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Everything posted by Dawiss

  1. Welcome to Xisto..That's vool that you know lot in php and all that website stuff.. there many people need help about thous things (myself too:D).. So please stay active and maybe sometimes you could help me out with some coding ..GooD LucK ..
  2. hmm maybe but I don't think so that it will end on June 6th.. If you know such thing that a god number is 5-5-5 555.. so that means last year on May 05... there was something very good happaned (if god is good thing).. and there is lucky number I heared somewhere like 777.. so That means next year July 07.. everyone will be very lucky and all will win something awesome ..So I don't think it can't happen because nobody can say what will happen each day.. maybe you will awake very happy but then starts WW3 (world war 3)..Nice topic by the way ..
  3. hmm.. though battle but I will vote for Sain Michael.. Nice text (awesome) nad the render blends in good.. You all have awesome sigs and nice battle aganst the sotw #24 ..So:DjLuki: 1S_M: 3Avalon: 2P.S - apollo, if you will rate other jobs like you doo you will be kicked out I think and if you say someones jobs sux then make better one
  4. .. You were one of the most popularest friendliest and coolest member I have seen on this forum .. It's probably one of the unluckyest days ever on Xisto loosing such attractive and great designer too ;(.. Hope you sometimes will come on MSN so I can contact yoyu and talk about anything ..
  5. Nice tutorial.. I was seraching for such thing on google but didn't find it because didn't know what is it called .. now I noe that amazing word is FAVICON .. and I don't need to search naymore for it
  6. Evryone likes very cool cars I like one too but it's maybe not as cool as others here .. And its hummer.. I love it because It big, heavy and everything on it is cool.. mostly I like Hummer 3 it's big and looks cool.. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. hmm.. Im better falling in Goth category not punk or any others (I know in my pictures it can''t be seen..) I ussaly wear "Grinders" (army boots whit iron in them) dark clouthes and I really like Rock and heavy metal bands.. I just love such music. I know few people think that music is Sh!t but I like it because it makes me feel good ..
  8. Yeah I couldn't get right color for text and background..
  9. Here is my latest sig I made today.. because I found this render and wanted to make a sig for it : Please rate and comment..
  10. bg would be good if the butom won't be so dark and render need to be brighter too.. contrast too much and text need to be brighter.. 5/10.. sorry too dark..
  11. I edited this scripts after ernads post.. here is what problems now I have:admin.phpprofiles.phpverify.phpwhen open these page sit shows Unknown column 'nick' in 'where clause' and when user fills register form it is redirected to login page.. but when it trys to login it always says incorrecty login or password..what should I do?
  12. WOW... this is monster.. Americans agan surprised me .. If they have about 100 such why they need people in the war .. Hope they don't need to use it aganst anyone.. because I hate wars ..
  13. emm.. I think I have seen few of them in later topics .. First 3 are good but when you change the color of render and if it is black and you make it blue sorry but it don't look good.. Try adding some contrast and brightness to them..For that Anno Vissi.. Nothing special I think but looks nice ..Madluki sig render is agan that problem try making it multi color so it don't look all same so it have more colors and it looks better..thous next 4 I have seen alredy..
  14. Looks for good and an impressive job your working on .. For that slow progress thats ok because the general thing is to make it very good not fast and not so good ..
  15. Thanks OpaQue for the tutorial .. and tjanks jlhaslip for MySQl information.. Yeah Im total newbie in MySQL things and have newwer worked with them yet .. So big thanks and I hope I will make good database (db)..
  16. Is there any way to make such database where I can write like name and passwords.. Then make an login box, and when somebody trys to acces the login he needs to write the name and password.. Then it is verifyed if is there such name and password and if it is then acces the page.. I think there is posible something like that with MySQL (db).. but can anybody say me a script or way to make something like that?Alredy thanks..
  17. People with good humor and thous who like Rock are always welcome by me .. Good luck on Xisto here is the best free hosting I have ever seen and awesome moderator team.. :(And like u said please stay active ..
  18. Mine too is suspended but I have about 11 credits left.. But today it just shows Im suspended .. username: dawiss url: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. Ok thanks for help.. I have decided that I will make login from this tutorial : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/7247-complete-login-system-with-php-mysql/ But If I make an user profiles then I need to add each user to the database so when it trys to login it searches is it on the MySQL database..? Thanks agan everyone
  20. emm.. lol rocker who likes harry poter .. thats ok.. I like rock too.. So my favorite bands are KoRn, Disturbed, Green Day.. So I couldn's decid emy favorite because they change all time between these groups.. now my favorite is Disturbed - Shout 2000.. Recomend this to anyone ..
  21. BuffaloHELP It helped out a lot but still isn't right thing.. I will post a bit later the look on webpage so it will be clearlyer to understand.. Because I have alredy an login box that is working, and there is alredy members.. but I want to edit it so it works with nw look and diffrent page redirected.. apollo.. I think he won't tell me anything how he made it because it's his BIG secret .. Ok here is an example how I want to be: I have this league page with login that works perfect: Click here And I tryed to edit it, I didn't had any file of that page so I get it by File > Save Page As.. Then I edited it like I need and puted on net.. But now it works like: like this.. If you are clever then you will see that everyone can login members with password and anyone even not typing password.. So that I need is to make it work like only members can enter it, so can anyone help m out now?? Notice from BH: Merging.
  22. render is blended in only by changing its color try blending it in with feather typwe tool.. Try adding some contrast to the sig or render maybe it will look better.. GooD LucK editin
  23. Thanks BuffaloHELP but I have diffrent problem.. There are many users who can enter that site when writen right password and username.. So I need them to be redirected to right page when legged in.. But I have problem that everyone can acess that page just preesing login.. but I need to make something that only this website members can enter it..Short about that website:My website is Golf Club (minigolf league) that is based on http://www.myleague.com/ things.. it all works ok but now i need to change the login page so I can make the league better and popular..
  24. Nice tutorial .. Bassicly it can be used as a logo of simple website.. so nice one
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