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Everything posted by yordan

  1. I know a lot of people using their Windows PC first for gaming, secondly for text processing, and third for surfing on the web. And if you have a look at each new game arriving on the market, you will probably see the company advertising first for the console, secondly for Windows PC, and probably they will forget porting on Linux. Simply because a lot of family PC's are nowadays sold with Microsoft Windows installed, and need almost nothing to be done by a child for installing a game from the CD reader.
  2. I had this last time I burned my cpu board, no need to try this again.
  3. Aargh! The images disapeared! How disapointing!
  4. Sorry, but... what is Steam? I know that if I put heat on water at one end of a pipe, I get steam at the other end, but is that what you are talking about ?
  5. Wow! that has to be known! I run Task manager by alt-control-del inside any Windows version, we should remember not to use shft-Esc
  6. You definitely have to check where your system spends time. If most of the time is spent on disk I/O, you have to switch to a faster disk, or add a second disk. If most of the time is cpu time, you have to switch to a faster cpu. Too bad there is no company giving you a disk for a limited time test, this kind of try-and-buy service would be profitable to each one.
  7. [sigh] dreaming of a universal phone, working on all networks, and free in each country! Let's wait and see if google is able to cover everywhere with the balloon-lifted antennas project!
  8. Huh? Are you the owner of these domains? Then you can park them, the plan has "unlimited parked domains" And of course, if you don't have these domains yet, then look for a cheap domain provider, and you will come back to Xisto!
  9. Seems that this topic subject is "hiding" the icons, not deleting them. If you delete all the icons, you save space, but you will never get them back again. Who knows where "my computer" or the trash bin are really located?
  10. If your machines are Linux ones, you should probably perform a nmon analysis and see where system time is expended : user cpu, kernel cpu, waiting for disks or waiting for the network
  11. If replacing with a new cartridge solves the problem, that indicates that the problem was due to the cartridge. However, if the problem is located somewhere else, changing the cartridge will repair nothing. Of course, on my own printer, I use a new cartridge as soon as the old one has no more toner.
  12. From the software point of view, some things can be understood. People hating Windows 8 tiling things could prefer having the same hardware with Android, if available. Or course, I have no smartphone, so my opinion is not very important here.
  13. From the mobility point of view, I know some people who have to work with their laptop in places where there is no electric power for a standard charger. So, for their mobility point of view, having the solar cell directly on the PC is the best choice, they stay in some sunny part of the house and they can charge their PC.And the solar cell being par of the PC makes that you will not forget it when you go out from your office or from a friend's house.
  14. Ouch! Problem with your browser? Which browser do you use? Works rather well with my Firefox display.
  15. I love the brunton device. The solar roll looks really useful. With the briefcase thing, I would be afraid, a guy walking around could take it and start running
  16. Ha-Ha : Works fine till now. If we see a problem we will report it here.
  17. I don't really understand what you are asking for. Do you want to monitor your own PC ? Do you want to know the url's you visited? I guess that your firewall does the job? Or do you want to unhide the data itune is trying to hide? You want to reach the music files directly without using itunes? At least I would try installing privoxy, and use it as your proxy while you surf. In the logs you will see each url you are trying to reach. Just try it, read the real-time logs, and tell us if this is the kind of info you are tring to obtain. As well as your browser cache also
  18. Are you joking ? Did you read the words Concerning the "how you can do it inside a class" part, I would simply say "you should not do it inside the class", or "your teacher should make you unable to do it inside the class"
  19. I was not really sure where to place this topic. My topic concerns the best method for optimizing hardware resources, so the topic should be in the hardware subforum. However, this method is based on a software environment, so it can be in a software forum. Today, Virtualization is the key concept in hardware infrastructure technology. However, rather few people can really feel what “virtual” means in the computer world. This text will help you learning and touching with your own fingers what virtualization is. Today we will install two virtual machines, a Linux one and a Windows one, in a single computer box. Our hardware computer box is a Windows PC, and the virtualization environment is the free version of vmware player. First of all, Install the software For our training purposes, we will use vmware player, the free version of the vmware virtualization suite. Get vmware player from : https://www.vmware.com/products/workstation-player/workstation-player-evaluation.html It's free for personal learning purposes. Click on the downloaded installation file, that’s all. Now you are ready, start the software, you reach the welcome screen Create your first partion. Click « create a new machine » Let’s do it simple today, do not choose « I will install the operating system later », install