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Everything posted by yordan

  1. There is an alternate way doing that, by software means.First of all, verify that each of your devices are connected to the accesspoint, and that they can ping each other.(the thinkpad can ping the desktop for instance). Then, install a private proxy (like privoxy) on the thinkpad. Remember the privoxy port, probably 80 or 8080.While the thinkpad is connected to the internet, on the desktop configure the IE6 settings to use a proxy, whose IP address is your thinkpad address and the port being 80 or 8080 like privoxy settings.And that's all, everything works.
  2. One thing is sure, even during this crisis, people will more and more need computers.The question is : will they have money enough, and be able to pay the IT people ?Probably they will ask some of them to work without salary, just waiting the end of the crisis. It's up for each of us to be able to know his own price and know if he is strong enough.I have seen people asking me to do a job for them, they had the money and were decided to pay my work.I also have seen friends doing the job and obtaining no money. Such is life, your work is like other goods, sometimes your work is stolen.
  3. Have a look at his original post : he already tried htttrack. This means that the site is poorly designed and cannot be downloaded, or the website designer smartly protected his site against full downloads by httrack.
  4. In the total hosting price, there is a price for disk space. I guess that you cannot ask Xisto to keep your disk space if you decide not to pay for your disk space.Same thing for the backup/restore facility : if you don't pay the backup, you cannot ask for a restore.Of course, if you know that you will want to suspend your account for a given period of time, I guess that you can ask for a backup-freeze-restore action, but obviously this will have a cost and maybe you will not want to pay the corresponding cost.So, I would say that if you feel that you are very close to having no more money, at least you should perform a full backup of your site, all your own datafiles and each database.Just in case.
  5. However, be careful. Your posts are moderated. So, if you ask stupid questions, your posts will be moved to the "spam and junk" folders, and you will loose the corresponding cents. Moreover, the guy who answered your junk post will also loose his cents. So, be honest, try real questions which could not be solved by three seconds reading the documentation.
  6. I see a temporary solution.First of all, create a backup image of your c: disk, use norton ghost or a similar backup tool so if I told you a stupid thing you can go back by restoring your disk image backup.Seems that your network is broken inside your windows install, I would try to repair it.Boot on your Microsoft Windows install disk.Boot like if you would like to do a fresh install, with a small detail.Windows will ask you where you want to install, choose your current c: disk.then, windows will ask you if you want to do a fresh install or if you want to perform a repair install.Choose a repair install. It will last as long as a full install because it will re-load a lot of things from the CD distro, but it will keep your user's passwords and main installations.After the last reboot, your network should work correctly.RegardsYordan
  7. First point.For honesty purposes, just tell me something. Is this something you want to do for a friend, or is this a homework your teacher asked you to perform ? Because if it's a homework, your teacher "at order 0" wants you to think by yourself, an you have to do the job quite alone.Of course, if your teacher is smart, "at order 1" he wants to see if you are able to do some googling.And "at order 2" he wants to know if you have some help on forums."At order 3" the guys on the forum can do mistakes and you must fix my bugs.Second point. Here we are at in the "open" world. That means that if you ask two people the same question, you will have two different answers. And both of them well be righ.My first idea was exactly what vyoma says, two lists and a "diff" to see the difference. seeing that, my second thought is "OK, I will do it differently.Here is my script, I wold like you to test it.# Let us suppose that we want to see if the files in folder1 are also in folder2.cd folder1for i in `ls`doif [ if ../folder2/$i]then #do nothing because I want to know the non-existing files present=1else echo "folder2/"$i file is missing ls -l $i >> /tmp/size_of_the_impacted_filesfi# end of job# This shell_script is copywrited, only Yordan friends may use itAnd remember, using my shell-scripts costs 15% of the money you earn with my scripts.RegardsYordan
  8. "Pending" is supposed to mean "please be patient, things are on their way".Please tell us how it behaves, you should not really have problems. If you feel it lasting too long, open a ticket in your Xisto account cpanel.
  9. Definitively a temporary problem, now fixed.
  10. Can you tell us a little bit more about phaos ? Do you use it ? How does it work ? Shall we connect to a website and do it online, or is it a software you download from the master site ? Can you please give us the corresponding URL ?Yordan
  11. Also have a look at the "similar topics" below this post, this is a very nice feature of Xisto forum. You will see that there are already a lot of topics concerning text-based games, some of them have already received a lot of answers.RegardsYordan
  12. Is your problem solved now ? Effectively, looks like a virus/worm problem. sircam has this kind of behaviour, have a look here : https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/311446 Also, before doing that, did you try booting in failsafe mode ? Does norton still not work ?
