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Everything posted by cyborgxxi

  1. I have created a couple of FTP accounts but I do not need them anymore. Is there any way I can delete those FTP accounts? Also, when I started out with this account, there were FTP accounts already created for me. I am not sure if I should delete them or not. So, here we go: -Is there a way to delete FTP accounts in cPanel? If so, how? -How can I view those FTP accounts? All I see is the username and "Main Account" image next to it. -Am I able to edit the FTP account information, such as username, password, or restrictions? If so, how? Thanks
  2. It happed again today, i tell you. Something happened with my website and I can't access it at all. MySQL module of cPanel doesn't work properly and I can't access phpMyAdmin module. WHat is going on? It also shows the following error when I try to access my site/forum: IPB WARNING [2] mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) (Line: 114 of /ips_kernel/class_db_mysql.php) There appears to be an error with the database. You can try to refresh the page by clicking here. Error Returned: SQL error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) SQL error code: Date: Wednesday 23rd of November 2005 12:30:37 PM We apologise for any inconvenience
  3. Just several hours ago, I couldn't access my website/forum because of some error with an SQL socket or something like that. I need desperate help because I don't want to reformat everything again. Well, here is what comes up: IPB WARNING [2] mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) (Line: 114 of /ips_kernel/class_db_mysql.php) There appears to be an error with the database. You can try to refresh the page by clicking here. Error Returned: SQL error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) SQL error code: Date: Wednesday 23rd of November 2005 12:30:37 PM How can I fix this? What can I do? I looked at cPanel's MySQL databases and it doesn't work.
  4. Wow, that's weird. You have to use calculators for coding? My goodness... I like geometry but not algebra. Hmm... anyway, that's some cool stuff. And I have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER about that "Photography. Online: 2" thing. Never seen that before.Like some people said, it could be something Google is working on, but who knows?
  5. I don't know, man. With a computer, you can do so much stuff with it! It's like a whole new world out there, just waiting to be explored. And ever since the Internet was developed, something huge has been created too. I have to say that the computer is at the top of the list.Even with the Sony's decreasing reputation (about some software problem), the PlayStation 3 looks very promising. I have heard lots of good things about it and seems like those PS-fans are just praising it above anything else. They diss the Nintendo Revolution and the Xbox 360... but my goodness, I just want the Xbox 360 so bad. Ever since I got addicted to playing Halo 2 (it's not that addictive but it's very fun!). I am just annoyed with the controls and all.. it's really hard to aim for people with such small hands.
  6. M^E, thanks for that piece of information about GD. Graphic development, eh? Sounds pretty interesting... and I want to learn so many things about computers and such but I just started HTML. Hahaha... I'm ashamed of myself.Anyway, I have heard of Ratchaburi but don't know where it is. Is it near Bangkok? Or is it near Fortune Town?
  7. I have to say, whenever I try to download something there, it says the following error: Too many connections from the same IP address... and they make me register for a premium account for unlimited parallel connections. How stupid. Rapidshare, you stink.
  8. I currently have a Sony Cybershot, which my whole family uses together. Yeah, I guess in Asian cultures and families, the family owns everything. Anyway, PUNKANGEL, if you ever get your site loaded up with your own photos, then please tell me!I would love to comment on your pictures and share mine with you. I'm in my mid-10's and I've just gotten into photography.Hehe, nice to meet you. Also, yes, M^E is a cool guy. I've seen great photos of his. Impressive, I have to say.
  9. I need help with two problems: 1. I cannot view the images. The original picture is broken. Weird! 2. How do you take panoramic pictures? Is it the 3:2 ratio picture? I guess my Sony Cybershot doesn't support it? But I really like that panoramic picture thing! Wish I can take those kind of pictures, too, but Bangkok is such a bustling city - there is no room for nature. Man... what is this world coming to?
  10. Microscopic^Earthling, good sir, would you please describe what GD is? And what does all this mean? Recompiling PHP with GD? I'm just learning HTML nowadays and I haven't got to PHP or Java yet, nor anything other language (HTML isn't a language )
  11. Alright, thank you I'll try that later this week... I have too much to study for today and tomorrow School is so oppressive!
  12. Let's say I have a forums software installed in the hosting server as /forums If you are going to access the forum, then you type http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, correct? What if you want to access the forum just by typing http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/? How is that possible? I don't want to use redirecting services... I wonder if it's possible. Please remember that the links above are just example URL's. They're not real
  13. Wazzupster, I have to say that your friends are mentally retarded. There are no nada ningun nadie nunca zip zilch cons of using Gmail, except the fact that you have to register a new e-mail address and there are advertisements that don't "invade your privacy". Jeez, why do people so angry and upset about target advertisement? It's not like they look into your personal information and broadcast it. Sigh, such sensitive people.Anyway, your friends are nuts and they should be kicked between the legs. Heck, I'm just kidding but seriously, they have a problem. Hotmail and Yahoo! are even worse - they have more ads than Google and their storage is waaaaay less than the evergrowing storage space of Google.Hotmail = 2mbYahoo! = 1gbHotmail = sucks horribly, deserves to get blammedYahoo! = pretty good, but don't like the layout and interfaceA decent storage space is good but I have no idea why Hotmail isn't doing anything. They're behind the line... waaay behind. 250 megabytes for US residents but I'm not a US resident, fool! Racists? Or area-ists? What is their problem?Meh, Google has over 2 gigabytes of storage, so I went with Gmail. I am very content with their free services and I don't mind looking at their advertisements (well, I don't look at 'em). Use Google Talk with your Gmail account and it will be like an e-mail notifier. Good stuff, don't you think?Anyway, the final answer is= YOU WONT BE DISAPPOINTED WITH GMAIL
  14. Wow, this is really weird. You have to say this instead of saying the 'iPod' word. It's like.. becoming some technical term or something like that. Weird indeed.But why is Apple doing this? What can they gain from it? It's just like their trademark stuff, right?
