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Everything posted by Dawiss

  1. Wow.. Congatulations Xisto and all moderators and admins.. I hope you will get more and more members coming and all of them to stay active at Xisto.. When I was last omline there was only 9,987 and in 1 night there is alredy 10,003 that's amazing .. Hope you will reach 15,000 and 20,000 and I hope next time i will see it .. GooD JoB Plenoptic for waiting ..
  2. Nice wallpapers I like the color of them but theyr too darko.. I usally put some lighter things on my desktop because with dark ones im broking my eyes .. So maybe diffrent color of the bg.. but then the blue won't come out I think.. GooD JoBs..
  3. Ok there is the 2nd one.. The result: Sorry that I didn't put them in one reply ..
  4. LoooooooooooooL Sorry everyone I mistooke weight with height damm.. rofl .. didn't even seen that .. Ok I mean Height .. and if any admincan help out and name this topic as Heights not WeightsAgan sorry everyone ..
  5. Notice from serverph: as per dawiss, he confused weights with heights. this thread is about HEIGHTS. so just interchange below. lol.. I was just wondering what wight are you members off the forum .. And if it is not hard to say what is your mother and father Weights.. There are many ways to change the Weight.. Go train and do all kind of sports that makes you taller.. and there are many ways how to increas it.. like start smoking ..My weight now is 183cm and Im 14 so there are few years to grow .. My fathers is 190.. and mothers 170..So please post your weights Notice from serverph: edited title as per author (see dawiss' later posts in this thread)
  6. Made this sig after Motion sig tutorial.. It's easy and fast to make such sigs and they look pretty nice.. The result:
  7. Awesome tutorial now I know how you make thous awesome sigs with filters .. Result from Motion Tutorial: I really like this kind of sigs.. so in futer i will make more like them
  8. wow nice website .. Maybe try the top image look brighter si it isn't so dark because I can't understand it now .. I like how you made after each button that thing come out close and open.. Can you please tell me how you made something like that?
  9. Wow.. the competition is pretty hard.. YOu all have awesome jobs and I now think I needed to make something better then an abstract .. but I think general thing is to enter not to win ..
  10. hmm.. I have heard of such thing called IP changer.. But don't know if anyone will use such thing on simple voting .. Soo try checking isn't there same votes in a row.. GooD LucK Plenoptic
  11. My first thingy was SEGA or what ever theyr called.. it was made for playing only dumb games that made my brains go wrong.. so I stoped playing and bought a GameBoy it was worse then SEGA becaus eit was black and white so it was booring..Now Im happy having my Celeron with Microsoft 2000 proffesional not any games that make me nervos and dumb black and white thingys ..
  12. Ok thanks for advices.. Can you plenoptic please tell me where to registr that .be (Belgium) domain name.. Thanks SqlByte but for my domain i need better with two letters not 4 so it's easyer to remember and don't mistake it..
  13. Great job Plenoptic creating such voting form.. I like it a lot and I HAVE alredy voted .. Maybe there is chance of seeing results after you vote.. so nobody can cheat and everything is legal.. GooD LucK for all thous who are nominated as Trap 2005 winners ..
  14. lol.. That's very good idea to make some vegetable plants there so they know is there posibility to make grow anything on diffrent planets not only Earth.. lol.. they havn't sent any people there but alredy try to grow something. That was a big shock to me .. Way to go NASA and I hope it all will work for you ..
  15. Does somebody know any free website where I can get and shorter domain without any adds or pop-ups?? It's like if I have website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and I wan t to get something shorter like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ( but the .TK now have ads ) So does anybody know any good free site without ads?? Alredy Thanks.. Notice from serverph: edited topic title
  16. I collected when I was smaller mobile SIm cards.. I had about 15 of them because I evry month needed a new number and few friends gawe them to me .. Now I stoped doing that but I have friend who have about 600 of cards that rise credit on your SIm cards (if you understand what am I talking about)..
  17. He He.. Im not his fan and I don't like hime.. I better don't tell anymore about him ..
  18. When I was eight years old I weared glasses but living with my brother made them broke each month.. So I stoped wearing them and Now I see good and don't need to wear glasses..
  19. If you think take an wallpaper of my desktop then.. I usally take some nice looking picture of nature.. like woods or rivers, clifs or something like that.. but now I started to put abstract wallpapers like theyr awesome when someone makes them..If that you wanted to know because I don't know what vieo means..
  20. Now I see how it looks more clearlyer .. It's very good and I like how you made 2 renders in 1 sig .. Now I agree that render need to take 1/2 of sig to look great
  21. Wow thanks a lot.. I wan't to know how that information make in diffrent page like.. That link is for result standing and it looks horible and don't fit in my new site.. so I want that result standing information on my new website so it looks diffrent but works like it worked on old website.. Eample.. In old website there is an results when someone plays they shows on old page.. but I don't like the old page so I make new look for that page and I need to make that the same information shows up in new website.. I hope you understand.. and how can I make that CGI information be shown on other page?
  22. Thanks .. Maybe it isn't too big but in right side I don't understand is it a render or bg
  23. I really like that robot sig.. I like text bg and render.. all fits together awesome 10.. and what kind of render is it? because when I always want to find robot render I can't find any..But about that.. The render is too big and the colors don't make out soo good.. maybe make it smaller or blend it in diffrent colors.. 7/10GooD JoBs
  24. I made my own game league and now I want to make it an website much better then it is now.. Once I played in one League where one programmer made the website look awesome.. he from one page design (Prees in first top box DISPLAY (Top Fifty) to see - Old Adress) made absolutly diffrent design with same information and it is working like the old desing ( Take a look at this, it's what he made out of that - New adress) I want to make something like that but he isn't telling me how he made it.. So does anyone know how to make something like that.. From one page make it look diffrent and work like it worked..?? Please help..
  25. Nice SOTW tab.. I like the animation and the design of it.. I would like to have one in my count to :D..
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