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Everything posted by yordan

  1. OK, now I understand the question. I changed the title, now it says "Prevent".
  2. yordan

    C Puzzles

    Did you really test your program example?Because the "defa1ut" syntax. Isn't it a mistyping for "default" ? In that case I would say that you are strongly faulty. As a teacher, you have to test what you are teaching us. And if you give us a copy-pastable example, this example has to be correct. If you are a noob, you should test your cases before posting them. And if you were a skilled c developer, you should not do such obvious syntax errors.
  3. Aaaargh! This topic should be linked to the Best distro topic. In the distro's I love, there are two situations : . In the professional version, during the install phase, I click "show all software options" and I check "gcc compiler". . In the free versions, I download the gcc rpm's and I type "rpm -i" the rpm file, and it installs everything. Sometimes I need some other requisite rpm's, so I simply make a USB folder with all the required files and that's all. If it's more complicated than that, I name this "not the best distro", or "a very bad distro", or at leat "the Linux distro I don't want to use if possible"!
  4. Sorry but... What does "Preventi" mean?Or is it a mistyping for the word "Preventing"?Or did you happen to want to write a topic asking "How to prevent children from displaying certain pages when clicking on widgets"?
  5. This means that you can start as a free game maker user, see how it works on their free hosting. And when start being comfortable with this way of working, you can move to your own hosting, or use the game makers site coming with your purchased software.
  6. That means that, now, you have to look at environments which have a Linux or an "open" environment.
  7. OK, I fixed the mistyping and now the topic title is "How To Put a Game Online".Now, your question still has to be completed.You are talking about articles you read, we would like to read a little bit more.The papers seem to ba talking about installing a game.The game installation has three phases :Phase one : installing the basic software.Phase two (optionnal) : installing the third-party environment.Phase three : installing your game environment.Phase one is only on your own home PC. For instance installing Windows, Apache, MySql and Php on your PC. Apache is the web server, if you want you can install it on your own PC. Obviously if you order a website on a public host, you cannot install Apache on that host, it has to be installed by the webhosting provider.Same thing for the php compiler, or the java runtime, it has to be installed by the server owner.If you have no third-party program (don't need Django nor Eclipse for instance) you go directly to step three.In step three, you simply have to put your programs and datafiles in the server environment dedicated to your hosting account (usually you create a subfolder under the "www" folder of your account.This text is very basic, simply because what you told us from your article is very unprecise.If you need more info, please tell us more about the articles you are talking about.RegardsYordan
  8. I have two questions.first of all, your topic is "how to put a Gaim online", are you really talking about "Gaim", or is it a mistype and you were talking about a GAME?Secondly, how is your game? Ils it a php program or is it a set of html pages?Did you try it on your PC ? How do you fire it on your PC?For instance, if it's a set of html files and you start it by going to c:\mygame\start.html, you have have simply, on your webhost, to create a folder named "mygame" and upload insid it the whole content of the c:\mygame folder from your PC.
  9. Concerning free hosting, also do not forget our free hosting guide : https://xisto.com/ (also on the left pannel of the Xisto forum)
  10. Maybe this free hosting provider did not survive till today?
  11. These kind of hostings are not provided here. When you sign your hosting contract, you accept that Not respecting these rules can lead to the hosting account termination.
  12. Yes, but... After having entered your password, how many time before you are able to surf on the web?
  13. Please don't use capital letters, it sounds rather aggressive. And please use standard English sentences, we hate these SMS-like poorly formed words.
  14. For qupis, the hosting is completely free, simply you have a small one-line ads at the bottom of each page.If you want a more professional hosting, ads-free, you choose the Xisto hosting, have a look at the full explanation of the Xisto post-to-host system here http://forums.xisto.com/topic/86546-topic/?findpost=1064322155
  15. OK, now I see. You want to see the php settings concerning memory.You can see it in your cpanel.
  16. No specific limit as long as there is no problem related to your account. However, you are a standard user with exactly the same rights as the other users. In case of abuse your processes could be simply kicked out and your account suspended.
  17. Here at Xisto you don't really have a free account like on some other freehost offers.Here you have a paid hosting plan.So you have exactly the same plan as other paid hosting plans.Simply you pay with the MyCents generated by your topics on our our forum.
  18. Mirror-like disks? These are already new generation disks. The regular disks, made from gamma iron magnetic oxyde, were dark-brown.
  19. You first posted this topic in the "tutorial" section.This post is not a tutorial.That's why I moved it here, where it's place most probably is.RegardsYordan
  20. You can start with a subdomain, start building your website, see how it behaves, see how many visitors you get.And then, get a full domain name and put it above your subdomain.
  21. You can also put a "mailto:" link on your website, it's very similar to your option 1, but it opens the standard mail form of the user's PC, which could be useful.
  22. Of course, no problem.Simply the domain is useless, unless you have somewhere a hosting server to make the domain point to.
  23. Near the "Lunix PHP-" going rightwards, you see the "price" column, then the "Billing cycle" column, then the "Next due" column, and then you see a small icon, looking like a piece of paper with text and with an arrow, if you click on it you enter your details menu, with "enter cpanel", and the "change password" fields. And of course when you will have entered your cpanel, you will see (if you still want to know it) where your account is really hosted, probably on the server named "gamma".
  24. If you are hosted by Xisto, you can simply use the DNS coming with your account, the fees for them are includend inside your hosting plan.
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