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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Seems to say clearly that /dev/sda2 is a corrupted filesystem.Did you try to boot on a Knoppix LiveCD, to see /dev/sda2 is available, and if you can mount it ? Or at leas make a fdisk -l on it ?
  2. You need to order the "logic plan" at the Xisto client panel, with exactly the same e-mail address you have for your Xisto subdomain current hosting, asking for exactly the same subdomain as today, yourname.astahost.com. If you give the same e-mail address as the current hosted site and the same subdomain name, your current Xisto hosting will be automatically translated to the new Xisto account, you will have to do nothing more. The standard account, equivalent to your current account, costs about 3 dollars per month. Which means that you have to earn 100 Mycents every ten days. The difference is that you can order everything you want at Xisto, so if you wish, you can have much more than your current account, but you will have to pay much more. For instance if you want have several domain names, much more than the current disk space, you can have, but you will have to pay more.
  3. The most famous LiveCD is knoppix, have a little goggling in order to know where to download it from. You download the iso file, you burn it on a CD, and you boot this CD.This boots a ready-made Linux system, your system is on the network, you can surf on the net, it uses nothing from your hard disk, everything is on the CD.Try that, try surfing on the net for a couple of hours. This will eliminate the question to know if it's a hardware problem.
  4. It is a database, but it is not counted as a hosted database (you don't give money nor MyCents for it).You have a simple way of looking at this. As soon as you will be hosted, have a look at the number of databases you own in the left-side bar of your Xisto cpanel, you will see that you have no database (number 0/5, or something like that).However, you will probably be able to connect to phpMyadmin and you will see this information_schema database.And as you will have created your first database, you will still see it besides your newly created database.
  5. It really depends from the artist who takes the picture. Some tens of years ago, my people photos showed out better in black and white. But the current cameras give good results also for people color portraits, depends from the incoming light and the background. If you frame very close to the head with an autumn sun light towards a still green tree as background, the rendering is rather correct. Unfortunately, I have about two correct photos for one thousand shoots, but the surviving image is worth it, and looses a lot of impact when simply turned to black and white or printed to a monochrome printer.--------------- P.S. The correct answer to the question "what makes the best photo ?" is "The eye of the best artist!"
  6. yordan


    Maybe you already understood from pyost answer, else here is how I would explain the way the myname@mydomain is related to mydomain.com which is related to mysubdomain.astahost.com If you have your own domain (http://www.something.com/ for instance) you master the DNS entries for this domain. Of course everything is easier if Xisto is your provider because he makes everything automatically compatible with Xisto, but in pure theory you own the DNS entries of your domain and you put what is needed. If this domain is parked on your Xisto subdomain (something.astahost.com for instance), when you connect to your Xisto cpanel you master how the mails to this domain are redirected to the DNS of your mail provider. And if your domain mail is hosted by google (basic free way or enterprise expensive way), the DNS of your mail provider are these provided by google in your google apps domain mail management settings tags and you enter them in your Xisto cpanel mail configuration tag. I don't know if what I explained here is clear enough. If I am wrong, maybe Opaque or BuffaloHelp could explain it more precisely if they happen read this post. Regards Yordan
  7. I guess that this site is mediafire ?Also, don't forget our sister site in the Xisto group, ImageFilez (Click the image just below the shoutbox). As you see, it's image-dedicated, 3 megs per image is enough, a 3 meg image is far too big to be displayed on your PC screen. And of course if you want you can register, but you can anonymously store your pictures without registering.
  8. Just the fourth answer to the present post, previous page :
  9. It's legit, and it needs nothing installed on your PC.Gmail Drive is not legit, nor supported by google, and it needs to be installed on your PC.
  10. I showed my example with Oracle 11i because it's the last one. However, for basic commands, 9i works very well.Simply, some complicated things work well with the latest version, and some old bugs in the older versions are fixed in the new version. However, what is new in this topic, is that you don't need to have the Oracle database engine installed on your PC, you only need sql*plus and the network dll's, the data are remote. You use the local tools on your PC in order to prepare your scripts, and you run them on your PC, dropping and creating the data on the remote database.
  11. Remember that you also can use sql*plus on your PC, in order to make queries on the remote database. Have a look at my "Sql*plus on your PC" topic here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/96271-topic/?findpost=1064395371This way you don't need to connect to the remote Linux system, you edit your sql programs locally with your Notepad++ on your PC, and your local sqlplus.exe starts the queries on the remote database.
