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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. It removes viruses. Like I said in my first post I had viruses that the others wouldn't find but Spy Sweeper would. It finds just about everything or atleast it has for me. It searches through and finds all source files of the virus to make sure it doesn't come back after you only delete part of the file (which is what happens with Norton, and McAfee)
  2. Well no one was really on last night and I went to sleep around 1am (Est time -5 GMT) so I don't know what the exact time was but all I know is that somewhere between 3 and 5 am Xisto hit the 20,0000 member mark. (Actually close to 27,000 if you count all those deleted for inactivity) Xisto is growing fast and in just a couple months they doubled in size. I want to say congrats to OpaQue for doing a great job and also to BuffaloHelp and all the moderators that keep this place clean and running smooth. If only all these members were active this place would need to be a bit bigger. lol Sorry if I making too big a deal but anyway congrats again.Edit: By the way guys Xisto hit 10,000 on January 8th (well my time anyway about midnight so just barley) So in 7 months Xisto doubled in size. That is pretty crazy I think.
  3. Well that would be a great idea but buying the Super Console won't be much cheaper then buying all the consoles because they aren't going to keep the price around $500, they will add in the prices of all the systems and maybe take off a couple hundred to make it look like a deal or add a couple hundred for the compatability fixing problems. This would really be the same though as all the gaming companies forming together to make one awesome company of great systems doign things you've never seen before but they won't do that because of competition and wanting to make more money.
  4. lol Exactly what I was thinking. I think though that Firefox is more secure and isn't as hard to hack in the first place. I have heard about something like this before but someone had created their own web browser and had pornagraphy sites running in the background so whenever you clicked you clicked on an ad for them and they made money, meanwhile you are browsing the web. I think it's stupid why people do this but I guess they gotta make money some how because they can't get jobs.
  5. Well everytime I recieve a virus McAfee and Norton don't seem to find the source of it or any part of it altoghether. A year ago I had a keylogger and another sort of virus and a bout a month ago I had a bug changing stuff on my Internet Explorer Browser and causing pop ups and neither of those fixed it. I have found that Spy Sweeper finds all of that because in both cases it removed the problem and my computer is clean. It is only $30 at Wal-Mart and they offer a free scan as well so you can see what it finds. Good luck. https://www.webroot.com/us/en/
  6. lol Ya I am probably not going to buy this new console for a while until the prices drop. I am actually happy this is happening because now all the games for Play Station 2 are a lot cheaper upon release. The most expensive is $40 and a lot of the new games are $20. Just a little note: Make sure to quote any information used before or posted anywhere on the internet even if it was written by you. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. It changes the address because it has to go through a different folder to find the right theme. The rvblue I believe is the theme of the control panel and notice how it goes to the main page after that. So say that you changed it to green so then it would have to go to "rvgreen" (not actual folder just example) Like Mjay said you could be trying to access it after changes were made. How were you trying to access it... did you try http://yourdomain.com/cpanel ?
  8. I don't really know. If the world never had a religion there would be no world. That is the reason why a lot of the people lived in the olden days. They believed that some super natural force created this place for them to be in and gave them a goal of some sort. Sure it has causes world and hatred around the world for centuries but it also keeps an order in a way. You know how every religion has rules for people to follow like the 10 Commandments. Some people rely on that and follows them. I think though that a world without religion would be the same as a world with religion. People will find other ways. They will focus on other things to hate people for just because they don't want to like them.
  9. Looks pretty cool but I'm not so sure. It looks like it has a lot of features but it says it has over 10,000 members with only a payout of just over $20,000 which means on average a member would get paid $2. I don't know about that. Wouldn't you think that a place with that many members would pay out a bit more money then that? How long has this company been around for anyway? I don't know maybe it's a glitch or a lot of the members aren't active but I'd like to know why they aren't active as well. On average how much are you paid, and over how long of a period of time?
  10. Well I figured 3 weeks into the month we will have nominations for people (not yourself) and give reasons why they should be member of the month and then after a week of nomination voting would start and end after another week. It would really be members that try to help out, show acts of kindness, or are really active like you said there could be many reasons.
  11. Hey Drummer, Welcome to Xisto. I actually live just north of Tampa. I have never heard of those web sites before but then again I never really searched for anything with Coke anyway. Hopefully, I'll see you around and we'll get to know you more and more. I have never heard of EzyRewards.com I might have to check it out to see if I could earn a domain.
