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Everything posted by Dawid

  1. That is a pretty big mistake. Someone definately is in a lot of trouble, imagine the cost involved with recalling all of those MP3 players and refunding and everything.
  2. Should be very cool. Does anybody know if resident evil will be making an apperance on PSP anytime soon? Does anybody here own a PSP yet and if so, how well does it play and are you generally happy with it?
  3. Okay, this one is a little tricky but I managed to get it. What it is saying is that the person travelled at a constanst speed of 87.5km/h(no acceleration, no deceleration at all ever) and then came to an immediate stop for 22 minutes, and at the end of it all her average speed was 72.8.Now the way to work this out is to remember that firstly we are dealing with minutes, so convert 87.5km/h and 72.8km/h to minutes87.5/60=1.45633km/m(best to keep in calculator memory for accurate readings)72.8/60=1.21333km/m(best to keep in calculator memory for accurate readings)Now, basically what we are trying to find is a distance covered by the vehicle that is equal to 87.5km/h in X minutes, and 72.5km/h is X+22 minutes. She will have covered the same distance but the 22 minute break gave a slower average so we will take the time as X and X+22(for the 22 minute break).So your equation should look like thisConstantSpeed * time = AverageSpeed * time+22Thus 1.45633*x = 1.21333(x+22) 1.45633x = 1.21333x + 26.69326 0.243x = 26.69326 x = 109.848Thusx=109.85The time taken was around 109.85 minutes.You can check like this: 109.85 * 1.45633km/m = 159.99 109.85+22 * 1.21333km/m = 159.99Make sure you keep all calculations in calculator memory though and work off that to get the most accurate reading.
  4. I'm involved in the Democratic society at my University, it's very cool. Once you get your head around all the politics of politics suddenly the nightly news seems a lot more interesting. I'll be going for president(of the organisation) next year, don't think I'll get it but a commitee member hopefully.
  5. A lot of people have suggested buying comic books, sealing them and selling them in 50 years. It won't work, I read an interview with a comic industry professional and he said that they'd probably be worth less than they are now because everything is so heavily produced. Also if you go to http://comicspriceguide.com/ you'll see that unless you have the original #1 of a comic book, or a copy of an edition where something substancial happens(like daredevils first wear of his 'new' constume) they are worth practically nothing. I just bought the first edition of marvel adventure featuring daredevil #1 1976, perfect condition off ebay for basically nothing, I then looked a bit deeper and saw that the most expensive copy of that edition was going for $50, with most going around $10. Any comic bought today will not be worth anything in the future as no new comic will grip people as much as they did in the old days. If you had a genuine copy of Action Comics #1(that's the first superman comic) you could ask anything from between $500,000 up to $3,500,000... Now that's an investment.
  6. I've had around that amount in stocks through a brokerage for about the last 3 years, it's pretty cool, you invest it and then just forget about it. Last I checked I think it had grown around 30% in the last 3 years, not bad at all, I'll basically forget about it for a few years and then hopefully it would have doubled and adjusted according to the GDP and inflation.
  7. That is a ridiculous story, I can't even begin to fathom how anybody could spend that long playing games. If I'm incredibly bored I can maybe, just maybe, last 2 hours before reality hits me that it's an awesome day outside and there are 10 things better than this I can be doing outside, instead of rotting inside. It's a sad story but I'll be perfectly honest, I laughed hard through that article. My personal record might be 3 hours, and I'm shameful in saying that. There are tons of sports to play, girls to flirt with and a life to be enjoyed than sitting in front of a screen for 10+ hours. I honestly am amazed that guys on this forum say that that's what they do? Don't you get incredibly bored? I get so bored when if I play games for a while. I've got one game on my laptop at the moment, GTA:SA and I might do around 3 missions a week on a good week- that's just me, games bore the hell out of me these days.
  8. I am in the same boat. I just absolutely love google and have for many many years ago. The first time I started using google was when it was still the main engine for Yahoo, that must have been like 10 years ago. I love how fast google searches and the reliability of results. 10 out of 10!
  9. Dawid

