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Everything posted by levimage

  1. I've been using HTML-Kit. I must have downloaded this some time back. I've done most of the tutorials and the basics of navigating the interface and menus. The tutorials also cover customizing the application for your needs. Apparently there are also downloadable add-on(s) which enhance the basic program with nice features which help in creating, testing, and checking your code. There's also an option that saves how you have your current interface setup, like a profile, which can be backed up and loading on another pc or laptop. Kool huh? Well I'm sure other programs offer these features but his program was free when I started using it like 3 years ago. I'm not sure about now but you can always search for an older version on Google.It also has customizable syntax highlighting. Which is good if you learn something and forget it.
  2. Maybe he/she (FirefoxRocks) means a scenic image/landscape, like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panorama. If you have a camera you can use a tripod, and level it with the horizon. Then take pictures every 15 or 20 degrees, just as long as the image is overlapped. Then download them to a PC and use some type or panorama software to stitch them together. If you mean like a drawing. Then there are several ways to approach this. Then again this is not really my territory. You can watch that dude Bob Ross, he's the man when it comes to painting landscapes (Vistas). I hope this helps.
  3. I'll give this a try... Might be good for a copyright notice for created work posted on a site. Do you have anything or know how to create anything that does not allow right-clicking and saving of an image or something like clicking on a thumb nail on a contact sheet (photo index of thumbnails) and when you click on a thumbnail a popup window will appear (compatible with all browsers) with an image the size of the image resolution and not allow saving page or right-clicking? An no caching on the client PC. Or if the do right click and save they just get the thumbnail rather than the original image/photo.That would be cool and something I'd be interested in experimenting with.
  4. Now days with the advent of 1Gigbit switches file transfers have be alot easier and less time consuming. Easy to transfer photos, music, movies, and if you're fixing PC(s), backing up data. I believe you can get a 4/8 port switch for under $50.00 USD online some where. I'm from the states and I went to a 10gigabit planning seminar at an IT vendor conference. It seems 10Gigabit/Cat7 will be coming out sometime soon. The plugs look funky. I kept recommending to the IEEE lady who is on the steering committee that the cable is whack and something simple or cool like USB should be used.
  5. I use AVG Free Edition on my computer at home. It is used for graphics, games, music, and typing. Since it is never online I usually don't have it running in the background. You should try an install it. I don't recommend Ad-Aware cause it uses a lot of resources. You can always manually run the program if you need to do viruses scans and etc.After installations. Check location on you computer like the...1) C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup2) Registry settings like HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run HKEY_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Look for AVG entries and delete them. Back them up if you need to. Then restart you computer.I hope this helps for you.
  6. Hey while were at it and if money is not an issue for you I could use some new software and a better pc to help make games.
  7. Hey while were at it and if money is not an issue for you I could use some new software and a better pc to help make games.
  8. If you choose to continue to use XnView Viewer... check out their website for support and send them an email about the bugs you are experiencing. Maybe they have something in their knowledge base.If you are uninstalling the software, restart the computer and download 'CCleaner'. Run the option to clean the registry. It will remove any traces of the XnViewer. Then restart your PC. Check to see if you icons or thumbnails are okay.Let us know what's going on after that.
  9. levimage

    Vga Issue

    If heat is a problem. I suggest to turn off you PC and wait for it to cool. Then after it has cooled down open it up and disconnect your keyboard, monitor and other stuff. Check to see if there is any lint, dust, hair, etc. around or on your processor, memory, video card, motherboard, and fans. Get a can of compressed air and spray it (preferably outside). Connect everything back up to it but don't close the side of the computer case. Then turn on your PC. Check if your fans are running cool and blowing air onto your processor, video card. If this is working. Then shutdown your PC and put the case back on.Now, if this is a recent problem then it could be that one of your components are going out or maybe something is awkward about the software on your pc. If this only happens when you play video games then it may be a result of a bad shutdown, outdated drivers, incorrect BIOS settings, and/or the specific 3d setting(s) for you graphics card/integrated graphics. Sometimes it could be the video game itself. There maybe some services packs or updates to your games.Try reinstalling the video card drivers, or download new drivers if possible. Then reinstall the latest DirectX for your operating system.Try these for suggestions for now, and let us know if they work. Also if you could be a little more descriptive on what happens or error messages come up, and the name of the games your attempting to play on which operating system.