  12. lol Ya I have heard the "Your mom" many times and then there are the ones little kids say. "You are what you say" or something like that. It is sort of like the "I'm rubber your glue..." Most comebacks don't even make sense. The your mom just comes in when someone has nothing else to say and all of a sudden it became a cool and good comeback for some people.
  13. Well as far as I know you can't but I don't use Vbulletin. You could search on websites that give out mods for Vbulletin to see if they have something like that but can't you just copy and paste the same information or is it because you have multiple admins on the forums but don't want multiple admins to access the site itself? Try searching google and other places that give out mods for Vbulletin.
  14. Yes, Xisto does support SMTP. I use Microsoft Outlook to recieve and send mail to any clients and what not so you should be all set.
  15. Well maybe the servers went down for just a moment. It has happened to me before and it really isn't a big deal. As long as it came back up. It doesn't happen too often so you shouldn't have to worry about this happening again. Normally every hour the servers clear out the forums of users that are inactive and maybe something else occurred.
  16. You can have a domain like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for free upon application for web hosting. You must be hosted with Xisto though in order to get this sub domain. So save up your credits and apply for hosting and you can start your site here. If you wan't an actual domain like yourdomain.com you would have to buy one.
  17. Eh I really don't care about bumper stickers. Stay or go it doesn't matter to me. They can be distracting but you can just ignore them. People like to just show or be proud of whatever is on there whether it displays their feelings, personality, favorite team or whatever. I think if they want to spend their money on them then go ahead but they just fade your paint.
  18. For any tutorial for php I would recoommend going to http://www.pixel2life.com/ There I found a tutorial on how to make a tutorial system. You can find that tutorial here. http://ww2.pixelfull.com/?folio=9POR7JU99 You need to know PHP and MySQL. You can use that as an example or temporarily until you can make one.
  19. Well of course it's very likely many programs won't work with Vista because they make things too secure on that thing. Sure it is a good thing to be protected from security risks but that then makes it so you aren't free to do other things on your computer like run some of those programs. I'm not saying that is why they don't work but probably some. That's why I'm going to stick with XP as long as I can.
  20. There are many topics about this around the forum. There was a tutorial if you want to search through that section to know how to build your own radio station but I don't think it had to do with Mycaster or anything like that. There is something called SHOUTcast over at http://shoutcast.com/ but I'm sure it takes up a bunch of bandwidth for you to put this up on your site.
  21. Well I think it probably would be helpful if your wife had a college degree (the way you said it it made it sound like she didn't, apolgies if I misunderstood) I don't know what exactly your jobs are but sometimes women take the less paying jobs because the man wants to be the one to make the money in the house and makes almost enough for them all and the women can take more days off for the kids or whatever. My parents make almost the same money at different jobs just my mom works a couple hours less. Yes I think women can make just as much as men, they just have to apply for the job. I know a lot of women that do indeed make more money then their husband and some that are the same. Sure men would take the smaller job as well. I have seend just as many men as women take smaller jobs like restaurants and what not.
  22. I know that if the files end in ".UAX" there is an extractor called Dragon Unpacker. If you search on google you can find it. A UAX file is a file made up of a bunch of WAV files compressed. Dragon Unpacker extracts all the seperate WAV files from it. When I tried it with America's Army though the WAV files wouldn't play but they might for another program.
  23. Are you sure that it was a hacker? Normally these guys put up images or links to something. IF it was you need to change your password because it must not have been secure and make sure it isn't out for anyone to see it. If you continue to have problems you might have to pm an admin to change your cpanel username.
  24. lol That is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Well I'm sure they will be working for an army of some sort some day or making weapons if they don't go to jail first. I think it is cool that they were able to make it though no matter how stupid they are for posting it all over the internet. Lol I wonder what their parents think or if they even know. I didn't read the whole post so I didn't really pay attention to details.
  25. lol I think it is just a way to name them for any given reason. People who are interested in numbers will use it like those trying to find the largest prime number. I think it is also just to say that there are huge numbers. People will use it to describe a large quantity of something just to exagerate like a billion times or whatever. There are other uses but we generally won't need it.
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