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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Which script are you talking about ?
  2. Unfortunately, this test will probably be non-significant.The symptom with a dying battery is that the voltage is correct if the battery is stand-alone, and the voltage is low if the battery is connected on a powered computer using the electrical power from the battery.
  3. We should see the context, in order to understand what they do mean saying that. The reason is probably coming from something else than the lens. For instance if they use a curtain as shutting mechanism, this is probably true, because the total exposure time is slow (time for the curtain to scanning the whole sensing area) whereas the local speed is high (if the curtain is rather shut each part of the sensing area sees very few time, so a moving object moves really not at all).This techniqui is mainly used on reflex cameras, which seems to be the case for your device. Regards Yordan
  4. 3.5 is rather a good aperture.However, this info is not enough. You have to see what is stated by "normal" lenses. f3.5 gives far more light than f5.6 or f8 or f11 or f16. So, you must know what is stated for "normal" lenses. The second point is, f3.5 is a ratio from focal to aperture, so if you don't know the focal size something is missing. The absolute value for the amount of light entering the the total size of the objective aperture. A lot of "standard" cameras have a quite small objective aperture (five millimers sometimes, one or two centimeters diameter most of time). My camera has a five centimeters main lens diameter, which allows a lot of light entering, which allows you to have small exposition times, which means taking good pictures of moving objects. However, I don't have a Nikon 18-200 VR, so my experience is not really worth for your precise question. Nevertheless, keep in mind that f3.5 may be a rather main lens diameter meaning rather high light incoming, meaning rather short exposure times. By the way, the aperture just above f3.5 is f2.8, this is quite huge and very few current systems have it, and they are really, really expensive. Hope this helped Yordan
  5. Right, that is part of the total art. Having an artist viewing is the first thing. An artist has to see the world in a precise way, and has to express what he has seen.The way he sees is part of the artist emotion. The way he expresses is may be the camera, or the pencil, or a typewriter. Henry Miller expressed a lot of things about having a bath by mean of a typewriter, and this is art.So, all of us seem to agree with the fact that art is a way of feeling emotions and being able to express them.Unfortunately, you are an artist if people like what you perform. If you are unhappy, hou will need to wait two hundred years before people discover your productions and feel emoted when seeing them.Even there, a lot of people disagree about what is art and what is not.My son says that the music he ears is pure art.And I personnally feel that it's pure noise.
  6. I hate this definition, it's really restrictive and far out of real being of art.If I push the button of my camera and take a picture, and show it on a wide screen, I imitate the nature. When Leonardo da Vinco makes a painting of the smiling of a lady who probably even never existed, this is art. Art is creation. An artist is a creator, blowing out what he has inside. An artist has to express something, and usually this something does not exist before the artist expresses it. that's why I say art is creation, an artist is a creator. Some of us, here at Xisto, create some nice pieces of software. They way of working is somehow an art too. The work of an artist is something you like, or you hate. If it raises no emotion, it's not art, it's useless work (or maybe useful work if somebody is interested).
  7. @wanhafizi : Im' rather surpized. I would first remove the database, and after that remove the datafiles, not the opposite. @kenjvalip : I have a photo gallery not working any more after the last Xisto physical server change. And then, the automatic uninstaller in the cpanel does not uninstall, it simplay says "an error occured", which is normal because the script does not work because of server name bugs.So, I will have to uninstall manually, and the precise method is something interesting to be known.RegardsYordan
  8. One millenium instad of ten is still one millenium too much. Whe should really start thinking on not-at-all spoiling energies. Have a huge solar cell on your hat for giving power to your mp3 player instead of having a battery cell is one very simple example. Just have to imagine a nice solar-celled hat and find some sexy girls for the advertisement.
  9. I definitivelay say "yes".If you design nice things, knowing what you do and why it's nice and what makes people love your production, then it's art. If you simply throw a bunch of colors, it's not art, any mean you use. If you take a pencil and a paper and draw a horrible thing it's not art. If you use a computer and a mouse to create something nice it's art. In my opinion it's the same problem when writing a text. if you use a pencil and a piece of paper, or if you use a typing machine or a computer, you create something, and whether it's art or bull...it depands on what you created.