  10. 1) Did you install any software that might affect the way Windows Explorers recognizes or opens files? Sometimes media players fight over who opens what. When it comes to pictures - you will be looking at graphics, photos, and printing programs or viewers. The Microsoft, Adobe, Apple, Macromedia, Corel, and other similar productivity programs which support the use of adding, viewing, and copying images should be looked at. Almost all software give you an option at installation when it comes to what file types they will open. This may indirectly affect which images are thumbed. 2) Speaking of thumbnails in explorer. You problem might have to do with explorer or Internet explorer and any plug-in/skins you may have installed. You're folder options for thumbing images may not be selected. Specific to Windows 2k, you also have to right click the folder and select it for thumbnail of images.3) Another thing is registry settings. I use to change my thumbnail sizes. I believe there are additional thumbnail options for Windows 2k.I hope this give some idea as to where to start. Then again, just do a reinstall if you can't pin point the problem.
  11. You might have to update the firmware on the NIC enabled printers for the printer to recognize the new amount of ram. Then upload the fonts you most commonly use.
  12. Like the old LaserJet Printers... HP i believe. I remember them from back in my high school days. Also some Apple Laserwriters (the laser printers) as support adding SIMM(s). If you've ever asked someone who managed a computer lab with network laser printers or someone who ran a print shop back in the day, they'll tell you the same.
  13. If you have a phone, try some thing like taping you cell to a bean bag or put it in a shallow coffee mug. I'm not sure about a remote shutter release. Some phones have a setting there it takes a picture in a couple of seconds. Unless you want to take apart your phone and solder on a cable to you're shutter button (put that's to much trouble for some people.... or is it?) Good luck
  14. Hey I'm still holding on to my old ram - SIMM(s). They are good for the times when you come across an old laser printer. You can upgrade the memory. Just hang on to them, I'm sure someone out there will need them.
  15. Are you running Windows XP Home or Windows XP Professional. M$ says there are more security options in XP Pro. Maybe it is that. What you could try out is make sure the 'Use Simple file sharing (recommended)' is off. That would be found in your Folder Options page under View [in Explorer, File Menu - Tools - Folder Options... - Check the View Tab, scroll to the bottom, uncheck 'Simple...']Another thing, make sure you didn't disable any services that are dependent on file sharing.Is your Win2003 setup as a domain. If so, add computer to domain, add user, create user account, add share, add user permissions.Don't get me wrong software wise the only thing that could mess you up is if you disable something on purpose. There are some reg hacks which limit the security, but if you don't know them (they have to be set manually); then they might not apply to your situation.Other than that, maybe it is your physical connection. Check your NIC(s), cables, switches, and everything else in between.Good luck.
  16. That sounds kool. I was wondering if it's possible to host a MMORPG from your own computer. Are there RPGs online where you can setup your own kind of MMORPG for lan/wifi play? What kind of connection would you need to setup a server?
  17. I've always wanted to get into making video games since I was a kid. I never followed up with it. There were to many interruptions in my life. I remember try to draw SNES characters on a Powerbook and using Paint on Windows. I tried making little GIF animations. Then i took some auto cad classes in high school and community college. I found out you can create models in that. It is time consuming. Especially when you want to make a mesh a certain way. What confused me was the X, Y, Z coordinate system and plane you are working in. I kind of got the hang of it but when it came to applying textures I could never get it to show up correctly. It also does solid models. I used a photo map of my town and inserted it in the program and made measurements of landmarks. I then created the roads, and points for areas of interest, and added text on different layers. I have been using this map and slowly adding on to it over the years. I know where my friends live. Were the WiFi's are. Marketing for my clients. Running trails. I recently made a 3D mesh to represent a nearby Hill by estimating elevations. Now I'm trying to figure out how to convert it to a coordinate system and figure out how to export a Garmin GPS to a format where I can upload waypoints, tracks, and other data. I I've heard of Maya, Bryce, 3D, Softimage. There are others but I've forgot the rest.I don't have the budget to purchase expensive suites - let alone the time to stumble in the dark. I was wondering if there any free 3d software out there. I would be cool if we can get a list going and figure out what formats they can be exported to, to be suitable for video games creation. And maybe some sort of scale as to what to start with, how easy it is to learn and what to learn next. Also the prerequisites for setting up a development PC.
