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Everything posted by yordan

  1. I agree. My previous post seemed somehow mad, but I simply wanted everybody to be clear concerning terminology.Just say "I am talking about an axiom", I will agree with you. Don't say "I will proove my theory" if you don't want to perform a scientific demonstration. Last time I saw a guy saying "I will calculate the distance", and I was really surprised seeing him measuring the distance. A calculation should be predictively deduced from a theory, and a measurement is evidence of a fact. Sorry being so dogmatic, an old teacher is always waking up inside of myself.
  2. OK, let's do it simple. let's suppose that all your files are in the same folder, and you want to put them in the same remote folder.Here is how to use ftp on Crosoft Windows. Works the same way on linux, excelt / instead of \Open a command line window ( Start -> run -> cmd)cd \d:\wheremyfilesareftp myname.astahost.comcd /where/Ineedto/putthefilesbinarypromptmput *quitDoes this answer your question ?Yordan---------------Edit : by the way, it works with Internet explorer and some clicks :In IE6, instad of http:something, enter ftp:yourname@yoursite.astahost.com (or username@remotecomputernameorIPYou will see a box asking confirmation for yourname and your password.then click to your remote final folder ("new folder works as well)Open a separate "my computer" window, go to the directory you want to copy, "Edit Copy", go back to the remote IE6 ftp window, "Edit Paste", that's all, I think that this if four clicks, except if "EDIT COPY" counts for two clicks.
  3. OK, I did it. By the way, you can olso do it by yourself : just click the "Edit" button on the topic stater post, and you can change the title ...Yordan
  4. Congrats, Eggie, you solved the problem by yourself, that's the first step toward perfection.
  5. OK, toby, I realize that we did not really answer your question.What I guess is that you want to obtain ready-made flash server games, and you want to know how they will work, and where will the high scores be stored.OK, we will not provide you with these game server programms (unless another asta member has a link to that), but I can explain you how I guess it will work.I guess you will have to connect to your Xisto control pannel and create a database (let's say mygamedatabase) and a database admin (let's name him mygameadmin) and grant to "mygameadmin" full access rights on the "mygamedatabase" database.Then, if your flash game server software ils packaged as I think, the installatuion program will ask where you want to install the game (you will give a subfolder in your Xisto account), and then. it will ask for the database server name, you answer "localhost". it will ask for the database name, you answer "mygame database" (or the name you gave during your cpanel database create). it will ask for the database administrator name, you will answer "mygameadmin" (without the quotes). it will ask you for the game master admin, choose your name or any other name you want, keep it secret.. it will ask for the game master password, choose a password.And that's probably the end of the installation, and everything should work correctly.Did I answer your request ?Yordan
  6. The red-eye feature works very well on the fully free XnView software. Although I think it's really useless because I never have red eyes with my camera.This should be a good subject for a completely different topic : I think a picture should not be modified. Resized, yes, because you could have afterwards another idea of the way framing it, but you should not to have to perform real modifications to the image. And, for instance, your camera should be able to avoid the red-eye effect.
  7. which computer is it ? is it a laptop ?I had this problem with a laptop whose battery was very low. I had to let it charge a couple of hours.
  8. No, I don't have any more information. But 526 000 references (more than half a million references for a single query) could have lead to an unexpected beviaviour which could have been immediately corrected. Or this could simply give a client-server timeout which could be translated by a strange error message. But you are right, probably the real problem came from a mistyping, so the problem explained here was not the one explained in the topic. However, maybe there are some keywords really censored by google ? Like "please make me rich and beautiful and intelligent right now" ? Then, this strange message would be justified.
  9. ferdlamb, if you have a look at my first answer, you can see that I asked Google exactly his question, and I got thousand answers, so probably he felt into a "too many answers" bug, internal to his browser or internal to google which immediately corrected the error.
  10. Euclide's relies on a postulate. And we now, it's a postulate, something we cannot verify. From that postulate we deduce things we know that are correct, so probably his assumptions are exact. However, it remains a postulate.The generalized Relativity is a theory. It's based on mathematical calculations, rather complicated but affordable. By the way, do you know that the original calculations were made by Einstein's wife ? Einstein was a real genius, the thought "we should be able to demonstrate this", his wife said "Yes I can" and she demonstrated the things. So, this is a real theory. It relies on facts, and demonstrates things which again can be measured (binding a light beam when too near from a black hole for instance).That's the difference I make between postulates and theories.Another funny thing is squarizing a circle : a postulate says it's impossible, and effectively nobody was able to do it. However nobody was able to prove that it's impossible (that's the nice thing in real life : if I can do something, I prove that this thing is possible ; if I cannot do something, maybe it's not possible but also maybe I am stupid ).Sorry being so dogmatic, but in a previous life my job was physics. And I had to take care not to go the wrong way when choosing between assumptions and theory. A theory has to be demonstrated. An assumption is an act of faith : other people may believe it or not.