  10. I still think it's the battery. I would say that the most clever thing would be to find a reseller who trusts you, and accepts to let your insert a battery and use your computer to see how long the new battery lats.Because, from a technical point of view, it's not really easy to see test a battery. You can see that the battery has some volts on it, but you have to connect something on the battery in order to see that under use the battery electric tension goes down. And no-one will probably connect a lamp to your battery to check if the battery still works. A faulty battery unable to be correctly checked is a more probable readon than a faulted charging port.And, yes, a faulted charging port is on the motherboard, which is probably very expensive on a laptop. That's why I would first try with a new battery.
  11. thanks a lot for the suggested link, miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG, Photo DVD wizard works fine, it does exactly what I want. I am just surprized that it does not want to add directly a whole buch of pictures, it stops at 65. So I will have to play around with menus, chaptes etc... which is the interesting part of life. You should be right. Unfortunately, most of standard DVD players cannot play JPG pictures, only the latest ones know how.Thanks a lot again, you were really fast with helping on my problem. Yordan
  12. I would like to give my JPG pictores to somebody who has no PC.My aunt only has a standard DVD player (an old one, no DVD) connected to her TV.Is there an open-source or a freeware tool creating a slide-show from a set of JPG pictures and converting to DVD format so it can be watched on a standard stand-alone DVD connected to a TV ?Of course I tried using Windows Movie Maker but in only creates .wmv files which need a PC to be viewed.Any help would be appreciated.RegardsYordan
  13. Maintaining a session will probably be the most critical thing. Maybe you will have to design a cookie in charge to hold the data your session needs.
  14. How big are your data ? Houdini is right, if your laptop is connected to the Internet, the best way is to put all your files under your Xisto account, and remove them after verification in order to save your account disk space.
  15. Same for me, I always tell people to go with Mandrake first. There is no "best" Linux distro. Most of them are free, the installation is easy and harmless, so you should try several ones until you find the one you like. Of course, you can ask other people their opinion, and you will see all of them are different. I love Mandrake, I can work wir Redhat, i hate Suze and I simply was not able to put gentoo to work. Honestly, this is simply my own experience, you should really try in order to have your own opinion. Regards Yordan
  16. yordan


    No problem here, because we are in the "no post count" section of the forum, so we can say not so clever things here.
  17. Also, you can use the Forum's private messages to send us your files. first of all, show us your "index.html" or the "index.php" file.RegardsYordan
  18. Of course, you can start a new topic.Nevertheless, if you prefer continuing this one, no problem. The problem is never asking a question, the problem is finding somebody who has the answer ! Regards Yordan
  19. Thanks, Opethian.Basically, my question was about opening a file with an open-source software. I have the solution for Excel files, I open them with openOffice. In this topic I wanted to know if it's possible to open a .cdr file with an open-source or with a free software.As finaldesign explains it, this is unfortunately not possible. The best way to share such files is to ask the author to re-send the file in JPG format. That's the way I will proceed next time.Regards Yordan
  20. Probably not. But if you had 100 DVD movies, would you like to save them ? Probably yes. And then you would need such a huge hard disk to store your 100 DVD movies.
  21. Yes, C language is the best way, the most performing if you have a lot of users. However, are you familiar with the embedded C for your database ? By the way, which database manager are you using ? Is it a mysql database ? I guess that most of people here use mysql with php, so they will suggest you to use php. Maybe the most efficient thing is look aroung this forum or make a google search for php sample scripts, understand the examples and adapt them to your own purposes. Regards Yordan
  22. using a sheep is a great idea. A sheep has a lot of weight, so he is able to provide a lot of energy. Because of the earratic path when wandering the pasture, we must add an inertia device to the system, transforming the step, stop, eat, step, stop, eat to a constant motion. Maybe adding a dog could improve the step-stop-eat behaviour to a run-run-run-stop-eat-run-run tempo.
  23. I would say, the really best way is to startup with a teacher, who shows you theory, then makes you do some exercices. Then, you have to train yourself on real cases, first modifying existing programs, then writing down your own ones.
  24. Most of my friends are still writing to my old mail, so I cannot really switch to gmail.I tried explaining them "please you should better write to my gmail mailbox", then they write once to the old one and once to gmail, and when the phone "you did not answer my mail" i cant' find it any more. There should be a way of reading the hotmail mails from my gmail box.
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