  18. Hi all you gimp users.I am wondering if you are experiencing problems with your images created in GIMP as I am. We here is my story. I take pictures with a camera and upload them to my computer with a the camera software. Nothing is changed yet. Then I go to that file location and open the image or a copy of the image with GIMP. Then i edit it, add layers, and tweak various settings before saving it to .XCF (native GIMP format). Then later I was to export it. I do so as JPEG or TIFF.The problem is whatever I create/modify in GIMP, I seem to have trouble opening it back up in my image management program or other Microsoft products. I know there are all kinds of settings when it comes to saving/exporting to a specific file format. What I would like to know is if you are experiencing any issues like this and what you do to circumvent them. It seems like I have to save the image with all kinds of settings just to get it to open. The reason this is bugging me and I've stopped taking/editing pictures for a while is because my image management program doesn't like the GIMP's JPEG(s). The files corrupted my image management database. So I'm kind of like sitting on the side of the road (not doing any photo editing) right now. I need to back up my images and reorganize them before I do/take on anymore photo editing projects. I think I need to sift through +60 GB of photos.Here is one theory that might affect compatibility. GIMP and an option that says save EXIF data. I'm wondering if this is the actual EXIF data from the camera, GIMP modified EXIF data, or GIMP's EXIF meta data.The TIFF data is also acting quirky when I try to pull it up in other programs. If anyone has any ideas, let me know.Another problem I'm experiencing is printing problems, but I think that is another topic. TBA
  19. Maybe someone is lazy like me. I made something similar about re-installing Windows OS's. I have to find it in one of my computers though, I just have an old print out, but it was created in Open Office 1.8 or something like that. Anyway, I'll see what I can do.
  20. Doesn't Windows Media Player 10/11 have that kind of option, something like 'Apply volume leveling' or is that something different. I remember I use to use a Sound Forge to do stuff like that. Normalize songs, decrease base for my cheap speakers, fade and add echoes to the end of songs. It helped when I played the burned CD the factory car stereo. But yeah, I think all major CD-Burning applications have the volume leveling option when it comes to burning. Some media players with library have the option to normalize the song, playlist, album, or whole library. I guess that's what the all the help files are for that comes with the software. Then there are the online FAQs, and if you are persistent you can email the authors.
  21. No it can go to your windshield wiper fluid tank. Or maybe be using in some kind of hydro hydraulic brakes or suspension system. Then squirk your tires for wet traction issues. It will eventually be harnessed somehow to cool your engine or some type of hydro-cooled air intake. HMMM.... If you can cool your PC, think about cooling (overclocking... LOL) car. There are heaps of benefits to driving a cool vehicle.
  22. Cool tutorial, I always wondered about the the creating/controlling the Light like effect on objects like buttons. I guess I never bothered looking it up online. By the way, where did you get your font?On the question, yordan, about them layers. I myself, like creating a bunch of layers. I could use the undo when I make a mistake but why do that when you have an extra layer. I'd rather create an extra layers than deal with extra files. Anyway, with the added layers, you can individual edit the various components which make up the total picture fast and effectively. From experience I created this awesome flyer for my gf's family. It turns out it was an annual event and I had to create another flyer. I just changed the text it was needed and swapped out the background picture and little tweaks. In the end I must have saved myself like half a day in created time. How do you like them apples?
  23. Wow that's interesting, how an operating system can mess up hardware. I'm only running Windows here - for now. Did it ruin because of the vertical and horizontal resolution? I found a 21 inch HP monitor that someone was going to throw away along with some other printers, and a dvd player. I happen to salvage the DVD player and 2 of the 5 printers, and 1 of two computer monitors.The problem with the monitor was is was acting all weird. It came on and everything but seemed like different refresh rates would not work no matter which resolution I used. Since I have no experience with fixing CRT monitors I had no choice put to take it to the local recyclers. Sad, it would of been better than my 19" monitor. I think it may have been fried by the previous owners.
  24. I'm running a 500MB WD 10,000 RPM, 16MB Cache on SATAIII want to get another HD and some more to make an externalunused:160 GB Maxtor120 GB Maxtor40 GB WD20 GB WD10 GB Quantum8 GB ????
  25. It looks a bit much for a photo montage. Try reducing the photos, maybe make some gray scale and have only one in color. Since the quality of the photos aren't that great, you might want to create some focus effects like Gaussian blurs, offset shadows, S curves in the contrast. May be do some gradient masking to each photo. Then create some sweat or enhance the texture/sharpness on your main Ali photo. Make the font more rugged with or decayed. A little blood wouldn't hurt and some hollywood photo stars (camera flashes) in the background. With the font tone down on the Gaussian blurs, try typing each of the font letter individually at various font heights and stagger them a bit. Or you put some of your font's in perspective. Also you can lower the Exposure/Gamma of the pictures. Or an inverted grey scale/ black and white.I hope these Ideas work. I remember I did a color pencil of Ali in high school art class.
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