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Everything posted by yordan

  1. That's the problem. You needed to get java installed. Any kind of java. So, expert linux people know that you should have looked if a java development kit is already installed, and would look of ipenjdk is installed. If not, installing the most famous java environment, which is the Oracle one, was not a bad idea. Simply, it's easy to install on some distros, and seems that on your computer this step was not very easy.
  2. Ha-Ha, thanks, Wutske. I also have "Automatically Restart" on my Windows7 system, I will uncheck it next time I have a strange behaviour.
  3. At least all ubuntu lovers disapointed by the Linux implementation on android will love the ubuntu phone.And I love the ping layout, hopefully it can be changed
  4. Please explain what you mean by "themselves not for community". The text I am writing is for community. But the myCENTS I obtain that way is for sustaining my own hosting.
  5. This option existed some years ago, but has never been used, because nobody had credits enough for giving credits to somebody else. So, this has not been included in the new version of the credit system.
  6. You should also write the same program with the "while" variant, and try a "paper" execution, and you will see the difference."for" gives a list, exactly like the shell statement "for i in apple, bread, banana""while" is a logical condition, like the "while true", which will continue as long as it's true.This will give a difference in the behavior inside a loop and could make one step be performed or not.
  7. Please avoid posting such obvious one-line posts.Everybody knows that home users should, if possible, use standard quality cables. And all standard cable are coaxial today, using the shield effect provided by the neutral external part of the cable.
  8. I'm afraid also the filesystem descriptors are partly complete. So, next time you plug the USB device, Windows will tell you that it has to be repaired.
  9. When you start copying, Windows start copying the files to it's cache. If you cancel befor it's finished, windows will remove all incomplete files from the USB device and will leave it in a clean state.If you don't cancel the process, the files are in an incomplete state, until the process is finished. If you remove the USB drive before the process is finished, some infos are still in the cache but are not on the disk yet. So the disk needs some cleanup. The cleanup will probably remove the uncompleted files. If you are lucky you will lose only the last written files. Else you can loose the USB filesystem, and you will have to format it again.
  10. No need for new smarter devices. Every day my wii console tells me that my training program has to be more carefully respected if I want to improve my my weight ratio
  11. The next philosophical problem will be : how can we destroy these technology devices?Once a power laser makes a whole in a body armor, making it useless for further use, how can we manage that? We cannot simply put it in a dump, and we should not throw it in the ocean.
  12. Really impressive. I don't need any more to constantly owe a computer, a telephone and an arm watch, I will replace this with a single device which will be able to smell and tell me if my dinner is burning, and will be waterproof so I can keep my camera inside the swimming pool. And my problems with real or emulated keyboard will be finished, probably this thing will also have finger-touch feedback like real keyboard but will be hidable inside my pocket or inside the watch! Very nice, how unpatient I feel
  13. The problem you will have is that you have to learn how to create portable programs. Your program should work the same way on each hardware.So, if the windows implementation has a problem, you have to find a workaround for the Windows code, and this workaround has to work correctly on the linux system.Of course, this is the last step of your learning curve, but in a normal university cursus this step has to be constantly present in your mind from the very beginning : you have to learn how to write program which work correctly, with a code clearly commented, which can be applied to any environment.That is the main strongpoint of C/C++, the compilers are supposed to handle the same code in an identical way on each hardware environment. Too bad that Eclipse does not follow these rules.
  14. thanks, mastercomputers. Looks like a stupid java bug, also have a look at the microsoft answer http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I feel this very disagreable, softwares installing an update program which is blocked by Crosoft Windows.
  15. @mastercomputer : it's not concerning a load in the background.It's before entering Windows, during the first splash screen saying "starting windows". I'm pretty sure it's during the first graphic display reset, which cannot be performed, probably because of a system file locked somewhere by something.I also have this once or twice a week. The problem is logged somewhere, that's why after a cold restart I often have a prompt saying something like "you had a problem during boot time, click here if you allow us to solve the problem", you click, the system connects to Microsoft, runs a little bit, and says "we could not fix your problem, click here" and we are redirected to Nvidia site.
  16. Oh, I guess that it's the standard "Windows is starting" screen, simply lasting several hours instead of lasting a couple of seconds.
  17. OK, looks like the old trick : fflush if you really want your printf to be seen, else forget about fflush.
  18. Woah! I remember the time when I was happy with my 800*600 resolution on my 14 inch display... so I'm pretty sure that 1280*800 could be fully acceptable for a 8inch display
  19. Sorry, I was completely wrong.I did not understand that the C syntax was correct, and the c comiler version was correct, only the Eclipse version was wrong. So, the problem remains, and my explanation is not a real wone.
  20. However, one thing should remaine obvious. Linux operating system has a free version. Linux version of commercial games will exist as a commercial version. Linux games have no reason to be free, else game creators will get no salary and will stick to Windows games
  21. OK, the 8 is larger than the 2 but smaller than the 10? OK, Why not. Let's see.
  22. Have a look at your last printf This printf ends with "\n", which means "carriage return, linefeed", which can be translated into "after that, next things will be written at the beginning of the next line". Your first printf, after "int number", is In this statement, there is no final "\n", this means "please writte "4digits" and stay where you are, next printouts will stay where you are.
  23. Just have a look at the subdomain section of your cpanel as soon as your account gets unsuspended.
  24. The default subdomain is created and is reachable, and is active all the time. You can reach your website through your domain address or your Xisto.net subdomain link, at any time.
  25. Yes, it's included in your hosting plan, have a look at your helpdesk, Client Area, My Services. It's listed ther.Also have a look at your cpanel.
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