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Everything posted by Dawiss

  1. ok.. agan thous long text with no pint of my reply like You start talking what cristmas mean not to reply to my post.. ok I don't want to hear anything.. I won't post here anything because agan someone big FAN of cristmas will start teaching me some pointless things..
  2. hmm.. I love dark blue jeans i have 2 pairs of them (lee cooper).. but I don't really like black ones.. i don't like when pants in any style is black.. and i like also if the blue jeans have some small white stripes on them on top.. I love JEANS!!
  3. I better prefer Invision power board .. but I can't find new version of it to download for free.. but phpBB I can always download new version of phpBB from theyr website.. but the Invision Power Board has more functions so voted for it.. And i don't know any others good forum types..
  4. Hey Kasm.. the forum is place to SAY what things people think ( I think ) and not to say things that i don't think.. and nobody is going to teach me what the cristmas is.. I respect thous people who think cristmas is for giving or something like that day.. and Kasm why you write me such long reply?? I don't like to read such long text .. and biggest of that I really didn't understand is it for me or someone else.. Maybe you write so big replys to get more credits.. P.S And if you think you will be that who will teach me correct english forget it.. I know my english is BAD.. maybe becaus eI have 14 years and Im learning english only 3 years ROFL ..
  5. Thanks I wisited that site and found a lot of skins which are awesome and some not soo awesome.. (http://phpbbhacks.com/templates.php) When I will have more space on my host i will deffinatly take some of them..
  6. When I was small I called in class teacher like: Please MOM what's the next.. All class started to laugh but was emberesed .. But now I laugh off it :DThen once in school i took someones else bag and thought it was mine .. when I tryed to fing my geographic book I found 1st class books ..When walking and suddenly slip and fall down on the street and i said very loud in russian language :"BĻAĢ".. Sorry for the bad wordss :DBut thous ain't the funniest and emberesed moments of my life ..
  7. I have played Ghost Recon on my Computer before 3 years.. I really didn't like it :S.. It was too hard for me that time and didn't had very good graphic.. So I was n00b and used cheats .. It was much faster and when I finished it get boring.. I dunno I didn't liked such game that time because I better prefer RPG games..
  8. Really good tutorial once I had an phpBB forum I didn't know how to instal a skin but thanks to your tutorial I'll now know how to doit.. agan big thanks Florisjuh for help.. I now started to make my site and I really needed some great skin ..P.S. Does anybody know any good site with lots of phpBB forum skins??
  9. It's would be ok but The colors need to be more.. And that border don't seem to fit in good..
  10. Hmm.. Dunno don't like that White colored space around the Orange Template.. And don't like that fonr which is used on the buttons.. But the idea is good and if it would have some updates I would love to use it..I have one question how do you make thous affilates to go a round all the time? is it some kind of Css or PHP code?GooD JoB Saint Michael..
  11. hmm.. Dunno which havn't heard of any of them.. lol .. Im in Latvia it's very small country in Europ and lol with too 4 mobile providers.. And they always war each aganst other to get more people to join them .. So we have very cheap stuff in here.. I ussaly choose the most longest and most trusted mobile provider in my Country it's LMT..
  12. I once played it in summe on latvian server MU-Dream.. Then I liked that game and I could play it for hours.. but after 2 weeks it started to get harder and harder to rise my skills and so I played it less and less.. So now I have quite it .. But I want to play it agan.. Can someone tell me very good server with easy % to rise skills and Drop % ? Alredy thanks for your answears..P.S - I didn't found any topic about this world popular game so I created new one ..
  13. Welcome to Xisto alegna.. I hope you will stay active as a member on Xisto forum and you won't SPAM .. Happy new year to you too
  14. Hmm.. there is lot of ideas how to get money with such things but im so disapointed.. I don't have my creditcard .. When I would have one I will deffinatly try out diffrent kind of such things..
  15. Wow intresting idea but I saw that Dynamic Masterpiece homepage and http://www.milliondollarhomepage.com/ .. In the milliondoll.. page there is thousands of people to pay for they ads.. I havn't seen such cool idea so mybe there is a little chance to make something like that when I will get my own website with paypal.. Thanks goldinero for intresting me in such project..
  16. Wow this actually worked .. Awesome tutorial which even works on my crapy computer too.. But I have only one small question what means all thous IP and byte sizes which showes up? .. Im not very smart in such things.. GooD JoB by the way uiop.. Kepp the tutorials coming
  17. You don't have to do any very hard works.. If you have Dreamweaver or some HTML editor program then it's very easy.. I do so: I make template I really like and then save it like .jpg and also that photoshop document near the .jpg file (.PSD).. Then on HTML editor write on place where you need links and PHP scripts.. Sounds pretty hard but it's very easy to learn ..
  18. I like this tutorial but there is little problem maybe try diffrent pixelfont because but this isn't goof pixelfont.. and this is very simple way affilate button .. I better prefer animated ones because like snlildude87 sad more intresting affilate button is the more someone wants to click it (I too click on buttons which are intresting).. But good tutorial with some fun
  19. Yeaha!! Woot .. Xisto rocks keep it up till 10000+ and more .. I think there is more people registred then All forums where I have been .. GooD JoB and keep it running as good as it is ..
  20. Blended it toooo MUCH.. Try multi colors it's like: You make in diffrent layers diffrent blendings and after each layer make diffrent Color Balance.. Belive me it works always .. When I started making sigs.. I had such problem **bottom** you.. I recomend you to make our text shorter like HKiller or something else because it's too long
  21. hm... My paint always makes my images bad graphic so I use photoshop.. and I didn't know that you can make templates in photoshop.. And how can that template be coded in paint?? Dunno I don't trust paint..
  22. I think new generation is smarter evry time.. Like when my parents where my age they didn't had such thing as computer and no such thing as Internet.. They learned it when they had about 30 years.. But I in my 14 years know lot more about computers then they in theyr age.. And the next generation which will have more usefull staff will learn more and faster then I wil.. Maybe it's by the knowledges in us.. We know that knew our parents + what we have learned.. So the next generation will know more of the 21st century sience more and more things get clearlyer..Maybe there is diffrent type of resulution but I think like that..
  23. Awesome render pack I will use that siting man with bow in hand (http://imageshack.com/f/egmc453qsp) for My first popup sig.. I will post the job Ill make latter.. Agan awesome render pack Sain_Michael..
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