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Everything posted by yordan

  1. The empty directory is a valid address. So, you site still exists, of course you have a backup on your own PC, so simply upload your files again and your site will be up again.I think they did not suppress your account, they simply lost your files, or they are testing your backup/restore skills.
  2. My own opinion is that you should be able to write down C++ programs, because if you want to write programs for big profession applications involving big databases and a lot of simultaneous users, your program has to be fast with few ressources, so it has to be written in C or C++.So, you have to learn. Of course, doing so you invest for future, and there is no guarantee that your next boss will give you more money as I promiss. But the probability is 99.99%.RegardsYordan
  3. Thanks for the info, it's really interesting. I will try that as soon as I will be rich enough to have my own domain name (now I use a Xisto subdomain). Just a small detail : you first posted your topic in the tutorial section of your forum. Probably you did not have a look at the tutorial specifications, as expressed here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6-forum/ Your topic is far below this 500 words threshold.That's why I moved your post here, where it's place most probably is. Regards Yordan
  4. I would say don't do that : it's very dangerous. Doing such things without any fuse or circuit-breaker is forbidden because it's very dangerous. If your battery is not completely out of order, doing this will make it give too much intensity through the wire, which will make it being far too hot.Telling people to do that is exactly the same thing as telling children to play with matches : stupid and dangerous.
  5. OK, I know that you are on LG, and you know I am too.The point is that, in Xisto tutorial section, you can only post new tutorials. You have to quote old tutorials, specifying where they come from. If the tutorial is written by another guy, you have to quote the other guy's text. If you wrote the tutorial, you have to quote yourself. The tutorial was posted last year (11/24/2007), it has to be quoted. We give a lot of credits in the tutorial section. The only condition is that Xisto must be the first site where it's posted. If it has already been published somewhere else, we are not interested. It's the same problem as for novel makers. Once you have written a nice story, an interesting novel, which has been published and a lot of people have read it, nobody else will give you money for the same text, they will want a new text, for instance the next adventures of the same people or something else which is new. Sorry, but this is a non-negociatable rule. Of course, I apply it to myself too, and I don't post here the tutorials I made on other technical sites. Regards Yordan
  6. Do you mean that you really created a working /blafile.php and the 301 redirect does not work, or do you mean that you don't understand the /blafile thing ?
  7. And of course the most credits-worth section is the Tutorial section. However, writing a real tutorial is quite a lot of work, because it has to be long, useful and with your own words. That's why I moved it her, where is most probably it's place.
  8. You need to tell your router to which IP should IP forwarding be redirected : the .1 address, or a MAC address, or any address.Else, the router does not know to which PC should the packets to [port] be forwarded.And of course your tests should be made from outside. Simply have a MSN window with a friend, tell him "go" and he will tell you "yes" and/or show you the correspondit screenshot. Today you can test with a dynamic IP address, the address will change every day or so, but at the end you will have to bind this dynamic address to a fixed domain name (like myname,ftpserve.net).
  9. From user's point of view, ads are spoiling your webpages, adding objects that are useless for you (but probably useful for somebody else).Usually, they work in such a way that, when you click in the "click here" part of an ad, it opens an advertisement window, and somehow it brings money to the owner of the site (not you, but your web hosting provider), usually in the form of some cents for some hundreds of clicks (from different persons).
  10. should be simple.Create a shared folder on the PC.And on the laptops, you can open this share.
  11. OK, your server works. Now you need to be reached from outside. First of all, you must now how your provider gives you your Internet connection. Does he give you a fixed IP address, or does he give you a fluctuating IP address. I am talking about your worldwide IP address, not your local address (the 192.xxx one). In order to know your true address, from your PC (the one) go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You will see your real Internet address, the one that can be reached from outside. So, you can try to reach your server from outside to that real internet address. If it does not work, that means that your router does not redirect the [port] part[port] address. In that case the router has to be configured for that. The last point is to check your true Internet address each week. If this address is changing every week, you will need to associate this address to a fixed domain name, a lot of providers offer that for free.
  12. Hi, This post has already been published here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ on 11/24/2007. It seems that you forgot a part of the tutorial rules, as they are expressed here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6-forum/ Did you notice the quotes I put here above ?I put the quotes because I did not write this sentences. Posting copied text is not strictly forbidden, simply you have to put between quotes (just like I did it) and mention where the text is coming from. I put the quotes on your text today. Please do the quoting by yourself next time you post copied text. This is simply honesty, or politeness toward the text's author. If you don't do this, we could imagine that you are trying to cheat with the hosting credit system, which makes the admins around here rather mad. Regards Yordan
  13. I suppose that you already know that you usestrcpy() for copying a string from somewhere to somewhere else in your programstrcat() for displaying a string strcmp() for comparing two strings.strlen() for knowing the size of a string.
  14. I would do something different.I would go to the shop where I bought the game and say "this game does not work on any PC".And if they don't accept, I would add "let's simply install my CD on one of your computers".If it does not work on their computer, they should give your 30 bucks back.And if the game happens to work correctly on shop's computer, that means that these guys are very clever and, if you ask kindly, they will explain you how to make that game run correctly on your computer.
  15. Did you try protecting your @ by a \ ?I would try the following :smb://my_name:my\@containingpassword@ not, try with quotes :smb://my_name:"my@containingpassword"@ didn't have this kind of problem yet, but this is the way I would try to workaround it.Of course, another way of cheating is creating another real user, with a very complicated password (without the @ sign) on the Windows machine. Then, from your laptop, you could use this username:password (for instance demo:demo) for attaching the printer.RegardsYordan
  16. I guess that, if you want the site contents be reviewed by people from India or from anywhere around the world, asking the language to be English simplifies a lot. I'm pretty sure that Goggle will have problems translating from Chinese or from Russian or from arabic. Mabe simply your own PC cannot display greek characters, so you cannot read/translate greek sentences.
  17. Is this poetry ?Is this spam ?Should I post here ?Or should Imove this to thespam and Junk ?Oh yeah !
  18. If you sit down at the computer, does it work with ?Because if it does not work from the same computer, that means that your computer is listening on localhost:port instead of listening at
  19. BuffaloHelp will make the final decision, in case of misunderstanding.
  20. yordan

