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Everything posted by wutske

  1. For those who still persist in using Internet Explorer (some people will never learn ). --> http://www.getfoxie.com/ <-- It ads some nice features to IE to improve security and some other things. Note, I'll repeat, it improves security, but it doesn't mean IE is completely secure (you can only have that feature when you shutdown windows ).
  2. and who uses dvd-ram ??? As far as I know, dvd-ram is a rather dead medium.
  3. This might sounds stupid, but have you guys already heard about stereo?It does the same as mono, but the for the next version of .NETI can't give details atm, but I'll see if I can find the article (it's in a dutch magazine, c't, so I can't give a link)
  4. I prefere KDE above GNOME, just because of the looks . DUnno what the realy difference between KDE & Gnome is, but I've just choosen the best looking of the 2 Btw, xboxrulz, wtf is InternetExplorer doing on your linux desktop ???
  5. as far as I've found on the net, the 3550 already supports writing DVD-roms.I tought Lightscribe required another laser, so your model was probably a downgraded model or something.Anyway, I won't recomend this to anyone, if the flash fails, the it's dead, completely dead and it'll be impossible to re-flash it. It's nice for the people that want to do these kinds of stuff, but even those people should be aware that flashing something from 3xxx to 4xxx is pretty riscy.
  6. It might sound strange, but the bro of a friend of me once tripped over the USB printer cable, ripping out the plastic thing in the USB port. Check if it's still there and make shure that the 4 pins aren't shorting.About the HDD, don't worry too much atm, most hdd won't spinup until they get a signal that they should, so atm, you mobo is prolly acting dead ...But uhm, was it connected to an onboard USB connecter, 'cauz it's pretty hard to hit the BTdongle overthere.
  7. Depends on wich prescot you have. The newest prescotts had a powermanagementfeature that would underclock and undervolt if the cpu wasn't used. On the other hand, every A64 has this feature built-in. There could be several thing wrong with your mobo. The message about the FSB/CPU just mean that your cpu isn't correctly configured in the BIOS. In this case, the motherboard sets the CPU at the lowest speed and asks you to set it correctly in the BIOS. This could be because the CPU crashed (due to overclock or a dead cpu, that's why the BIOS resets it at the lowest speed) or because the BIOS got corrupted. If you can, I'd test the CPU in another mobo, same goes for other components like the motherboard and the memory. Another problem (yeah I know, lots of possibilities, but I can't just guess what the prob is) could be the PSU. Presscots realy suck a huge amount of power (it could fry the voltage regulators on your mobo) and if the psu can't provide the power, the systems gets unstable. Hope this helped a bit.
  8. Few days ago I installed Slackware next to WindowsXP (I cheated a bit on the dual boot part, since I'm using a floppy bootdisk to boot slackware).I'm pretty happy with it, it runs fast, looks good, has load of apps (maybe even a bit too much, but that's typically for most linux distro's ) and I haven't had problems so far.Next thing to do, installing the ATI drivers (I've never managed to do that sucessfully, it killed like 7 installations before ).Too bad that the nvsound drivers (nForceĀ²/Soundstorm) don't support the LFE crossover, music now sounds pretty lame w/o the subwoofer
  9. Funny you say that, I noticed that too a week ago , pretty strange if you ask me, but they'll have there reasons I guess (nostalgic? lazy? or just plain stupid? )
  10. Well, i've removed the fangrills that were on my AopenH600b. Funny thing to know, I didn't have a dremmel when I did it, so I had to cut the 4 grills using some metalscissors , very painfull job (and that for a case that hase no casefans anymore )
  11. There's a been a discussion on this subject before, search function will probably help.As for me, I still use SP1 and I've never had any security issues, mainly becausea) I have a descent (free) virusscanner, namely Avast wich protects my at different levels;) I have a descent firewall wich is configured rahter strictly (loooots of blocked ports)c) I regulary run adware, spybot, etc ...d) I don't use Internet Exploder, nor outlook express, but I use opera w/ M2So, you're safe enough w/o SP2, plus, you safe yourself a lot of freaking balloons, pop-ups and other crappy questions that keeps annoying you (I could stand it 10min before I reseted the pc and started intstalling SP1 again ).Oh, and if you'd want to upgrade to SP2, there normaly arent' issues anymore, so it will prolly run completely flawless. Afterwards you can uninstall SP2 as if it was a normal program.Oh(2), always make back-up, it sooner to late than you expect.
