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Everything posted by yordan

  1. OK, first of all, what you did is completely forbidden. If you scratch your disk, you have to go back to the shop where you bought it and ask for another copy.Secondly, most of game disks are protected, and this protection makes that iso files do not work, the game asks for the original disk and is able to verify that the disk inside the CD reader is an original one. The only legit use of iso files is for legit softwares which are not copy-protected, having the iso locally avoids physically disk manipulation.
  2. I agree. Here you are in the "Photography" section, please tell us a little bit about how you made these pictures. I know that you have beautiful models, but this is not enough. A lot of people make ugly photos with wonderful models, so having the models is not enough. For instance how id you make Shams have this kind looking with such nice eyes ? The photos seem to be inside, but I see no flash-closing-eyes effect. And Khloud seems to be speaking, without no mouth distorted effect. How do you perform that ? Taking hundreds of shots and choosing the nicest one ?
  3. Hi, Howard Lee, welcome aboard.
  4. 1) Which Operating System ?2) Could you, before the freezing (so, just after the boot) start and alt-ctrl-del (tesk manager), performances, and start watching the cpu and memory usage ?During the freeze, the cpu usage should be visible as an icon on the bottom right of your screen (if it's windows, of course, else you should start "sar 3 51200).
  5. We are working on the general spam problem. When a spam is removed, the associated images also disappear.
  6. yordan

    New Here!

    Two messagages.And you guess that I prefer two messages rather than none.
  7. Forget about the old V2 "hosting credits" value. Just take into account your MyCENTs and be sure to have enough in your account in order to honor your next invoice.
  8. yordan

    New Here!

    Nice sig, The_Fury.And yes, it's a shame having all these spams.Could you please click the "! REPORT" button near the spamming posts, it helps our mods.RegardsYordan
  9. 1) OK, it's easier for domain owners, but it is not necessary.2) It's suppose to work with IE6 and above, so it should work with IE7. You are hosted here at Xisto, so no problem for creating a page in a subdomain attached to your own subdomain at Xisto. Then, on this page, people from your team can reach the calendar and create events, have a look here : https://www.google.com/intl/en/googlecalendsher_guide.html
  10. Here standard users cannot see the warning level of other standard users.The warning system is a tool for mods, telling spammers to be stop doing stupid things. Everyone cannot warn a precise user. However, if you see a spamming post, every user can press the "! REPORT" button for reporting a bas user or a bad post. By the way, the real problem for some people around here is : how to get the warning level back to 0%
  11. OK, I think that you have two different problems. And all of them seem to be manageable with the standard google toos. Let's suppose that you already have a domain name, let's name it yourteam.org. You created a google main mail for this team, you are the administrator of this domain mail. 1) You create a second account, named coach, in this domain, as well as an account named staff, in this domain. These accounts have access to the domain calendar, of course. You ask coach to use his IE6 browser and go to your calendar address: https://www.google.com/a/yourteam.org/ServiceLogin?service=cl&passive=1209600&continue= https://www.google.com/ = https://www.google.com/calendar He has right to enter an event which will be broadcasted to the whole team. 2) Each team will receive this in his gmail mailbox. If your coach does not want to use his gmail mailbox, no problem, you ask google to transfer each incoming mail to his non-google address, and he will receive the mail in his hotmail or yahoo mailbox automatically. He will never have to connect to gmail everything will work automatically. Simply, you, as administrator of the gmail domain, you know the mailbox name and password of each member, so you prepare the mail transfers, you do the whole job an you simply say "Hi, folks, have a look, it works". 3) Each member of your team, the coach, the staff, continue using their non-gmail mailing. They simply use their internet browser to go to https://www.google.com/a/yourteam.org/ServiceLogin?service=cl&passive=1209600&continue= https://www.google.com/ = https://www.google.com/calendar , which will ask their name and password as standard user of yourteam.org calendar, everything is correct. They don't use their gmail account, who cares ? You administrate it and clean-up when the gmail account has more than 7 gigs space, which will probably not occur before a couple of years.
  12. If you read the original post, you will see that google has solved the problem and claims that there is no real security hole.
  13. Dis you set up correctly your timezone ? And are your PC's time and date correct ?Because the times shown on this topic are exactly the same as my computer clock right now. Maybe the old post appearing are old posts having received a new answer. And if the new answer is a spam, the answer will disappear ; however maybe the post by itself will not immediately disappear from the "Last post" list.
  14. And, of course, this is mainly useful for people wanting to stop the X-Windows graphical display because they have a small system, with slow cpu or few memory.If you don't have any lack of cpu or memory, you can simply leave the graphical display as it is, and switch to the graphical login window. The key tu push is slightly different depending from the Linux distro you use, but it something like Shif-F1 to switch to the first ascii terminal, Shift-F2 for the second one, etc... I love this because you can edit in one display, compile in the second one, remote login in the third one, being consttantly in full-text full-window mode. On other distros it's something like shift-control-F1
  15. Your post is a little bit short, so it cannot be considered as a true tutorial. That's why I moved it here.
  16. I met this paradox ten years ago, it talked about a restaurant. And it concerned a total amount of 30 dollars.Not very surprisingly, today it's worth $60 instead of $30 ! :rolleyes:By the way, maybe you noticed that I moved this topic off it's initial location : it's subject has nothing to do with "Computer and techs" --> "What's new", because you don't need a computer to think about this and it's not really tech.
  17. That's another philosophical problem : how big is a guardian angel, and how big is a rabbit ? If they are the same size, the drawing could be confusing.
  18. yordan