  12. 1. INTRODUCTION. Most of you are familiar using Oracle sql*plus, in order to perform very simple queries, or writing down complex sql scripts. In order to do that, you usually simply rlogin or putty to the remote Unix/Linux machine and run your queries in a command-line prompt window. When you want to create complicated (at least several-lines long) scripts, or test the reproducibility of a table/index creation script, you start it on the Linux remote system. If you want to modify it, you get it back on your PC, modify it with your favourite developer’s program (mine is Notepad++Portable), and put it back on the Linux server and fire it. In the present tuto I will show you how to install sql*plus on your PC, and use it in order to access the Oracle database on the remote Unix/Linux server. 2. FIRST OF ALL, GET THE SOFTWARE. You first need to obtain the Oracle thin client and the sql*plus binaries. After that we will put them somewhere in your system, configure the connector description file, and tell Windows how to manage this in a user configuration variable. First of all, go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , sign up the disclosure agreement, and get the two zip files http://download.oracle.com/errors/download-fail-1505220.html and http://download.oracle.com/errors/download-fail-1505220.html 3. UNZIP THE SOFWARE IN A TEMPORARY PLACE. Click on each .zip downloaded file, and uncompress it in a random temporary place, let’s say c:\tmp 4. CONFIGURE THE SOFTWARE. Copy all the uncompressed files in a single folder, let’s say c:\oracle\client. In this location, create a file named tnsnames.ora. This file contains the lines concerning the network information allowing sql*plus to access to the remote database using the thin client software you just put in this place. The best way is to do “vi tnsnames.ora” in a putty window, copy the few lines concerning the database you will reach, and paste them in notepad on your PC file. Here is my c:\oracle\client\tnsnames.ora file : MYDB = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = rac1)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = mydb) ) ) “mydb” is the name of the Oracle database on the remote Linux database as well as the local name I have chosen on my PC, “rac1” is the name of the remote host where my database is running, it has to be present in my c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\host file, if not simply replace the words “rac1” by the IP address of your Linux machine. 5. TELL WINDOWS WHERE THE FILES ARE. Now we finished configuring the software, we know where it is (namely it is in the c:\oracle\client folder) but Microsoft windows does not know where to find it. Now, we have to tell windows where to find this software. We do not do this with registry values, we do this with user environment variables. Environment variables are the values Windows currently know. If you open a “cmd” window on your PC and you type “set”, you will see all the environment variables currently known by the system, you will see a lot of lines showing each defined user variable and it’s current value. We need to do two things : update the “path” variable and add a TNS_ADMIN variable. You simply have to add c:\oracle\client at the end of the Path value, and add the following variable : TNS_ADMIN= c:\oracle\client If you don’t remember how to do that, please refer to my tutorial here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/96264-topic/?findpost=1064395315 6. THAT’S ALL, LET’S TEST. That’s all, you finish installing everything. Let’s test it. Open a new “cmd” command line Window on your PC, and type sqlplus myuser/mypassword@mydb (“sqlplus” will start the local sqlplus.exe on your PC, @mydb tells sqlplus to connect to the remote (@) database named mydb defined in the tnsnames.ora, with the remote user named “myuser” whose password is “mypassword” (of course, if some curious people are around you, you don’t type your password and you will be invisible prompted for the password). You will see SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Oct 29 16:52:57 2008 Copyright © 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options SQL> This means that your local sqlplus.exe, whose version is, successfully connected to the remote database, which is a 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production (you noticed that my database server is a 64 bit machine, currently it’s an AIX machine but this method works on any Unix and any Linux machine). That’s all, you were successful installing the downloaded software, configuring it, and you successfully tested it. Now you are ready for using your local development tool in order to create sql scripts, and run them locally on your PC using your local sqlplus.exe, performing actions on the remote Oracle database. And this installation is harmful for your PC, each file is in the same location, nothing is in Windows registry or somewhere else. If you want to remove this from your PC, you simply remove the c:\oracle\client folder.
  13. These guys have been posting a lot, got a lot of credits, and they also have lost a lot of credits (one credit each day, 365 credits lost each year). The only real advantage the old members have, is the fact that they know how the thing works, they know that it's useless posting spam or junk posts because they are removed by mods, and they are trained writing interesting topics.
  14. Just kidding, but two remarks.Putting everything in a single line seems nicer, but it's far less easy to read it, and find an error if there happen to be one. Instead, writing if [ something ] then do the first step else do the second thing fi The second way is more readable. And, of course, it's easier to see the error. I see for i in `ls'; do it should be for i in `ls` and of course bash, exactly as ksh , sh and cs, hates reading standard quotes (') instead of back quotes (`)
  15. Nope. I have seen people who have been given nothing. Their credits are 0.00Or maybe they have to wait a couple of hours before seing $2.00
  16. Today you see both values, the old system values and the new system values.You have 35.23 credits in the old credit system. That means that your site will be hosted during one month and five days, starting from now.You have 4 dollars in the new credit system. That means that your site will be hosted during one month and ten days starting from now.This means that, if we stop the new credit system today, your site will last one month and ten days if you don't add MyCents.And if you continue posting, your account will have $1 each time you have reached 100 Mycents, and at the end of the month you will be billed $3, which will be removed from your account if you have enough credits. If you don't have enough credits, too bad.So, simply, think, how much effort you performed for earning these $4 in your account, and see if you feel able to perform the same effort in a 40-days timeframe. If this is the case, you can proudly continue with us.