  12. I've had almost the same idea, not that large, but only putting the swap file on a seperate partition.If you realy want the fast possible, I'd put the 'swappartition' in the beginning of your hdd, because it's the fastest part of the hdd. If you realy have a lot of RAM in your system, this will become less important, because more ram = less need of swap. I also think that 10Gb is a bit much for windows alone, the windows folder of a messy xp is like 3Gb alone, so I wonder how you'll fill the other 10Gb Nice guide anyway, you should have put it in the tutorialsection
  13. atm I'm realy having some troubles with slax. For some reason, KDE doesn't want to start in accelerated mode when "a" module is loaded. Annoying problem, since working on a 60Hz refresh rate is painful (it feels like my eyes are drying out and that I'd rather poke them out than continu working).So no my search to the one module (out of 20 or 30) that's causing the problem.I've also had a problem on another computer at school. Slax hung right before it would load the modules.Anyway, slax is good if it works, but a fast cd-drive is a must if you don't want to wait long times.
  14. xp has the ability to enable/disable dual monitor. Go to the screen properties (where you can select resolution etc.). There you right-click on the 2nd monitor and select the first option (attach or dock, I have a dutch xp, so I don't know what it is in english).
  15. wow, that gemmy is niiiiice. It even has it's own psu . And 2,2Gb, that thing must have cost a fortune back then Other ones are nice too, if could get one of those for few money, I would definately get it
  16. I still do beter than that . I have a realy oldskool 8Mhz (286?) CPU, featuring a 15Mb HDD (not even ATA/IDE model, but unfortunately dead) and probably 256kb memory. This is my system: Barton 2500+ @ 2,2GHz (most of the time) SLK947U + Ys-tech 92mm M-Tec 50B 2.0-2-3-11 WD120Gb SATA Sapphire R9600PRO 474/324 Aopen 350W PSU DVD/DVD-rw/Fdd (not connected tough )/2 screen (CRT 17"+15")/5.1 Surround
  17. With some luck you can actualy just get the data back.Norton Ghost probably wipes the whole disk and the puts data on it. Since the ghost is small than what was probably already on the disk, the outer zones of your hdd won't be overwritten, meaning that the file might be recoverable using some simple software.Now, there is a catch, it might have saved the documents somewhere in the beginning of the hdd platter because there was some free space due to fragmentation. I just suggest you to run some kind of recover software.
  18. It depends on you machine (as Poy already mentioned). Slower machines will lag due to heavy themes, whereas the difference in speed will reach nearly zero of you go to infinite pc speed.I don't feel the difference on my pc (barton3200+/512Mb ram) and I use windows themes w/ uxthemepatch.
  19. First thing that came to my mind was BartPE builder (http://www.nu2.nu/pebuilder/) a nice tool to create a custom, cd bootable windowsXP.Second thing that came to my mind was; "yes, at last" . A customizable bootcd for linux (one that even uses KDE) .I think I know what I'm going to do the next few hours .I'll keep you guys informed on how thing went.
  20. I suddenly realised that an int is limited in size, so I changed the fibs to float and the problem is solved. New code: #include <stdio.h>main(){int i, inp;float fib1, fib2, fib;printf("************************************************");printf("\n* Welcome to the Fibonacci Number Program v0.1 *\n");printf("************************************************");printf("\nWich Fibonacci Number do you want?\n");scanf("%d", &inp);fib1 = 1;fib2 = 0;switch(inp) { case 0: printf("\n Sorry, no result for f(0)"); break; case 1: printf("\n Fib(1) = 0"); break; case 2: printf("\n Fib(1) = 0"); printf("\n Fib(2) = 1"); break; default: printf("\n Fib(1) = 0"); printf("\n Fib(2) = 1"); for (i=3; i<= inp; ++i) { fib = fib1 + fib2; fib2 = fib1; fib1 = fib; printf("\n Fib(%d) = %.0f", i, fib); } }} The new output is now: ************************************************* Welcome to the Fibonacci Number Program v0.1 *************************************************Wich Fibonacci Number do you want? Fib(1) = 0 Fib(2) = 1 Fib(3) = 1 Fib(4) = 2 Fib(5) = 3 Fib(6) = 5 