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Everything posted by yordan

  1. I guess it's a feature which needs additional sofware and drivers, you should rather have a look at nVidia site.I know that some Nvidia cards allow several cards to work at the same time under Linux, providing you have the corresponding drivers and X-Windows settings, which is sometimes not so obvious. Regards Yordan
  2. Your link is no more active. If you try http://www.shutterbook.com/, you find a page saying and the parazz site is very, very slow.So, the best solution is still "use your Xisto account and create your album" at Xisto.
  3. Such is life, man, really useful and uncomparable quality things are unfortunately very expensive.
  4. And I feel these messages very convenient because once upon a time they helped me debugging my php program which had "almost" the correct connection string.
  5. OK, you have two answers, both answers point to a nice artistical fact : what do you want to express ? The drawing is nice, now we have to go to the next step, is the drawing made in order to sustain a message or a written text, then we need to go to the next step and see if the drawing and the text match.Personnally I feel that the loading time is too much, so if you want people to see the drawing, maybe you should consider using a slower resolution in order to improve the downloading time.RegardsYordan
  6. That's exactly what I am stating. IQ exams are supposed to test your Intelligence. And the current test just tests a kind of logics. Logics is not intelligence, it's just one way of intelligent behaviour, it's not the only one. Finding his path throught the jungle or downtown Manhattan is a second type of Intelligence, probably most important (especially if you are hungry) not measured by this test.
  7. How does this driver look like ? Is it a simple file ? How is that file named ?Last time I had to do that, I put this file on a CD-Rom, booted Linux, displayed that file and simply clicked on it and that's all. By the way, I recommend first try with Mandrake. It manages automatically the dual-boot, Windows partitions sharing, at has most of the ethernet boards in the standard auto-detect install features. And it was really easy to modify /etc/lilo.conf in order to put Windows as default, the system automatically boots on Windows without asking for nothing. Only experienced people know that within two seconds they have to "down arrow" and choose Linux.
  8. Right, just download the distros and burn them to CD.Also, just try the Knoppix CD because you don't need to install it, so you will directly see if your Ethernet adapter is recognized.
  9. Looks rather nice. Especially the 2Gb memory, you should never have memory problem with that!Just be sure that the games you want to play will work on an AMD Athlon 64 .Yordan
  10. I see no need to create a second account. Just create a subdomain under your own account, it will act as another domain, and everything will be in agreement with Xisto rules. And if you continue posting, the credits will be worth for your domain and your subdomain, so no need to handle two accounts.
  11. I hope this guy did not get afraid with all our rude answers. Did you notice that Arianu has only a single post ? Seems that the present post was his first and his most recent post ? Hey, come back, guy, they were joking ! Come back with us, we accept all questions, including yours !
  12. This looks like a pure logics problem.This is the kind of things I hate.I even did not try solving this problem.Rather go to bed.
  13. How did you get that sql.gz file ? If you got it through a cpanel "make backup" menu, you restore it with the correspondig "restore backup" menu. If you obtained it from somebody, this guy should tell you how he created the file and how the file has to be restored. Remember, it's an old Unix rule : when you give somebody a backup file, you must provide the way of restoring (cpio, tar, import, etc...) Nevertheless, Quatrux is right : get this file on your own computer, untar it, and see what is inside, and if it's simple "insert into mytable" things, just run this file.
  14. Usually I prefer a desktop because it has more disks and it often has both a CD-reader and an DVD-writer, which is the fastest way for my digital camera backups.However, if I happen to be invited to a lan-party, I prefer a laptop.If I were rich I would have both.
  15. Somebody will probably find a country which will be in charge of receiving that. Shall this country agree with that or not is another story.
  16. Hi, Citizene,If your question was "do you like my pictures ?" my answer is : Yes, I had a look at your site, and I really loved the pictures. The pictures are nice, some perspectives effects and lightening effects make me happy, I really like your pictures.Now, the second step : I think a book is concerned. So, we should see see if the emotion we feel is the emotion whe should experience when reading the corresponding text in the book ?This two-stage process is really part of a total multemida art. It's the same problem with some movies or some theater exhibitions, where a nice girl is present : does the story talk about a nice girl and should we watch the girl, or does the story talk about quite an anonymous girl and I should not have watched her ?Anyway, the most important thing is : yes, I like your pictures, yes, I am really impressed. And, oh boy, I am fully jealous, because I know I will never be able to create such nice things.RegardsYordan
  17. I would say it differently. Frequently when I am surfing on the net, I see a site saying "your computer is not secured. Click here and I will show you all the security holes in your computer". And when I click, I really see that my computer has a lot of security holes and that my secret info have really been seen by somebody else.This means that these people looking for security holes do a correct job if they look into my computer, and they are allowed to act that way. But if they happen to do the same thing on the army computer they will do illegal things and will be punished ?
  18. Remember the old joke.Optimistic people think that within next 20 years, poor people will eat stones.And pessimic people think that there will not be enough stones for everybody.
  19. I see the where the problem is.Even if he had no malintent, if he was able to enter the computers, then people with bad intentions could learn from him. What he did could be done again by somebody else, and some people could feel that not comfortable at all!
  20. People have to get familiar with vi, the default text editor with any Unix or Linux computer in the world.
  21. I loved the Google Maps site, I did not know it, it's really nice. thanks a lot.Yordan
  22. Er...You simply want to wait during ten seconds ?Then, a loop with ten times "sleep(1)" should do the job ?Or did I miss something ?RegardsYordan
  23. Here at work we have some security applications which mainly need that you disable Java in your IE6 settings. This means that your PC cannot use Java. In order to callaborate with your home PC, your home PC will also need to have java disabled. For such people (like me), this kind of thing is not accessible, even for private use !
  24. The only thing I would suggest is that the customer database should not be on your online site. The online web site should be able to receive informations from the customers and send an e-mail to you, and you put the info on a computer which is not on the network !This is the only real way to avoid informations being stolen.Remember that each information accessible on a computer could probably be stolen if somebody smart enough has enough time and really wants to.
  25. What do you intend this OS to be ? Would it be a kind of Linux ? Or would it be a Crosoft Windows compatible, being able to run a PowerPoint Viewer ?
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