    New Here.

    Hi, peacelovemileyray,Here we offer free hosting without ads for people who post on our forum. Once you have accumulated 5 quality posts you can activate Free Web Hosting, No Ads by following the instruction below. If you have not registered with Billing & Support take this time to register to begin your Free Web Hosting, No Ads account activation. This step is crucial to your hosting account. Do not skip this step. Visit Billing & Support and use the SAME email address you registered with our forum. Start by clicking the ORDER link and choose LOGIC PLAN and proceed. On the next screen choose I will update my nameservers on an existing domain Or I will register a new domain if you want to apply with our sub-domain name. If you have your own domain name or would like to purchase one, choose other appropriate selection and continue. If you are choosing one of our sub-domain names please follow this step carefully. After selecting I will update my nameservers on an existing domain Or I will register a new domain enter your desired sub-domain name in the SECOND field followed by entering Xisto.com or Xisto.com extension in the THIRD field. On the next screen select (as a default) monthly payment schedule. This is the quickest way to start our free web hosting, no ads. You can upgrade additional features or upgrade to different hosting plans with your Account Credit Balance. Select other options you desire. Be sure to fill in and double check, especially your sub-domain or domain name that would be activating your hosting account. Finish your order by pressing Add to cart. Check out your order and then COMPLETE ORDER. Be sure to select payment type as myCENT. Once completed, your credit balance debits automatically. Wait about 5 hours for our Billing and Support Team to activate your hosting account. Please refer any FAQ to Forum Announcements section. You can submit additional questions to Billing and Support from your dashboard.
  19. No problem. Each new guy here has to learn the rules. And the admins have to know that the guy is simply doing mistakes, not deliberately violating the rules.
  20. Thanks for you help, Vyoma, now I see the angel and I am now able to see it (him?) in the original image too.And, thanks to this topic, now I understand why some people say that Guardian Angels exist - because they can see them, and why skeptic people say that they don't exist - simply because they are unable to see them!
  21. Maybe, precisely, he wants to annoy us ? Or he wants to put his own ads where your mouse is ?
  22. Seems to be, as stated, a Gimp painting and a Movie Maker video.At least I love the flying boat. Is it a hollandaise boat ?
  23. I tried several times, at different hours of the day, and I muss confess that I don't see the angel.Am I tired ? Or do I not have the correct graphic adapter ? Or do I not have the adequate brain ?Or is this definitively no guardian angel ?
  24. Hi, Suxie,You posted your topic in the tutorial section, and it's obviously not a tutorial.That's why I moved it here, where it should find an answer.
  25. Also have a look at httrack. It's a gnu licensed program, and the cpp source files are distributed inside the Crosoft Dodows end-users version.
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