Fib(7) = 8 Fib(8) = 13 Fib(9) = 21 Fib(10) = 34 Fib(11) = 55 Fib(12) = 89 Fib(13) = 144 Fib(14) = 233 Fib(15) = 377 Fib(16) = 610 Fib(17) = 987 Fib(18) = 1597 Fib(19) = 2584 Fib(20) = 4181 Fib(21) = 6765 Fib(22) = 10946 Fib(23) = 17711 Fib(24) = 28657 Fib(25) = 46368 Fib(26) = 75025 Fib(27) = 121393 Fib(28) = 196418 Fib(29) = 317811 Fib(30) = 514229 Fib(31) = 832040 Fib(32) = 1346269 Fib(33) = 2178309 Fib(34) = 3524578 Fib(35) = 5702887 Fib(36) = 9227465 Fib(37) = 14930352 Fib(38) = 24157816 Fib(39) = 39088168 Fib(40) = 63245984 Fib(41) = 102334152 Fib(42) = 165580128 Fib(43) = 267914272 Fib(44) = 433494400 Fib(45) = 701408640 Fib(46) = 1134903040 Fib(47) = 1836311680 Fib(48) = 2971214848 Fib(49) = 4807526400 Fib(50) = 7778741248 Fib(51) = 12586267648 Fib(52) = 20365008896 Fib(53) = 32951275520 Fib(54) = 53316284416 Fib(55) = 86267559936
  21. I (finaly) started learning C. I'm using a book to learn it combined with some trial and error. Now I've made a program to calculate the Fibonacci numbers, but there seems to be some error. This is the source code: #include <stdio.h>main(){int fib1, fib2, fib, i, inp;printf("************************************************");printf("\n* Welcome to the Fibonacci Number Program v0.1 *\n");printf("************************************************");printf("\nWich Fibonacci Number do you want?\n");scanf("%d", &inp);fib1 = 1;fib2 = 0;switch(inp) { case 0: printf("\n Sorry, no result for f(0)"); break; case 1: printf("\n Fib(1) = 0"); break; case 2: printf("\n Fib(1) = 0"); printf("\n Fib(2) = 1"); break; default: printf("\n Fib(1) = 0"); printf("\n Fib(2) = 1"); for (i=1; i<= inp -2; ++i) { fib = fib1 + fib2; fib2 = fib1; fib1 = fib; printf("\n Fib(%d) = %d", i + 2, fib); } }} and this is the output for 55: ************************************************* Welcome to the Fibonacci Number Program v0.1 *************************************************Wich Fibonacci Number do you want? Fib(1) = 0 Fib(2) = 1 Fib(3) = 1 Fib(4) = 2 Fib(5) = 3 Fib(6) = 5 Fib(7) = 8 Fib(8) = 13 Fib(9) = 21 Fib(10) = 34 Fib(11) = 55 Fib(12) = 89 Fib(13) = 144 Fib(14) = 233 Fib(15) = 377 Fib(16) = 610 Fib(17) = 987 Fib(18) = 1597 Fib(19) = 2584 Fib(20) = 4181 Fib(21) = 6765 Fib(22) = 10946 Fib(23) = 17711 Fib(24) = 28657 Fib(25) = 46368 Fib(26) = 75025 Fib(27) = 121393 Fib(28) = 196418 Fib(29) = 317811 Fib(30) = 514229 Fib(31) = 832040 Fib(32) = 1346269 Fib(33) = 2178309 Fib(34) = 3524578 Fib(35) = 5702887 Fib(36) = 9227465 Fib(37) = 14930352 Fib(38) = 24157817 Fib(39) = 39088169 Fib(40) = 63245986 Fib(41) = 102334155 Fib(42) = 165580141 Fib(43) = 267914296 Fib(44) = 433494437 Fib(45) = 701408733 Fib(46) = 1134903170 Fib(47) = 1836311903 Fib(48) = -1323752223 Fib(49) = 512559680 Fib(50) = -811192543 Fib(51) = -298632863 Fib(52) = -1109825406 Fib(53) = -1408458269 Fib(54) = 1776683621 Fib(55) = 368225352 So something goes wrong at Fib(47), but I don't know what I've mainly used this information to make the program. Ow, and any tips to improve my code are always welcome
  22. These guys are unbelievable They haven't finished Longhorn (I hate the name Vista), they are still working on XPSP3, they are toying around with a C# kernel (Singularity) and now they even got time to make another new windows.They should better spend their time on making bugfixes and release them sooner instead of every month .I mean, look at Suse, YOU informs me about updates a few times a week, why can't M$ ?
  23. Just look a bit around on their websites Gentoo: https://www.gentoo.org/inside-gentoo/artwork/ Gimp: https://www.gimp.org/about/linking.html you could also google a bit for devoticon (most results will be in french tough). I made those:
  24. wutske


    you can use filelodge for that. I have lots of (small) movies stored over there in a public folder so everyone can download it from my site:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=filelodge&e=com
  25. It probably didn't have Gnome/KDE installed. I've tried to install Suse9.3 on 2Gb w/ KDE, but it was impossible to use (due to lack of space ).How fast/slow is it, because I've once tried running Mercury (java based messenger) from my Packard Bell MP3 player, but it was slow as hell because it uses the slow USB1 standard .
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