  17. Same guy working on the system ? Are you also involved ? Does it happen while you are working ?If you are involved, I would like to suggest you to use a liveCD Windows version and try working a couple of hours ?If the livecd version has no problem, definitively you have a Windows problem.However, the problem could also be due to the sites you are surfing on or to the size of the OpenOffice documents you are using, then the diagnostic is harder to perform.
  18. Sorry for these who think that these instruction are really basic. But you really need you to know how to do this in order to understand my next tutorial, which is located here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/96271-topic/?findpost=1064395371 This made my other tutorial smaller, I simply say "please update your Path user variable" and "please add the TNS_ADMIN variable pointing to the folder you just created".
  19. 1. INTRODUCTION. Most of Microsoft very basic users are satisfied when the Windows installer installs each new software, automatically putting each file in the right place and making each Windows registry change. However, some new incoming software environment, mainly the ones from the open world, let you do some changes manually. For instance, if you install the java development software on your pc, you have to manually tell windows where the java binaries are. That means, if you type “javac” in a command shell window, Microsoft Windows has to know that javac.exe is in c:\myfiles\mythings\job\java\bin. More precisely, c:\myfiles\mythings\job\java\bin has to be added to your PATH environment variable. Some software packages (the ones I personally prefer) are now delivered as a simple bunch of files. If you want to use sql*plus, you get the files from Oracorp, you put them where you prefer, and you run from there. If you want to be able to run them from averywhere, the PATH environment variable has to also include this place. If you want to use sql*net in order to be able from your PC to reach a remote database, the location of your tnsnames.ora description file has to be known by windows. This is done by the environment variable TNS_ADMIN you have to teach Windows. That’s why it’s useful for you to know how to change the Microsoft Windows standard environment variables (like PATH) or add your own ones (TNS_ADMIN in my current topic). Here I will tell you how to do the job. 2. NOW LET’S GO. First of all, have a look at your Windows desktop (the screen appearing when you just booted your PC, before touching everything). Find the “my computer” icon, right-click on it, and select “Properties” . This opens the “system properties”. Click the “advanced” tab, you see the “Environment variables Now you see the “User Variables” button, click it, the Environment Variables changer menu appears. Choose the “User variables for” part, click “New”, this opens a new window. In the “Name” field type TNS_ADMIN And in the “Value” field type c:\oracle\client In the “System Variables” field choose Path, then click “Edit” At the end of the value, add a semicolon (“;”) like the old values have, and then enter C:\oracle\client (if you were entering the oracle client addons path) and c:\myfiles\mythings\job\java\bin. 3. THAT’S ALL, FOLKS. The job is done. Close the window, and in order to verify open a “cmd” command line window. In the cmd window, type “set”. You will see a lot of thinghs, alle the user and system variables your windows session uses. Amongs them you will see the two values you entered : Path=c:\.........; c:\myfiles\mythings\job\java\bin. TNS_ADMIN=c:\oracle\client.
  20. By the way, yes, $1 works.However, your script should first check that $1 is not empty and $2 is not empty.And the, in my script you replace the word "folder1" by $1 and the word "folder2" by $2$* should work, it is supposed to pass $1, $2, $2 and $4. But then your script must manage that, and say something like "one=$1; shift; two=$2; three=$3; if [ -Z $3 ] " etc...
  21. If you like the "learn by example" way, you can also go at phpbb.com and download the phpbb3 environment forum, and have a look at their scripts for user logging.
  22. Are you sure these are e-books ? The title sound like regular paper books.
  23. Which kind of RAM does this PC have ? If you are lucky it's cheap today ?
  24. You know, you get credits for interesting, well-written tutorial, with interesting new information. I guess that it was difficult for you writing down these lines, however, probably if you continue like that it will seem less and less difficult.Simply be careful, if your text is written too easily, or if your tutorial is far too basic, it can be simply removed by the guy in charge of reviewing it, which will have a negative effect of the amount of your cents, exactly like the removal of a spammed or copied tutorial removed hosting credits in the old system. So, keep careful on the high level of your tutorials.
  25. Your wii connects to the router which is connected to the internet. johndoe1983's problem is different. His router is not connect to the internet, only the 3G+ adapter in his thinkpad is connected to the Internet. So, his problem is simply : how the other computers in his house share his thinkpad's 3G internet connection ? My solution is connecting his thinkpad with a cable to his home network. Then, all his home network computers will be able to share his thinkpad connection. And the simplest way is installing a private proxy, a free one (privoxy) or a commerical one (wingate is the best for that).
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