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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Are you serious? Really? A website for pen & paper players?
  2. Probably not More cpu power on a smaller display.
  3. The problem is that there is no real error, with the syntax we use. We are casting values, and print pointers. We say and further, we read a decimal, and affect it to a pointer. So we read a decimal value, we say that it's an integer, and we use it as an array of variable length. And we input a value which is not a decimal, so the cast to integer does not give the result we want, so all our "if" statements are based on false assumptions. In a perfect world we should investigate the default assignment for "02", is it translated to "0x2" ? Then it's value is 2 hexadecimal in a 64-bit machine? What is it worth? 128? I guess that the correct way for such a problem is not overriding the natural values with artificial forced casts. We should read the integer as an integer value. Then, if we want to see the digits, we should explicitly find the number of digits, as we learned at school when we were five-years old : we divide by 10, and then by ten, until nothing remains. And if we want to put the thing inside an array, we should declare the array, with it's real length. If we could do that way, we would have a standard error processing at each step of the program : input an integer, error because it's not integer, et caetera.
  4. This was just en axeample. In order to go more indepth, have a look at the "integer" syntax. Clearly, when entered as &number, 02 is not seen as the integer "2"
  5. Thanks, it's exactly the way I am thinking that.
  6. You're almost right, but only partly. I learned C at school, with the hard method, learning definitions before applying them. This is the safest way for people needing to learn a language.However, I understand the programming-by-example way, which could people feel it more attractive.
  7. Sorry, I went until the "click here to download", I didn't do the full job. Did you test the sourceforge version ? https://sourceforge.net/projects/askomodoeditpaf/
  8. 777 is a temporary workaround, just for testing purposes. Then change them to the recommended settings, probably 660 and check that it still works.
  9. I would rather try the portable version of komodo edit, you find it on portableapps.com, see here :http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it on a separate windows install, it should be completely independent, so you simply copy it on your usb stick.
  10. Server speed of course, but mainly clients speed, which you don't master. So, with a fast server, you have to test your page load on slow home pc's.
  11. You can check this if you type "net share" in a linux shell window. If it shows something, this is because Samba is installed. If it says "net not found", this means that I am wrong
  12. Let's see later how your book explains this. Pointers are direct access to parts of the system memory, for instance the place where the value of this variable is currently stored in system memory.
  13. This is explained in the user manual and in the reference manual.Each statement (like printf) has a syntax and has a list of needed libraries. For instance if you want to manipulate day-time things, you need times.h if not, you don't need them. If you manipulate strings, you need the strings.h library. If not, you don't need it. This is another good approach. Simply, with this latter approach, you almost never know the fundamentals of what you are writing, you could survive very long time before needing to understand a concept which would have been told you immediately in the first approach.It's exactly like learning music, some teacher start the hard way, teaching you how to read the notes before having fun. Other teachers show you how to play funny music, and afterwards show you the books helping you to learn more indepth.
  14. A good Unix course stats with an explanation, what is a computer, what is a filesystem with it's inodes, what is a device, with the major and minor of the special character devices. And then introduces the standard libraries for handling such devices, for instance the standard input/output library stdio.h When you want to read something on the keyboard you to include these libraries inside your program, introducting the #include syntax. And then showing the "hello, world" printf For instance in The C Programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie : #include <stdio.h>main(){ printf("hello, world\n");}Of course, everybody knows the Ritchie manual, still a good reference. Please note that there is no return instruction in that program, useless here.
  15. SEO is a way for google measuring the interest of a website from real users point of view.This is particularly useless if you are not concerned by google business, and depends from a lot of nonsense variables.However, when a website page loads slowly, a standard user goes out immediately, no need of spending time waiting. So, when designing a website, we must take that into account.For instance, the text in a website should appear before the nice background image, so that I can start reading the text without waiting for the image, which by itself could be without any interest for me.The same way, google should give search results with fast loading pages first, real persons probably spent more time reading these fast loading pages.
  16. Yes, and, more important, these infos are transmitted out of the program and readable afterwards without the need of writing any method of communication between you and the computer.
  17. First of all, the error was false, and secondly the place of the errors could be also false.The compiler did not see the end of your instruction and told you that a ";" was missing. This is the problem with this compiler, very obvious errors are not detected correctly. Another exemple is a missing quote, or a missing bracket. Usually compilers come with their documentation, so you should find the (book) file with the error codes and diagnostics for gcc for your version of linux compilers. You know, these books are paid by you so you receive them when you buy a profession very expensive compiler like microsoft C compiler or IBM C compiler, you have to find them by yourself for the free compilers.
  18. You will probably have to take care with pointers.You are using a pointer in your first exemple of errors, no real problem but keep in mind that the things whose name start with "&" are pointers, not numbers.
  19. Try printf ("Program Seems that that you forgot the leading parenthesis. The compiler could not imagine that you did such a mistake, and tries to imagine something more complicated.
  20. The C program does not need error handling. The "return" (or "exit" 0 in shell scripts) is absolutely not needed.Error handling is an extra, out of this program. Just in order to help you know if the program finished normally or if it crashed."exit 0" says "I am going to exit normally".Not necessary, but it's a way of writing programs, in order to clearly tell the people who will debug it later if needed (me or you next year) how the exit was.
  21. You don't have to use samba.While your virtual machine is running, go to VM, settings, options, shared folders.Select shared folder, you will be able to choose the folder on your Windows7 machine (create a folder named c:\myshares while under windows and select it in the vm shared folder settings). You will be able to say if it's activated always, only once or never, and choose the folder.
  22. On which operating system did you run it?This a very common way of using hidden factors, named error codes.return 0 means error code zero, which is is the normal exit for a program.You could add other things more complicated, for insance the case where it's not good (return 1), there is no apple in my pocket (return 2).Afterwards, you query the return codes, if the return code is 2 this means that there is no apple in your pocket.On Unix, "echo $?" tells you the last error code, so after running your program "echo $?" should give "0".
  23. Should work fine with a folder on your windows7 machine, and from times to times you make this folder shared by the virtual machine.
  24. For basic things, this will need the same time that you needed for learning php.
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