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Everything posted by Dawiss

  1. This is my latest but I think not the best sig, because render don't fit in so good what you recomend? Rate & comment please
  2. Here is my first SOTW entry on this forum hope its lucky one : GooD LucK everyone!!
  3. Can anybody help me? Im making new website and there will be needed such thing as login... so there will be needed thing as cookies too. Can anybody please tell me how to make them and how and where to use them?Alredy thanks, Dawiss
  4. I was going around the Google and saw this RPG online game (Apeha.ru)... Maybe there is people who likes such games but I aint one of thous ... this game have lot of minuses: 1) This game is only in russian language and none of players speaks diffrent language but maybe not so big minus... 2) The game is laging all the time. There all is going by clock so time is very important but for lags it always goes 10 second slower... 3) In the game you get Exp points after killing someone but it's very hard killing players and it's very rare to get good Exp points... I advise someone to go look at the game and say what they think about this game, because maybe Im not right if someone have played this game please comment this topic... Adress for this game is: http://www.apeha.ru/
  5. Awesome tutorial.. You could use such thing on abstract sigs or wallpapers, just need to put 3D render and the sig is redy. It looks very easy to make it..GooD JoB
  6. When I used Dreamweaver it was a bit hard but with lots of tools and there you can make php too... after Dreamweaver I used such as front page and Notepad, but thay were to simple and I didn't liked them a lot . so I recomend you to use DreamWeaver Im using about for month and I have newer had problems with it... If you have MSN or Skype I could send you it if you really need it...
  7. Hey there!Im new in this forum but I have been in CFX to (now it's dead ) so I know a bit of such forums. Im pretty young... im only 14! I like making websites (now working on big project), making sigs and talking with people around the world. In free time I go out with friends play Volleyball (alredy 3 years) and go swiming. I like listening music, i think it's one of best things every invented, I ussaly listen harder music like KoRn, Green Day and grups like that but I also like Hip=Hop and Rep like Fort Minor, 50cent, Ludacris and others... I really like scary movies but the comedys are awesome! My best comedy is " the longest yard" and "40 years old virgin" (or something)... Im looking forwar in this forum finding new friends and get new and good experience...P.S - Sorry for my bad English Im from country where you don't need to speak english very much at my age (Latvia)-Dawiss
  8. Very nice sig but the green color dont look so good like other, but dunno which color is good in green place... 9/10P.S - Merry Cristmas to u 2
  9. Very nice Tutorial, and funny pick too lol ... Ill try this on my newest sig Ill make... Good job
  10. The book name is "Red Dragon". There is movie made by this book... Probably someone knows movies like Hanibal1 or Hanibal 2. So this Red Dragon is 3rd and final part of all these books. In this part Hanibal Lector is in jail so he can't attack people agan, but there is one his fan who does all what Hanibal Lector says... If anyone have red this book please submit your comments about it.
  11. First two are good and have nice colors 8/10 to them... Spider-man sigs need something more theyr two simple and second is toooo colerful so 6/10 to them... Others are good but last is to empty maybe more brushing in corners and some text to it... 710 Good Job
  12. There are my latest sigs. Im not very good on them so dont rate them to hard : Rate and comment please...
  13. I think Im the only one that likes Runescape ... Im playing it for about 3 month and have good results in it. I understand thous people who says they hate or dislike runescape but this game is popular because u dont need to download big files to play (that why bad graphics) and you only need good internet to play it... If any people is still playing it please say me your nick so i can meet you in the game.
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