    Web Games

    There are some great sites for webgames out there. http://www.miniclip.com/games/en/ is one of them, the other is http://www.fhm.com/(advised for the more mature members), they have 100 web games for procrastination during office hours and it's kept me busy during many an hour at work.
  10. I honestly don't even think you can compare the two. They are seperate and completely different games, both will be cool and will be of the ridiculously high standard that blizzard has set for themselves. I will personally play both, I just hope Diablo 3 has more depth than Diablo 2, something more along the lines of baldurs gate or the like. Starcraft 2 will get an incredible reception, wow, such a long wait, I think most people have forgotten all about starcraft. I'm assuming they will be using a vamped version of the warcraft engine as they did for the original. I'm looking forward to both, anybody know of any release dates?
  11. The psp gets released here in australia in early september, I've seen the posters everywhere, looks pretty cool. Havn't really read into the nintendo DS or seen it advertised, I know australia has a huge nintendo market though so it would do well here regardless of the reputation of the psp.
  12. I have the sony erricson K700i. It's very cool and so far hasn't dissapointed me whatsoever except for the camera. I can't really say too many bad things about the camera though as it isn't one of the new 1.3megapixel phone cameras that are becoming fairly standard these days. It has an MP3 player though that always keeps me entertained! Just wish it had a card slot so I could put more on. Generally, happy though.
  13. I've been using a wireless internet connection on the university campus for a while now and it's really awesome, have never had a problem with it although I'm pretty sure this is more like a wireless area network connection rather than a pure wireless internet connection. Most of our campus is covered and I've really enjoyed using it. At home I still use ADSL.
  14. I hate reality shows- they used to be reality but now they are marketed and produced in methods that force the participants to act in certain ways as perceived by the creators of the show. 90% of them are tripe in my opinion.
  15. In the late 80's I owned some sort of IBM. I remember playing a few kings quests and also an awesome game called montezumas revenge, I still think about that game every now and again!
  16. I just recently bought the Kodak DX7590. It's really cool, it is 5 megapixel and has a 10 times optical zoom. It has tons of manual settings so is clearly aimed at a professional market. I myself am not a professional photographer but the camera was on special so I jumped on it. It is a rather largish camera and won't easily fit into your pocket.
  17. Definately Intel. Purely because I have an Intel Centrino based laptop and it is so cool, no regrets and apparently the AMD laptop technolody isn't nearly as efficient as the intel. I could be wrong, it's just what I've heard.
  18. odds are if you are actually forced to ask the question the answer would be- "not many"
  19. I was wondering if anyone who has a mini HiFi that can play DVDs and picture CDs (mine also plays .mp3 and .wma cds) can tell me why some work and some dont? My coldplay DVD works on it, I get picture and sound and stuff, but when I hired Broken Arrow DVD from the video store it didnt. Was it an old copy (my HiFi is quite new)? Are there different DVD display formats? How do I know whether one will work on my hifi? Its the same with pictures, though I haven't found a picture CD that works yet... Do they have to be in .jpeg, or.gif format? How do I find this stuff out, coz I dont have the instrucytion manual. Any help?
  20. You ous are nowhere. The first computer I ever owned was known as a "Japple" or a Japanese Apple. It came with two floppy disk drives, a bus of a keyboard (With "return" instead of "enter") and a swamp orange/yellow and black screen. You could play a game called dogfight, awseome one! There were others too like snakebyte, frogger, and even Karateka. This thing was quite impressive...
  21. I think you have put a very specific definition onto moral fibre... I see it as not gender specific, ie not relating to emotional value between two people that are/could be/will end up in love, but rather as what a person is made up of in terms of the goodness he/she wishes to bring to others. Morals are those judgments/feelings (more gut feelings) upon which decisions are made. They are built into us from an early age and often stem from our parents opinions. So moral fibre is totally subjective. What may be a good deed in some societies or nieghbourhoods may be frowned upon in others. This is more evident in Western versus other societies, and more specifically religious groups. High moral fibre, I think, comes when a person is more selfless, without being dormant or letting others walk all over you. High moral fibre is being there for others when they need you, yet not compromising your own position or commitments. It is never compromising what you stand for, for morals are our base, the root level from which we base our decisions. And when we compromise our morals we are guilt-ridden and feel as if we have let not only others down, but more importantly ourselves, the only person who truly knows us, who can pass judgment completely as we are our harshest critic. So I suppose we have a few similar views...
  22. Don't even speak to me about spyware. That junk gets my blood boiling so incredibly it's just ridiculous. I always have some form of protection on but something will always somehow get through and the next thing I know I have actual applications on in my system tray and what not. There are some very good programs out there that help you remove it. I find spyware doctor to be really good, give it a shot.
  23. I've had a Dell Inspiron 8600 for nearly a year now and am incredibly happy with it and especially happy with Dell's technical support. It's awesome, my DVD writer was playing up and they actually drove out to the farm that I stay on and replaced it for me. I'm definately keen to get myself an extended warranty, I think it will be well worth it in the long run.
  24. When I was younger and everybody was around the 700mhz region for Pentium 3's, overclocking was huge as graphics cards and processors were lagging a little bit behind the needs for games. I overclocked my 733mhz to about 900mhz I think and all I did was open up the box and cool it with a big fan, makeshift I know, but effective none the less.
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