  13. You can also use sql*plus on your PC through the Oracle thin-client. On the PC you define the server's database SID and IP in your local "tnsnames.ora" file. I do this by means of opening the server"s tnsnames in my putty session, one mouse select the part concerning the database, and paste it in the notepad window for the file tnsnames.ora on my PC.If, on your PC, in a CMD window you type "sqlplus system/mypass@remotedb", before the prompt you see the version of your local sqlplus. After the prompt you type "select * from v$instance" and the answer is the version of the server-side Oracle version, the network name of the server running the request, and the name of the database correspond to the "@remotedb" address you gave in your starter command line.
  14. This is far away from the topic of this tutorial. You should rather open a new topic in the "Antivirus and Anti-spyware" section, it would be more efficient.
  15. If the database is oracle 10g or above, the dba has to fire "isqlplusctl start" and the isqlplus server will start and will tell the SSL and the non-SSL URL for isql.and "emctl start dbconsole" (in a shell window on the database system) will start the dbconsole, which you can access through it's URL. If this service is started, you don't need the Oracle 9i oem console on your PC, it's embedded in the 10g server-side. -------------- By the way, I am discovering that "free" has several ways of understanding. Oracle gives you freely access to a lot of tools if you want to learn how Oracle works (for instance you download and install the RDBMS on your PC, and you learn SQL and you start writing nice programs). But once your system goes to production, I mean when you start using the tools for making money, then the things are not free any more. For instance you use your IE6 web browser in order to access to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web console, but the owner of the server paid the licence. And if you put the stand-alone 9i version I was talking about on your own PC, if you want to use it at a customer site and be paid for doing that, you have first to pay the Oracle Client administrator software, else it's fully illegal. That's why we have sometimes to make the difference between free and paid version, in the context "for learning purposes" or "making money with that". I loved a ftp sofware which, after one month, started warning you : "If you are student, this software is free, please continue using it. If you are not a student, please stop using this tool and please buy it first". So, everything I said today concerns the "learning purposes" part, it's free for personal usage. As soon as you start making money with Oracle you must pay your software licence.
  16. I agree, it's time (and it's up to each one of us) to open new topics on really new subjects.
  17. OK, that's correct, and almost perfect.However, a topic posted at Xisto cannot be directly copy-pasted at Xisto (you extracted things once from your brain, you cannot imagine being paid twice for that). I mean, the really perfectly correct way to do that is 1) writing your source. 2) quoting the text copied from your source. As for an example, if I have an idea of a nice tutorial (let's say "how to earn a lot of money without wasting time an effort") I will first post the tutorial at Xisto. Then I will wait until this tutorial is approved (made "visible" to anyone). And then I will feel free displaying this text on my own Myspace or MSN personal page, saying "as I already said in my post here at Xisto....". But if I want after that to post this tutorial on another post-for-host forum, I have to quote myself, if the other forum does not accept copy-pasted posts.
  18. The situation is not so obviously clear.For instance The Gimp is free, and from my own opinion, for the things I am currently wanting to do, it's really comparable to Photoshop. Of course, this is another question, we should open a new topic concerning the comparison between The Gimp and Photoshop. But I would say that a free software can be compared to The Gimp which can be compared to Photoshop. So, seems that the real thing is that, if you want something free, beginners should use paint, experts should move to The Gimp, rich people go to PhotoShop, and very reach people who have US $ 249 should buy xara extreme pro.
  19. If you install the full Oracle 9i client (choosing the administrator option from the install menu) you have oem, which is a good alternative to toad. It allows you browsing each user's schema, see all tables, indexes, etc. You choose between a standard user connect or a sdba connect. And starting from 10g, this database browser is included in the database server's distro, you reach it through your internet browser at an URL looking like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Also do not forget the isqlplus Oracle facility, which helps a lot. Regards Yordan
  20. So, it's clearly a date timezone problem definition somewhere. Is your day/time correct ? Seems to be a solaris system, if you type "date" in a shell window, is the answer correct ?
  21. could you please post the error text ? It's difficult to read it from your screen shot.
  22. xara extreme costs $89 US (http://www.xara.com/us/ )xara extreme pro costs $249 US. So, you prefer the expensive software rather than the free one ? Yes, you are right, and I prefer driving a Ferrari rather than walking on my feet.
  23. Besides that is the "original" timing definition.I think that you must first post on Xisto, in order to obtain credits. Then you can put this text on your own website without problem, because Xisto has the anteriority. Exactly as in patents legislation.If you posted something last year somewhere else, you cannot copy-paste it in Xisto forum : it's old news, already published.If no moderator sees it, be lucky.Exactly like Buffalo said : imagine if he had simply copied somobody's work and put it in his graduate paper, he would not be graduated. I saw somebody putting copied texts in his graduation document, during the public review he was warned and finally he has not been graduated.So, my thinking is that a tutorial text has first to be posted at Xisto, in order to be valid.And of course, here we need mods, some mods are kind, some others are not, such is life.We will have an internal discussion in order to decide if we change this kind of rules.
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