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Everything posted by yordan

  1. yordan

    Ipad And Linux

    yes, sometimes jailbreaking is legal. Exactly like stealing money is sometimes legal. Usually it's not. That's why we will not discuss about jailbreaking here. We do not want to go to court in order to see if a court decision of New Zealand could be broken by an Indian or an American court.If you don't like apple device copyright policy and if you don't want to buy your softwares via applestore, don't buy these devices.
  2. yordan

    Ipad And Linux

    apple software is proprietary, reverse engeneering or modification to software features are not allowed. The only modifications to the hardware of software have to be done by apple people, or through iTunes.
  3. So, you can backup the 107 system partition on the 250GB diskThen remove the 640 GB disk, replace it by the new 750 GB diskRestore the system backup on the 750 GBCheck that the system backup is usableReplace the 250 GB disk by the 640 GBIf this does not work, put the 640 GB back, no change.
  4. yordan

    Ipad And Linux

    no problem, but keep in mind that we are a willingly serious forum, and we accept only real technical infos on legit technical solutions.RegardsYordan
  5. yordan

    Ipad And Linux

    OK, why not.Unfortunately, here at Xisto, we support only legit IT operations.jailbreaking an ipad is against apple authoring rights, and is not supported. :angry:Here you can also talk about legit software, accepted by all standard apple devices.If you want to be completely free on a phone or a tablet, you must wait for the next generation Linux devices, if they ever reach the public usage, and if they allow you obtaining root access.
  6. Clonezilla should do the job.How big is your system partition? Do you have an external disk able to temporarily receive the backup and use it as source for the restore ?
  7. yordan

    Ipad And Linux

    I don't have an ipad, so I can't really help you. However, did you have a look at these two links ?
  8. Thanks for the censorship, it was really necessary.
  9. That's why I often use a portable version of firefox, in case of trouble I run it from my USB stick on both places, should behave the same way if there is no firewall/proxy effects.
  10. Ha-ha, different techniques giving different effects.Nevertheless, you see that ther are roughly two techniques, and you have to stick to one without deviating.The Shift Key is an important difference, the other one is that I tell you that your fingers should never go out of a fixed position, which is also a major difference.And of course, practice and exercices remain the main point.
  11. Seems that you need to go back to the basis.Need to learn how to put your fingers in the correct position (feel the additional form on the "f" and the "j" key, and learn to leave your index there, not to move them unless you need to type a key with the index.Then, star following a typing manual, with exercices on how to type training texts.You have to learn that, each time you type a capital letter, if the capital letter is to be typed with a finger of the left hand, the righ shift has to be used. Reversely, you have to use the left shift each time you type a capital letter with a finger of your right hand.And of course the spacebar has to be typed with the thumb of the hand whose finger did not press the last key : if the left key was pressed with the left hadnd, the spacebar with the right thumb.And of course the exercices from the typing manual have to be performed without looking at the keybord nor at the screend.The exercices of the typing manual are made for giving your graduated difficulty exercices, helping you learning whe the letters are placed.For instance typing poppa poppa poppa poppa four lines without errors (an extra line at each error), then more complicated sequences like hello hello hello hello, or moreover Hi Hey Hello Hi Hey Hello, and so one.And remember the correct position, your fingers have to stay on the a s d f position if you have a qwerty keyboard, moving fast to the typing key and going back the the a s d f position, same thing for the right hand fingers.If you have the correct typing book and if you daily do your exercices, you will see some progress. If you don't do that, you will stuck to slow speed because of bad knowledge of your keyboard and a poor finger and body position.
  12. I can see the images, so it's probably a local effect, or a browser effect.
  13. Do you have the references of this mouse? Maybe it's a clone of another one, and drivers could be available around the web?
  14. That's right. The trick is to install an English MS Office suite, in order to keep using the layout you are familiar with. Then, you will need to read Spanish texts from your Spanish cousins, or write Greek texts for your Greek friends. Then you will have to add new keyboard descriptions, I think this is the aim for these Windows language addons.
  15. I think that it even does not transform Windows to the particular language : an English Windows will probably not shift to a Spanish one.
  16. Sorry, I can't understand that.Except if your position sitting in front on the table is not what I am thinking. Is your feet/chair/table/keyboard layout like on this image ? That way it should be, if not something is wrong somewhere. When you sit on the chair your feet touch the floor, your back is vertical, your hands are horizontal and without any effort lay on the table.
  17. Then you will have the words "shut-up, I'm sleeping" inside your voice-inputted text.
  18. I guess that if you want to read greek texts with Microsoft word, for instance, you will have to install the language pack. Try goggling concerning "add greek keyboard on a US PC"
  19. Even when the keyboard is on the table, having a correct position, with the wrists touching the table, should finally give more comfort. Because with this position, only your fingers work, else you are tired by the effort impulsed from the shoulders.
  20. Concerning the overall typing position, something simple has to been checked. How are you sitting in front of your chair? Do you wrist touch the table?They should. Just try a simple test. Try forcing your wrist to remain touching the table, only your fingers moving over the keyboard. You will see that this will drastically decrease the keyboard noise. Because just touching the keys with the fingers without moving the wrists will be enough for correctly pressing the keys, and will give rather low noise. The noise will increase as soon as your wrist will go off the table, and then the impact on the keys will come from your whole arm instead of coming only from your fingers.
  21. In my own opinion, 32 bit to 64 bit is a normal evolution.The correct way would have been (like on PowerPC) to keep strict downward compatibility, 32 bits application should always be able to run on a 64 bit machine, which is not always the case today.Adressing memory in a 64-bit word instead of a 32-bit word makes acces to huge memory applications easier, you will need twice less memory accesses. However, with the small machines you probably have (far less than 64 gigs memory) I don't think this will make any difference.
  22. I wouldn't say that it has failed badly. There was a step with human detection, then a python bot was able to do the job, then a further version of the game will beat the bot.
  23. If this is a server, it has to accessed by client machines, so you also have to configure the "listen" instruction in httpd.conf saying which IP address has to be served ("listen"ed to).Because the main reason for installing a sever is playing with client machines
  24. in a command line window, type sleep 60 &then type ps -aefin the ps display you will your "sleep 60" command running. This command does nothing more than sleeping during 60 seconds. You will see the process ID of this sleep command, and the ID of thre process which started this sleep command (most probably your bash window).
  25. Funny but usual situation. Everybody knows that Unix and Windows have very leak protections. But when you come to a practical case, you are blocked by the same security features which appear as being not really weak.
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