    Pc Problem

    Seems to be a codec problem occurring with some graphic boards. This problem seems to be identified in the fable forums and a solution seems to exist here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Seems rather complicated but they claim it works, please tell us if this solution applies to your case.Regards Yordan
  21. So, there is no real problem. You simply have to start the paperwork, prepare everything, print every paper having to be sent, and ask the prinicpal tof the hight school department to put his own signature on the paper and send the paper, and tell you as soon as he recieves the OK.Of course, in order to convince him, you probably should start working on the new website and show him how smarter your job is. You know, it's easy to say "I should be able to do something better", it's sometimes not so easy to have the job started and moreover finished. So, if you show him on a CD-ROM some webpages that are really nicer than the current one, he will be prettiy convinced and will be motivated for doing the paper job for obtaining the edu domain name.
  22. Who are you asking if they are crazy ? The people posting answers to this topic ? The TV comments for non-scientists ? Or the scientists by themselves ?Remember that there is an important gap between what the scientists are doing (high energy heavy ions collision in order to measure the stable energy levels in some parts of the atoms) and the extrapolations some comments could add in order to make this kind of things more exciting for people like us.
  23. when I try this link, I have the popup window asking skemb's password. If it works from my PC, it should work from yours.From where are you trying to do that ? Aren't you at your office, with a firewall refusing the 2082 ? Another problem could arise if you did mistakes while typing your password. If this occured too many times, your IP address could have been blacklisted. it's rather easy to see if your IP address is blacklisted, just tell us. Regards Yordan
  24. Thanks a lot for this script.You first posted this in our tutorial section. Your own text is a little bit short, it can't be accepted as a tutorial, it's far below the 500 words thereshold. That's why I moved your topic here.RegardsYordan
  25. Of course, if you are not hosted yet, you can put your poems on a fileserver website, like uploadingit.comYou upload your text file and you get a link leading to your text, and you can send this link to your friends who can send it to their friends or put the link on their own website.
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