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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Got it now.When connected with the new version, if you enter a new server address, you are asked if you want to close the current connection or if you want to open the new connection in a new tab.
  2. There are several ways to do that. You connect to http://www.noip.com/ and you choose a name, let's say eggie.ftp.com and you download a small software, which you will install on your standard windows system. This software will make your PC be known as eggie.ftp.com. Now, let's suppose that you use vnc. Just start learning how to install it and use it in simple cases. You install it, and you ask him to accept incoming connections with a given password. Do it from another PC in your house (like a laptop on the same router). You access your PC by it's local name, or by it's IP address. Then go outside your house, open vnc, and as computer name you give eggie.ftp.com If nothing in your house blocks the incoming connection, this will work. Instead of vnc, you can use Microsoft Terminal Server, but it's less easy to configure, so first of all try with the free version of vnc. Concerning which full set of softwares you need : For vnc, on your PC you need to install the vnc server. On your girlfriend pc, you need the vnc client executable, which is simply a small file you put anywhere (including on your usb flashdisk).
  3. I suggest http://www.noip.com/ It worked fine for me. You choose a nice hostname, let's say "eggie.ftpserver.com" (you choose in a list) , and then you ask vnc to go to this address.And it's free, of course. You have prog on your PC, which sees your dynamic IP and automatically sends it to the DNS server which will translate the eggie.ftpserver.com address to reach your PC from anywhere. If you don't wat this any more, simply stop the process on your PC.
  4. Which version of FileZilla are you using ? I don't have this with my 2.2.32 FileZilla, when I want to reach another site it asks "Do you want to break current connection?"
  5. Now you will have to do something in order to make the remote connexion working. You will have at least to understand if your friend's PC has a fixed IP address, and which one (private or public), but these are details easy to solve.
  6. Glad and proud to have been helpful. And congrats for having been successful.
  7. I tested it between two computers on my network. In the privoxy "Edit main configuration", then "file, save", I configured the listen address And then on the client computer I configured the proxy for Internet ExplorerAnd Internet explorer goes on the Internet And on the master computer, in the "live" log file you see the connexions :
  8. No, don't change the proxy settyings of your main computer's browser!You change it for the client's pc's.Now, after having changed the "Listen" address, you have to write the file and restart privoxy and change the proxy settings on the client pc's.
  9. OK, the log file empty is normal.There is a "settings" tab somewhere in privoxy, it opens another notepad window, and inside this window look for the word "Listen"You will have to add "Listen your_wireless_IP:80"After having that done and tested it, we will look how to make your proxy forward.
  10. Almost true, but really false. Your wired network has addresses like our wired PC, around Your wifi network have to have a different network, let's say for the master PC, and 1.134 and 1.135 for the other ones. Your master PC will be on two networks : , the wired network, which is routed to the outside world, the internet. This is the only way of having two very different adaptrers on the same PC, going to two differently devoted networks. And on the wifi network, which is a network fully private to your home, cannot go the outside except when using your private proxy on the wired PC.
  11. You can imagine to remotely connect to your computer (using vnc or remote desktop) while being at your girlfried place, , use your computer to download the things, then when back to your home put the files on a USB key.
  12. If you want to learn-by-example and see how other people solved this kind of things, download the phpbb forum files (it's free) and look how their php scripts automatically all the tables in a given database.
  13. You will see that it's really fine. During the scan it converts and opens a Microsoft Word document, including the text and the surrounding images.
  14. yordan

    Is It Legal?

    It changes nothing. Just imagine if you go court. You bought it, and you signed a contract saying that you will not touch the code. If you go to court, the judge will read that assessment, and you will loose. Be sure that Apple did everything necessary in order that his rights are protected, any way people try to work around it.If you choose to hack your device, in order to use a commercial code without paying it, you are guilty. You cannot state that you were not aware of that, because this operation was impossible without hacking your device. And if you don't want to use a software or a song without paying it, there is no reason to hack your ipod.
  15. yordan

    Is It Legal?

    It's sold by Apple. Apple says what you are allowed to do, and what is forbidden.This is intellectual property, protected in most of countries.Everything you do against Apple's right is illegal. And everything looking like reverse engineering is illegal.So, yes, jailbraiking an Iphone is illegal. Cracking the Iphone software protection is illegal, exactly like cracking any other software protection, either in a game or in a professional software or in a movie.
  16. If you could borrow an adapter in order to train yourself it would be less risky. I would simply plug the single videoboard, and extend the windows desktop on the third monitor. Crosoft Windows should be able to handle this kind of things. I guess that it would be less risky if the other adapter was also a Radeon one, so less driver problems. I would take the risk. However, in case I am wrong, you would remain with a useless single video adapter... Hope this helped. Yordan
  17. Having an ocr software on your computer could be rather useful for such purposes.With most of home scanners are delivered with a driver CD which also has an ocr software. Abby Finereader works rather fine, converting while scanning or from jpg files. However, free-ocr.com is a good alternative.And googling "ocr free software" you will have a lot of answers, from professional expensive software through sharewares to free ones.
  18. I already did it for my home network. I had two networks : my own PC was connected to the internet, and it acted as a proxy for the other PC's which where on an independent Wifi network. So, I had two networks in my house. Have a look at your Wifi adapter documentation. There are two ways configuring a wifi adapter : infrastructure or adhoc. This means that you can connect your wifi adapter to a wifi accesspoint (for instance an inernet ADSL router), or create your own private network (adhoc). Simply configure each wifi adapter as an adhoc adapter, choose an SSSID (like "A34"), the same one for all adapters. Then you will see your wifi adapters connected to the same physical network. There is no DNS on your network, so you will have to choose a fixed IP address for each PC adapter on this network. Let's say for the master computer, 12.2 for the second one, 12.3 for the third one, etc.. When this is done, verify that each computer is able to "ping" each other one. On a "cmd" command line prompt, type ping the ping command is successful, this means that your home private network works. All your PC's will be able to communicate, sharing files for instance.Then, install a proxy in your master (the one connected to the internet). Allow this proxy to "listen" the IP address. Now you are almost ready. On each "client" computer, go to your browser settings, go to "connection", "use a proxy", and give the port 80 as proxy settings. Now, your master computer is still on the internet, but it asks as a proxy, through the wifi adapter, and each other wifi computer in your home is also connected to the Internet through this proxy. I use the proxy named "privoxy", it's free and works rather well. It also does a lot of useful work, like suppressing a lot of advertising pop-ups. However, it also prevents you from going to some websites well-known as being dangerous. There are also a lot of commercial free proxy softwares, wingate is one of the best ones. Hope this helps Yordan
  19. Hi, kantian, welcome aboard.I hope that you will appreciate posting here.Yordan
  20. Funny. For some pople getting MyCents is probably too easy. And for some other people it's too hard.So, I would say that the average realty is that it's correctly sized.
  21. OK, glad to see that everything works fine now.I added "[solved]" to the title.
  22. Sorry, this kind of tricks is not accepted here. Only instructions on fully legal operations are accepted on that site. This was my last warning.
  23. you probably gave a strange answer to one of the questions (strange domain name for instance).Please keep us informed how the thing goes.
  24. Please tell us slightly more. Where is this game coming from? And on what device are you playing ? On a PC ? On a Console? On your telephone?
  25. Open a ticket at Xisto - Support and ask the question, there is probably an error somewhere.
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