expect something decent, living up to the title of the fantastic movie- Too many games live off of the hype of the movie and are basicly just rushed to capitalise on the movies hype, not really taking the time to make it a classic. "The Hulk" and plenty of other games have done this, man that really was a big let down- when you really think of it, you could make an awesome hulk game, not just an arcade game for consoles.
  17. I'm really not in my best Xisto mood at the moment. It's been 24 hours since I upped my forum posts into positive and STILL my account hasn't been reactivated. This is really starting to get so drastically urgent at the moment and I just can't seem to get hold of anybody. So admin, if you read this PLEASE reactivate my account!
  18. I've recently also joined the XVID craze, I find it has unmatched quality/compression ratio, you can immediately tell an XVID video from a mile away. I find the richness of colors are also absolutely sensational and the reliability and simplicity of the compression process is just an absolute delight. Having said all that, I'd also love to hear about any other compressions that rival xvid.
  19. Go for it, download it now- I'm a HUGE fan of enemy territory- for a free download it's up there amongst the best, has to be one of the most tactical, most team based games out there. If you don't work as a team, you will lose, I swear- it's that simple. There are tons of features and make sure you give the manual a good read before you do anythings as there are many attributes to each character and it's crucial for a team to get the right balance or else you lose... It's that simple. The only problem is that the game doesnt come with that many maps, but I suppose it is a free game. There are tons more maps and addons available all over the web though. The key to winning in the game is communication, too often the team will just lose it and each man goes on his own mission and your team just gets absolutely cleaned up, work together and you usually just fly through the enemy.
  20. I can't believe how quickly the Doom 3 expansion has come out, I havn't even bought Doom 3 yet! Is it worth the price because I heard from various people that it really is just a bit too much, but I suppose to be up to date in the gaming world I'll have to purchase it. I never thought I'd even contemplate not buying it but it's a lot of cash, how is the multiplayer in the game or will we still have to battle over the web with other games? The grav gun does really sound far too familiar though...
  21. I havn't had the chance to play it yet but if it's anything like the 2004 one I'll definately go and buy it. I loved NHL 2004! What a great game, and I live in a country where NHL doesn't even exist! Is NHL 2005 better than NHL 2004, please let me know so I can decide whether or not to go buy it!
  22. My ultimate goal in life would be to just live happily until the end. I would of course love to have children along the way as I believe it's simply a human being's duty to have offspring. But happiness and enjoyment are definately the number one goals in life, to keep my health until the end and die peacefully would be the cherry on the top.
  23. There are some great ad's these days but I reckon the Australian beer ad's are by far the best! I swear, they are so funny and completely original- Apparantly they played one of them at last years superbowl.
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