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Everything posted by yordan

  1. avimux will do the job if your audio track is already ready. avimux mixes a video track with an audio track. Tell us if you want to do something more complicated, and have a look at doom9 which has a lot of editing tools : http://www.doom9.org/
  2. Eric : I love your "View the full article on the Xisto forum" in http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. Gama by itself is not down. However, your site seems to have a problem How is it in your Xisto - Support account ? Do you still have credits ? If your Account Credit Balance is still positive, and you have no "Due Invoices Balance", open a support ticket, the problem should be fixed rather fast. Concerning the server status, have a look at the "our server status" here : https://support.xisto.com/serverstatus.php You will see that gamma is up, currently uptime 39 days.
  4. OK, found it : https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/products/windows Worked fine, the "settings" button is back again.
  5. Have a look at your Xisto - Support accout balance, to see if you are currently far below $0.75.If this is the case, tell them that you are waiting for your MyCents increase, I guess they will understand that and give you a delay, until the problem is solved.
  6. Currently no problem.Most of self-advertising posts are against our rules. However, your post simply say "yes, it works on my computer, come and I will explain how it works", this is perfectly clear, honest and acceptable. This is exactly right in the center of our forum scope, which aim is to help people, providing technical solutions to their problems.
  7. The "settings" and "?" menu disappeared from my IE8 toolbars.How can I make them back ?Else I cannot change my proxy settings. I even cannot really tell which Internet Explorer version I am using, because I also cannot click the "help" and "about" which also disappeared.I know that I should use Firefox or Opera instead, but some sites I have to go on, do not accept Firefox!
  8. So, it seems that :1) You need to earn at lest $100. You will not be paid as long as your earnings don't reach $100.2) What you say is that the delay for earning $100 is less than 6 months? You don't have unlimited delay for that, and after 6 months, if your earnings are less than $100 they are lost? If you are right, this is rather unfriendly!
  9. You're welcome. Tell us if you were successful.
  10. Quite a basic tutorial, but could be useful.Please, for sake of readabilty, do not forget to put between "code" tags the parts of code you want to post.A tutorial with such an amount of tags should be able to use the cod tags!
  11. Redhat (and probably Fedora the same way) has a bootloader settings setup utility.Try to find it inside the Fedora setting tools. This utility will ask you to choose the default boot system : Windows or Linux (at installation time you probably left the "Linux" choice).Simply choose Windows in the setting tool, that's all.I this does not work, boot on the Fedora install disk again, do not choose "Complete Fresh install", and the Grub bootloader settings menu will appear, choose "windows".
  12. Probably, simply the database service is not started, or no database has been created yet.
  13. Do not answer spam topics, use the "report" button. If you answer spamming topics, you will loose credits when they will be deleted...
  14. Could you please remind us the Drakes equation ?
  15. when you buy a domain at Xisto, things are rather simple.On your Xisto control pannel, you give the name of the NameServers for your domain, which is something like ns2.computinghost.com And on your Xisto hosting account you say that the domain is parked at your Xisto account. I guess that, in case of domain transfer, it works the same way, as soon as your domain name appears as being yours in your xisto account, you give the name of your namesarvers in it's control pannel. The only problem will be the time for the transfer.
  16. Your article was published at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ on Aug.23, more than one month ago. Sorry, but, we cannot accept as a tutorial a text which has already been published somewhere else.We only accept original texts. So, if you want to post the same text in several places, you have to put it at Xisto first. Then, you can post it in other forums, between proper quote tabs, mentioning that your text has been first published at Xisto. If you really need to post a copied text, for instance for example purposes, you have to put it between quote tags. Please read our forum rules more carefully : posting copied text without quotes is considered as plagiarism and can lead to a ban. I did the quoting job for you today. Next time I expect you to do the quoting job by yourself.
  17. By the way, did you also see the mentionned php files, like "fullmetal.php" or busters.php ?
  18. Please read our forum rules more carefully. Your topic is copied from somewhere else, probably from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Remember that posting copied text without quotes is considered as plagiarism and can lead to a ban. I did the quoting job for you today, next time please do this honesty job by yourself.
  19. If it's in your work, there is another possibility.Seems that you are using standard subroutines with a header program making the user-input stuff. You should be able to find the source of this header program, which is probably written in C or in php language. If you are lucky, this header program is rather clear and commented (the guys who did this were paid for clarity and readability through comments). In that case it's ease to read the sources and find the place where you have "read RESP; if RESP==Y then goto YES" and replace this with "RESP=Y"
  20. Not necessarily. He is doing his job. Somebody thinks that his job is worth this amount, and is ready to pay for it, everything is OK.Personally I estimate that I am worth 156m. Unfortunately, nobody agrees with me, and nobody is ready to pay this amount of money for me. Too bad.
  21. If the only thing you have is the .exe file, it's not very obvious to change the program, because it's compiled, which means made of only very low-level instructions. These instructions are something like go to register 42, take the value, add with register 12, put result in registry 5. Then put FF in registry 11. Of course, you can easily edit it and change the value "FF" to "FA" or anything else you want, but you must exactly know the program in order, for instance, to know that the value "FA" means "English language", and know that changing this value to "FA" will mean "use Spanish language". So, it's not really impossible editing the .exe file, but for doing rather high-level things like removing unnecessary confirmation screens, it's not very obvious if you are not familiar with, let's say, Intel processors machine language. Hope this helped. Yordan
  22. I would say that your experience means that, with the movie you have at one side, the burner you have and the player you have at the other side, the safest solution would be to make a 1-to-1 copy for your non-commercial move, seems to be the only way of having it working on any player.
  23. Maybe I could add my two cents too.I had once a stupid standalone DVD player. It was stated able to play DVD movies as well as avi's and jpg photos and mp3 music.However, it was able to play only DVD's from DVD's, mp3, jpg and avi it could play only from CD's !So, if you have some CDRW (rewritable CD's in order to avoid wasting media) try your mp3 or avi on CD's.And, of course, be careful with the codecs, some players can play DivX4 codecs, so can't play divX5-encoded avi's.
  24. Your post looks like an ask for help for piracy.Remember that downloading commercial movies in avi format is against the low in most of countries.If the files you download are badly pirated so that their format is not recognized by your player, this means that you are a very bad pirate.And we will not help you becoming a better pirate, because this is against the TOS of our forum.If you buy a movie DVD in a shop and you cannot play it on your DVD reader, go back to the shop with the reader and the just purchased DVD.If you did not pay the commercial movie you are trying to watch, this is illegal, we will not help you.
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