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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Could be. Or could have been. However, if I'm right, it's a hardware problem. And a hardware problem only has hardware solutions.
  2. At least show the printout to a repair shop, in order to confirm my diagnosis...
  3. Clearly your printer needs repair. A vital component has to be changed. You should print a text, get the paper having these black lines, and bring the paper to a repair shop, the guy will see immediately what happens and will tell you how much repairing will cost. Unfortunately, on some printers, repairing costs as much as buying a brand new one
  4. Do you really need to poweroff the system? I expected the drivers to be auto-load?
  5. OK, when you install something you don't really know about, somebody has to certify that this thing can be installed. You probably have found this kind of things when installing a Crosoft Windows software, you have seen a warning saying that "This thing is not certified by Microsoft, you should not install it". Microsoft is not the only authority assessing that something is a valid software. Have a look here in order to learn what a certificate authority is : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certificate_authority So, the sofwares you are wanting will not be installed if ca-authority is not already present. Also, as I already said, I don't like updating firmwares, it can break things if the firmware you install is not suitable for your hardware. However, if you really want to do this update, you will need to first install, and then run rpi-update And I guess that rpi-update will not start if git-core is not already installed. And don't ask me what "git" is, I guess it's a way of distributing Linux kernel versions. More infos here : http://askubuntu.com/questions/5930/what-are-the-differences-between-the-git-and-git-core-packages
  6. This part of the rpi-update code means that the ca-certificates have to be installed before performing the rpi-update. And, of course, the firmware does not necessarily need to be updated, only in some cases due to memory problem addressing. Just have a look at your hardware settings, if LInux sees your hardware, your Ethernet adapter and your memory, no need to update the firmware. And, by the way, if your question is "what does the wget -O mean", these instructions make you install ca-certificates and git-core, and then download the content of http://goo.gl/1BOfJ and name it "/usr/bin/rpi-update" and make it executable and the execute it. I would personally not do it because I don't update my firmwares unless I fall into a precise bug ; neverthesless, here is a link http://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/4355/do-i-still-need-rpi-update-if-i-am-using-the-latest-version-of-raspbian discussing the firmware and software update things.
  7. Change the Linux mint network settings for two ethernet adapters. Leave the ethernet settings on DNS for one of them. And change two of them to "fixed" IP : for the first one and for the second one. This will make you have three different network, only the first one being routed to the internet. This should work, try it. Regards Yordan
  8. OK, you have to read real numbers, and see what really "significantly faster" means. Loading a huge Excel spreadsheet in, say, two seconds instead of four seconds is twice faster. It's a real improvement. And of course for personal use, I prefer wait two seconds more, and buy ten disks (two years per disk) for the same price For commercial use it's completely different. If you are selling things online, showing your article in one second instead of three seconds can make the difference, a customer in a hurry will buy from websites displaying faster than from slow websites. However, the total transaction time has to be taken into account in that case, and the server has to analyzed in order to see where time is lost, writing disks or calculating things. If most of transaction time is cpu time, faster disks will improve nothing. You can have an idea on your PC, if it's a linux one. While you are working, in a command line window, type "sar 3 12", and have a look at the display. If the system is idle 80%, nothing can be improved. If your system is mostly using processor time ("system" and "user"), a faster cpu will give an improvement. And if the result is mainly "wio", adding disks will be the best thing. However, adding more conventional disks on more controllers will probably give better results than changing a single disk to a faster one.
  9. Ha-Ha, now I remember. I had three of these disks, now I only have one. 30% success, isn't it? And two hard drives lost
  10. By the way, instead of SAS disks, you could try SSD disks. The work with standard adapters. Unfortunately, they are about 10 times more expensive than standard disks.
  11. Server-class systems have native SAS adaptors on system board. Unfortunately, these systems are also rather expensive for personal use, let's say 2000$ to 3000$, which is far above any family budget
  12. No real problem, have a look at the results of "SAS adapter for PC" at google. The only problem will probably remain the price : such disk adapters cost about 180$, which is rather expensive for personal use
  13. That's the great philosophical problem we have, as well as all Information Technology hardware people. I have to know everything, precisely, at each moment : Where is my hardware (boot disk, cpu, memory) Where are my data disks (SSA, fiberchannel, Storage Area Network disks, Network Area Storage disks, direct-attach disks) Where do my Ethernet packets walk And of course we have to manage failover facilities, which means that the hardware currently in use can be in several different places, easily switching from one place to the other one. And should I give a customer a real complete hardware machine, or shared time inside a hardware machine, or a complete server encapsulated inside a bigger hardware? Of course, if I ask the question exactly that way, everybody start crying and will run away from myself. That's why the real question to ask, which is exactly the same question but stated in slightly different way, is "do yo want a cloud system, fully redondant with a distributed failure-safe storage, with 99.999% uptime?" And the answer is "yes plase"
  14. Please do not mix two concepts. Hardware people name "server" a box with a cpu chip, memory chips, and disks. vmware peple name "server" a virtual partition running a software (linux, windows) and serving a service (webserver, DNS server, gateway) Apache people name "server" the Apache process, in charge of connecting external people to internal processes. And now the current topic talks about virtualizing the Apache service, meaning adding different definitions inside the same physical (or virtual) machine, in order to make one Apache server working for two different websites. And if you feel that I made very complicated a very simple concepts, please tell me, that will make me happy
  15. Did you try installing the game? Maybe your dad let you some admins rights allowed ?
  16. Nope, SAS disks are standard for high-end servers, not yet on family workstations. So, if you want to have an ide of the scale - IDE disks - SATA - SCSI disks - SAS disks - fiberchannel disks Of course, you need to purchase a fiberchannel adapter in order to use fiberchannel disk cabinets!
  17. By the way, remember the motherboard firmware is the minimum device you need. So, it's the last thing you should touch, unless expressly stated by your computer manufacturer
  18. What do you mean by "I want to change the bios"? Do you mean I want to change one parameter in the bios? Or do you mean "I want to replace the bios (Basic Input Output System)" by a new one? The first version is rather simple, while booting you press the Attention Key (probable F2 or Del) and you will reach the bios system settings, usually we go there for switching from "boot from CD" to "boot from Hard disk" The second version is more touchy, you will probably have to extract the bios chip and replace it by the new chip provided by you laptop maufacturer.
  19. Where is the sound really coming from? What happens if you raise the keyboard in the air, is the sound still loud? On the keyboard I use, the sound seems to be mainly coming from the table. So, the solution would be (for myself) putting some soft isolation between the keboard and the table (not my bedroom pillar because I could use it for sleeping on the table instead of typing on the keyboard )
  20. Wow! So, question: "please tell me" Answer : "let me explain you why I will not tell you"
  21. OOOOOOOK, you explained. But I still don't see the siiiingle word? Or is the explanation explaining that this single word cannot exist?
  22. Is this your answer to the question "please give me a single word" ?
  23. I guess that display 4 is used in order to watch movies which are physically files on the PC And the reason is that probably the Television in the Lounge has a wider display and there is more room for friends watching the movies.
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