  15. Your link doesn't work but I have one question:Is this expansion out for free download or must you purchase an expansion pack? Argh, stupid expansions out to devour our wallets
  16. Hmmm, I don't understand the last part. Why does the lawyer screw people? o_OAm I supposed to get this?
  17. Yes, please understand that Blizzard is not trying to gather information for malicious purposes. I mean, look at it - they're like one of the biggest gaming companies in the world!! Think Warcraft III, Diablo II... World of Warcraft. They are surely not going to make a fool of themselves, you know.I'm sure their sole purpose of that little scheme is to prevent cheaters and such. So don't worry too much, alright? ;)Have a good day
  18. Sometimes, they're really annoying. They change the starting web page of your web browsers (especially Internet Explorer - it's so prone to them). Also, they install toolbars, weird programs, advertisement softwares, etc onto your computer without you knowing it!! Well, I got so ticked off until I found PC-Clean and Ad-Aware. They were really.... really helpful. Found like tons of malicious 'wares and deleted 'em, just like that.Anyway, if you are wondering "How do they do that?" Here are some pointers from my experience...-Accepting cookies from advertisement companies or websites you dont know much about-Viewing advertisements, I heard they install stuffThat's all I know Sorry Hahahaa
  19. Oh my gosh... I remember this game. I had so much stuff and have been playing for two years and suddenly, my account was hacked. I never gave out my information. Some crazy lunatic got into it because that time there was this security leak or something like a breach or a malfunction. Anyway, they changed all my profile information and took away all my stuff and then changed the password. Didn't mess with my shop though...Anyway, I sent about 3 e-mails to Neopets telling that my account got hacked and gave all the information I remember regarding to that account, like what Neopets I created, etc. They never gave a reply back. Of course, since that lunatic idiot changed the e-mail, the lost password doesn't come back to my hotmail account. @#$@#@#@#!!!But oh well, if you still play Neopets, I hope you have a good reason to do so because it is a total waste of time, unless you have friends to play with. I was playing by myself for 2 years and boy, it was SURE a waste of time!! My sister likes it though but I guess it's alright for children to play. Adults? Ehhhh... maybe not. You got lots more important things to do than play Neopets... (mocks at it)Ugh... Neopets... ticks me off now Stupid hacker it's all his fault!! Or her fault!! BAH!! Hahhaa, I miss it...
  20. Woohoo!! Logitech mice are really nice, especially the big, optical ones. The better, the more expensive, but I really like Samsung mice too. However, this is a new one... The Mighty Mouse is a scary innovation and I wouldn't like to work with it. I might try it but I would definitely not buy it. I guess it's a shock to those computer users out there and when they see this thing, they go, "What the heck is this? I might try it though.." "Don't Have a Ball"... haha yeah uh huh Yes, I would definitely stick with the other mice for gaming as well
  21. And also, the size is really big. Around 80 kb is pretty big, in my opinion, because although I have cable, it takes about around 5 to 6 seconds to load one of your signatures. Took about 20 seconds to load this whole page.Hmm... I don't know what effect you put on your signatures but it looks weird... Some layer effect but I have never seen it before except on your signatures. Do you know what it is?
  22. Wow, this idea seems really cool. Have you ever seen those time capsules people bury under the ground? It's really similar!! Hahaha... it's so good to think of old memories... the good ol' days where you hold LAN parties with your friends after school or that little Nokia phone you bought 20 years ago. Man... that would be so awesome but I would be so touched and awestruck because they're SUCH OLD MEMORIES!!Man, I'm going to try this out ;)Hahah!! This is cool... I would get this a year later. *snicker*
  23. You sure do like that weird lens effect. In my honest opinion, I don't really like it because there are other similar effects that are more pleasing to the eye. But hey, I'm just commenting on them, so no offense intended.Your Photoshop skills are better than mine and in my opinion, as before, your signature effects are sorta unique... or really rare. Either way, keep up the work but please, try sigs without that lens flare effect... it makes it look rusty or like some old arcade game graphics...
  24. I sort of agree with Cassandra. I mean, you can do tons of things with one TERABYTE of space and instead, give it away for free? No advertisements? Anti-virus and spam protection? Extra services? Wow, it seems like one of those very hard-to-believe scam schemes. I suspect too that it's a gimmick or some scam. I'll just stick with GMail because it's a bigger corporation which is more trusted by milions of users. However, I still do not understand how they can afford such a big storage space that increases every second.
  25. Recently, I have been taking the HTML tutorials to teach myself some HTML!! Yes, I was messing around with HTML in FrontPage (without even reading anything about HTML) and I just didn't get anything!! For example, I was wondering why there was <html> and what a tag even was.When I finally got a cheatsheet of HTML tags, I understood what the "tag" really meant. It was just a <something> like that. I don't think I understood "tag" until the last two months or so. Hahaha, boy, and I a NOOB!!But still, I think the primers there are a good bit of help to newbies. Of course, I am a newbie and I need lots of help. I will try the w3schools.com link sometime, but only when I have some freetime. These weeks... so much homework and tests!! We're slaves to work and money
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