from a disc or from an iso file. Her you see that I want to install from the Centos iso. Click « next », the Easy Installation wizard detected that you are installing CentOS, and asks you the username as well as the root user passwords. Choose the machine name, choose or create the location on the disk where you want everything been stored Press Next, you will be asked for the disk size, and then comes the final summary, you can accept it or click « customize hardware » if you want to change something Today we will accept all these settings, click « Finish ». You will se the automatic install starting, the machine will boot on the installation media The automatic install will continue with the packages installations Go and have a coffee (if you want one) while the install continues. At the end of the installation you see the login screen for the user you created, named “The Big Boss” Forget about the vmware tools install error, you will be able to install them manually. Log in with the password previously defined. In order to check that you obtained a full functional machine, click the firefox icon, and you will be able to connect to the Xisto forum ! Installing our second machine. Let’s do something less simple for the second machine. Open vmplayer again (now we have two instances of the player running) On the new window we see the name of the first running machine. Click « Create a New Virtual Machine » and choose « I will install the operating system later » We want to install a Windows 7 machine. Choose the name and the location of the machine Now comes the interesting part. In the Disk Capacity menu, I don’t want the suggested 60 Gigs size , I change it to 15 I accept the other suggested values, and I click « Finish » The new system is now visible on the main screen. We still need to define the installation media, so click « Edit virtual machine settings », and choose the install media. After that, choose « Play Virtual Machine ». As soon as you click « Play Virtual Machine », you see the standard Windows install process starting, saying « Windows is loading files » for instance. Simply wait until the end of the installation, asking the standard questions if needed. After the last reboot you will have a full functional Windows system. Summary and conclusion. You have learned how to install two virtual machines inside your home computer using vmware player, the vmware environment free for private use. This is a spectacular method for saving hardware : instead of buying three different computers, you now have three computers inside the same box : your home computer, for word-processing usage and looking at movies, a CentOS computer for database testings, and a Windows computer for testing purposes when you simultenously need two PC’s. A single hardware computer for three usable systems, that’s the miracle of virtualization, and you have learned how to master it. You have seen with your own eyes how you save cpu, memory, and money, when you install several virtual machines inside the same physical server, instead of buying several boxes. You will even be able to copy inside this box the appliances preopared by your friends or colleagues. In order to go further, you will need to switch to the more advanced (unfortunately not free) environment, the vmware workstation server. This will give you the ability to use a lot of useful features, for instance : The ability of cloning your virtual machine, and create templates for massive deployments. The ability of converting a physical compute to a virtual machine, for migration purposes. A single console for all your virtual machines. The « Unity » mode, where all the windows of your virtual machine are opened on your single physical screen, no need to switch from one machine to the other one. The differences between the free player and the paid pro versions are listed here : https://www.vmware.com/products/workstation-pro.html And when you will have finished prospecting everything you can train yourself concerning the virtualization with vmware, you can switch to the competing scenarios, for instance the ones based on kvm…
  20. Not sure I understand your question. Which provider are you talking about? If you are talking about us here, you use no real money. The fees are not weekly, the fees are monthly. You post interesting topics or answers on our forums, these topics are converted into MyCents going in your account. Once accumulated, they pay the monthly fees for your hosting and domain name. Did this answer your question? Else, please tell us. Regards Yordan
  21. Ho-Ho, this would be coherent with what they told you on the other forum, simply they were not precise enough. So, the trick would be : disable, upgrade, see if the error is still there, if not, enable?
  22. Maybe the service is really unavailable? Maybe the habbo server, or some gateways between your PC and the servers, are temporily unavailable?
  23. Have a look at the website I mentionned, they claim it will work all night long. And also see the way the solar cells are placed, they are quite a lot.
  24. What do you think about this ? Have a look here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ These guys, the Wewi firm, made a laptop working with only solar energy ! This is wonderful for some countries I went, where there is a lot of sun, and very few electricity! And it's quite not a ridiculous device :2 to 4 gigs DDR3 Kingston memory, Intel Atom D2500 core duo @1.8 Ghz, and a Seagate 320 gigs disk! Moreover, it's submersible, which seems normal if you leave it outdoors while charging! The only thing some people could not appreciate : the price, about 400 $
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