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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Of course, you are righ. Unfortunately, in order to be valid, your posts have to be published at Xisto first. The quoted document is dated from September 6h, almost three monthes ago. So, the ubuntu-help.co.cc is the original one, the Xisto one is the copied one.You have to quote yourself if you post something you already posted somewhere else. That's why I quote myself on the other forums and I write my topics at Xisto first. My next Oracle 11gRAC tutorial will be on Xisto, and I will put in Metalink a link to the Xisto tuto. My next Linux tutorial will be in Xisto, and I will pot in LinuxQuestions.org a link to the Xisto topic.
  2. There are several posts on Xisto for ipod-to-PC, I guess most of them are free and the best ones are OpenSource!And of course I will personally never buy an Ipod, I would rather buy a huge mp3 player !
  3. Have a look at PostGreSQL, it's a nice implementation. I don't remember whether it's C or C++, but from the implementation point of view it's very nice.For instance I appreciate the fact that the final test says "Sorry, you are the root user, you should not" and you simply have to restart everything as a standard Unix user !
  4. Nice tutorial, mediaget30, very useful, thanks.I really appreciated the honest "source" mentioning where the topic is coming from.Please do not forget the quotes next time.RegardsYordan
  5. Very nice tutorial, thanks a lot. Unfortunately, this text has already been published somewhere else, namely here almost two months ago : http://ubuntu-help.co.cc/index.php/ubuntu--over-bluetooth You know, it is not forbidden to post copied text here. However, we ask you to put the copied text between quotes, and add the references of your sources. Quoting copied text is an act of honesty as well as a politeness acting. I did the quoting job for you today. Next time I would like you to do the quoting job by yourself. If not, we could think that you are trying to cheat with the Credit System. And this causes some mods around here becoming rather angry.
  6. Everything is inside the makefile (or Makefile) file. There are mainly "best practices" everybody know, and each time I have to put my nose inside I say "why did he not do like me ?" However, I would say it differently : - not /src, but /home/mythings/src I would like to suggest you to see how a well-known opensource software distro is organized. Have a look at imagemagick instructions here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and download their source distro from here http://www.imagemagick.org/script/download.php Download the source, and see how it's organized, and have a look at the makefile. The best thing is to organize it the same way, in such a way that you simply have to untar, then make, and make install, and in case of error "make clean".
  7. First of all, maybe you should write down shorter sentences.Then, you could put one line per sentence. Then, I would remind you that the first person is I, and not i.
  8. Hi, Faidgedek, welcome aboard. Maybe you noticed that I moved your post here, where it's place most probably is. Your website is nice. As soon as you will be hosted here the site will probably look even nicer without the google ads...
  9. Please avoid double posting, veerumits.Remember that you initially posted this topic in the tutorial section. And remember that the tutorials are not visible until they have been reviewed and accepted.And your topic is not really a tutorial, it looks rather like a request for tutorial. That's why I moved it here.
  10. For the old computers which have no usb nor Ethernet connexion, some very old people amongst us could remember kermit.kermit is the first free file transfer protocol.On each computer you defined kermit's adapter (usually it was com2: because com1: was used by the mouse).On on computer you start kermit in server mode. You simply type "kermit" in a dos box, and at the kermit prompt you type "server".On the other computer you star kermit, and then you type mget or mput.
  11. Sorry, it's 4image gallery, not 4gallery image. In your cpanel at Xisto, in the Fantastico section, you have Coppermine and 4image gallery. I used both, I prefer 4image.
  12. 1) The question concerned a 64 Megs memory machine. I'm pretty sure Windows 2000 will not run on a 64 megs machine.2) The question concerned Linux. Windows 2000 is not the name of a linux distro.
  13. This article has already been published by Brandon on Sunday, November 23rd, 2008, here : http://www.geekcondition.com/ The geekcondition post goes further than your text, explaining what to do in order to workaround this security hole, as well as honestly giving also the official google answer which is, guess what ? @shotgun : please read our forum rules again. Here, at Xisto, we prefer original articles.It is not forbidden to post copied text, however you must put the copied text between quotes and mention where you copied the text from. I did this quoting job for you today, I would like you to do the quoting job by yourself next time. Else, we could imagine that you are trying to cheat with our Credit System. And this makes the admins around here rather angry.