  11. Thanks, we will do this that way. If I have no answer tomorrow I will PM you.
  12. By the way, I changed the topic title, the old one ("Login") was not clear enough. The new title should be more representative of the problem statement and the solutions found.
  13. Thanks a lot. This site seems very nice, I'm unpatiently wiating for my invitation.I hope this will allow me change my sigs when I happen to be on a system without photoshop.
  14. Nope, I absolutely do not agree. A theory is based on verified facts. This theory explains where these verified facts are coming from, and your theory explains the structure of the universe. This theory must also lead to facts thact can be verified. If the verification is OK, your theory is OK. If the verification fails, your theory is false or my verification is false.If you start from axioms, you build an hypothesis. This hypothesis is valuable as long as no fact can refute it. However it still remains an hypothesis.
  15. The topic concerns changing your local home IP address, which has nothing to do with your public address, which cannot be changed except by an international network admin.And people want to change their internation address because of having been banned from IP-based controlled sites (like asta, for instance). This topic does not explain how to do that, because it's simply not possible. So, no need to ask the same question again, simply forget about it. I think I will simply close this topic.
  16. We have a special subforum for this, post your password reset request here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/101-forum/
  17. Christine, legal or not relies on you. If you paid for a software, it's legal to download it from anywhere by all means. If you didn't give money to the guy who created the software, using shareza in order to downlad it is illegal. Now, concerning the virus and spiwares, this fully depends from your provider. Some servers offer pirated software, and inside the software you get a lot of spywares or sometime viruses. This is also part of the anti-piracy war. So, the problem is not inside shareza, the problem is which software you download from where.
  18. Anik,Your post was not a real tutorial (it's rather short and we don't have more technical knowledge after having read it).However, it's a very interesting topic, it gives us your real feeling about this, so it's precious for us.That's why I moved it here, where it's closer to it's real place.RegardsYordan
  19. Hi, Karwal, Asking here will not give you free hosting. Although your description is correct, you should use your own application form. Simply click here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/82651-topic/?findpost=1064294591 And then answer the questions and your form will be reviewed and the admins will grant hosting. By the way, you posted your passwords, which is rather dangerous. Yordan
  20. Probably you don't open the correct menu. I guess that you want to copy a CD which has a movie on it? then you have to choose the menu "CD copy", it will ask you for the original CD and then it will ask you for the blank CD. I guess that you simply clicked on the movie in the CD, which is the way you ask nero to re-encode the movie, which obiously is not what you want, but which is a sometimes useful option in Nero.
  21. And of course you probably need to protect \ from itself (usually \ means "ignore what follows me"). So, instead of \ you should write down \\.I have this problem with the character $ in my script, I have to protect it, so instead of $ I write down \$.So, amongs things not to be used in a filename, I think that you should add the following ones :. (the dot, ".")+ (because on Unix systems a+b will try to calculate the sum of a and b )- (same reason, substracting)=(a=b will be evaluated as "does the variable a be equal to the variable b" or a syntax error)* (the star, means "everything" when interpreted by Unix or Linux)space (the blank, " ") because "my file" will try to write down a file namde "my" and a file named "my"$ (I guess, at least on IBM mainframe, but maybe your programs are not for mainframe ?) And I'm sure that other forumers here will tell you a lot of other forbidden characters.By the way, may I suggest you, if a blank or a minus is in the filename, replace it by _ (underscore) ? I see that other progs like 4image do it that way.
  22. Hackers are very skilled people. Cracking is a very complicated thing. So, only very skilled people can crack things. So, only hackers can crack codes. Having a population of 100 honest hackers and one stupid guy, the stupid guy will destroy the reputation of the honest ones.
  23. seen here : https://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&q=poripts&meta= As usual, this is the first page, there are a total of 526 000 references found, 100 pages only will be displayed.
  24. I am currently experiencing a problem with a Bridge game which progressively exhausts the available memory and then crashes. I guess it's a bug due to subroutines not freeing the memory. So such a tool could be useful, removing the unused memory and being able to continue playing withour rebooting my PC.
  25. Habble, I think that your credits are currently above 4. They are not negative, so your problem is from elsewhere.
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