  14. Be careful, the new system is already running, so you should right now order the "Logical Plan" at Xisto if you don't want to loose data.
  15. This would be a great idea. Why not sharing your paintings with us ?Not all of them, of course, nobody is perfect, at least nobody is constantly perfect. But, if you happen to have hosting here at Xisto, maybe you could open a 4gallery picture gallery, showing the drawings you like and leaving us commenting them. Of course, Xisto forum is an alternate way for doing that, although more general-purpose.
  16. OK, now, after a full night sleep, are you still in trouble ?Do the "net use" things succeed mounting the shared folders ?Do you still need help for configuring the firewalls ?
  17. No, I don't think it's a good idea, just from philosophical point, giving money for dilation has lead to great political errors (horrors ?) in some countries I will not mention her.However, the spirit is good, and maybe a "thanks for the help" PM could be a great idea.
  18. I would say that it's a painting if an artist takes a brush in order to put some paint on a flat surface.Whether it's stored in a computer or it's stored on your dining room table, it's a paint if somebody uses his hand in order to create it (moving his hand or asking his mouse to draw a circle). If you start from a picture taken by a camera, I would not name it "painting", I would name it "artistic graphic effects" or "horrible manipulation on a nice photo" depending whether I like the artist or not. It's still artistic, simply the tools are different. A friend of mine first takes a picture with his camera, then goes to the photo lab in order to have it printed, and then buys virgin white tissue panels and sprays paint on the tissue with his brushes or with his fingers and what he does approximately looks like the picture. This is also an artistic job, with other physical means. And depending from the artist, depending if he is a teacher or a seller, sometimes he tells you how he did his thing, sometimes he does not tell us. Clearly, Sellaman, please tell us how you obtained your flower. I guess that you did a hard work with digital brushes and added some solarization effects, am I right ?
  19. Thanks, I submitted a ticket. ----------------EDIT---------- Wow! Can you believe this ? Les than one hour after having sumitted the ticket, the change has been granted ! These guys at Xisto are really incredible ! Thanks a lot !
  20. I was never successful changing the language of a database.So, if you already have data in your database, do en export (or a backup, depending how your database names that) and destroy the database. Then re-create the database in the correct language convention.I don't understand why your database is locked in cpanel. Except, of course, if you are an Xisto many-database user converted to a Xisto one-database account, you have exceeded your databases quota, so you must submit a ticket for being allowed having more databases.
  21. I'm quite a new in that field, but I think you can do the whole things step-by-step, validating each step.1) Order an Xisto logic plan, inside an Xisto subdomain (myfavouritename.astahost.com)When everything works, when you verified that your Xisto subodmain works, go to step 2.2) Park your current domain at Xisto. This is done via your Xisto control pannel.Here again, check that everything works smoothly and correctly before going to the next step.3) Transfer your domain to Xisto. Your old domain will remain active until you receive confirmation that your new DNS are at Xisto. At this moment, you put the Xisto nameservers instead of the previous ones in your Xisto parked domain tag in your cpanel.---------------P.S. I guess that you should have at least the $3 in your account credit balance in order to be able to feed the first invoice. P.S.2 I also guess that Xisto will invoice the price of the domain, only when they will receive the acknowledgement that they are now the domain name providers. This question you should simply have confirmation when asking the question via "Submit a Ticket" in your Xisto account Client Area.
  22. Can people having logic plan move to Logic PRO ? Without loosing my current website ? And now shall we proceed ? Submit a ticket in the Xisto - Support ClientArea ?
  23. yordan

    New Here!

    Hi, Ivory, Welcome aboard. I hope you will enjoy your stay among us.The bad experience you had will not occur here, because we are part of the Xisto corporation which is a quite huge company with a lot of experience and a wide technical staff. I hope you will contribute to our forum and that our members will be able to provide you with useful information.
  24. Thanks a lot, we appreciate it.
  25. Use the "! REPORT" at the bottom right of the concerned post, a mod will be aked to remove this post.Also don't answer such a post, because deletion can make you loose credits in case your answer is also deleted. Simply click "! REPORT" that's all.
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