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Everything posted by cyborgxxi

  1. I also played this for several months. Runescape is a fun and interesting game when there is absolutely NOTHING to do. I mean, it can be a waste of time, in general. The graphics are not that great, the gameplay is repetitive, and quests are ... average.I have never done player-killing in the wilderness before. I went there until danger level 5 and just jumped back. Heh... pretty funny stuff...I got 31,000 gold pieces in my bank. It has been 200 days since I last logged in with my IP address (last detected). I was laughing at that day count... I mean, 200 days?! Wow...Seriously, if you need a game to play, then follow these instructions:1. Quit Runescape - RIGHT NOW. It's going to be a waste of time at the end, when you quit it, and you'll regret investing time and energy into this game. However, respect the company because they entertained you :D2. Get broadband connection - This is seriously worth it. Don't forget to get it where there is a good upload speed too. I think cable is the minimum because your download times will be halved, you can play multiplayer online games without much latency / lag / ping.3. Upgrade your computer / Tweak it up. Hold on - I will post more later on. I need to shut down my computer. See ya!
  2. Ahem... I said I have no problems with spyware issues. They're not going to touch my computer in a while :PAnyway, it looks like I'll have to format my computer soon.And no, I can't afford those external USB HDD - nor do I have a DVD burner. Man, those are costly!! But I'm pretty fond of those disk storage things Right now, I only have a 256mb flash disk. Hahaha...Sigh... so many questions!
  3. Yeap. Technology is advancing so quickly. 5 years ago, computer scientists and engineers thought a 20-megabit connection would come around in 2010. What is it now, uhhh 2005? Heh... that was pretty fast!!Let's see, if you guys watch The Island, a sci-fi movie directed by Michael Bay, you'll see clones, a futuristic version of X-box, transparent glass walls that can project images and videos, etc. I mean, that can happen! Maybe in 10 years...However, I don't think human cloning is a good idea. It goes against ethics, morals, values, and human rights. What are we, playing God? Nope...
  4. Wow. That is scary... taking away his credits!! o_OHow much did you take away, OpaQue?By the way, nice post. I'm sure you didn't come up with it though
  5. Alright. I found the Windows XP + Service Pack 2 disk.Hmm... alright. But I'm sure I don't have any... well maybe one... spyware or adware on my computer. But that's not the point - my computer or hard disk is really old and it needs some fixing.That's why I want to format it. By the way, how do I backup gigabytes of data?
  6. Hmm.. cool information. In less than a year, you say?One question: If I get a 64-bit processor / CPU, can I still use Windows XP 32-bit?Another question: So, is Windows 64-bit better than Windows 32-bit? If so, how?
  7. I bought this computer from Korea. A year later, I got Windows XP Professional installed. I don't know what the problem is, but a year ago, it says my serial key is invalid. Heh, I thought so. You can't trust any major software CDs in Thailand - it's like the worst place for software piracy.Thus, I don't think I can update anything else until I get Service Pack 2 :DAlright.... hmm... I'll see if anyone else has an idea of what's going on with my computer. I am seriously gonna kick something if nothing improves after I format my disk.
  8. Wow. Astonishing news! So, simply, you can just find credit card numbers, social security numbers, phone numbers, student names, their schools, their grades, etc on Google?Amazing...Say, does that break any laws? Just looking at them? LOL I mean... not that I *am* going to use someone else's credit card - just emphasizing that this can become bad.Heh... search engine "hacking"... The Problem of Search Engines and "Sekrit" Data!! And this isn't new... oh dear!
  9. I have been hearing a lot about this Windows XP 64-bit version. I don't know what it really does or what its main function or feature is.Where can I find this software? Is it an upgrade from XP 32-bit, which is what I have?What are its main functions? How different is it from the 32-bit XP version?
  10. Ugh. Whenever I think about formatting my harddisk, I feel happy. What a clean start! Refreshing, clean, new... without any spywares or pesky stuff trying to bog me down. But, I need some clarification and answers to my questions.-What good do I get out of this format? I have lots of things to reinstall once I format - like Star Wars Galaxies, Battlefield 2, Warcraft III, etc. Will it be worth all the time?-How do I perform this format?-Do I have to reinstall Windows XP Professional?-How can I provide backups of games and files?-Will I have to update everything again? Such as my GeForce card...-What files WON'T be affected in the format process?-What else should or am I supposed to know about this formatting?Thanks in advance I am a noob
  11. Well, there's a testimonial!! I may be a stranger but I formally say farewell Have fun there, GM-University! Maybe we could use you - because I need some computer help.Check out a few of my threads at Hardware Workshop! Thanks
  12. 20 minutes?!?!! What the heck? Okay then... there is something seriously wrong with my computer!!Mine took at least 6 hours, I think, even on Safe Mode. :DI need help. Like dhanesh says, I don't know where to put this code in. I've tried command prompt but it doesn't work.I need help!!
  13. It's 11:35 AM here. The defragging is done and since my operating system is Windows XP Professional, the "after the defrag" chart looks a little better. I have freed up 4 more gigabytes of space!! So, I have 17% free space. Also, you'd have to tell me what I can do with the updates on http://www.windowsupdate.com/windowsupdate/v6/default.aspx. What issues will any update fix? o_O Please be more specific... and NOTE THAT I HAVE SERVICE PACK 1 (or maybe SP 0... don't remember installing any service packs) DXDIAG: No problems found Since my computer is in Korean and I don't find ANYTHING similar or related to "performance and maintenance", I will need some extra help on that one. Updating Keyboard and Mouse: How am I supposed to do that? I don't have any update-related disks or software installed. o_O I am still in Safe Mode. I am restarting after this post.
  14. Hey, you must know that competition is the key here Would you like to sell your products? Then tweak it up a little but lower the price a little too!! That means your profit is going to drop by 5% but sales will increase by 25%!! Well, you have to know this thing - it's economics and sales strategy stuff. Supply, demand, competition, inflation, etc. You know, Intel should start lowering their prices and REALLY work on their processors.
  15. Oh. I don't use Norton Systemworks anymore. However I heard about it - but used it about many months ago. I haven't even used the defrag utility but I used other utilities in Norton Systemworks.But wow... 4 times as fast as the Windows default? What about the efficiency? Does it defrag BETTER than Windows, in means like "does the job better and quicker"?
  16. Don't get mad at me. I was just angry at Darwin. People shouldn't be laughing at cases of people's death. It's not even funny - but pathetic. Tree vs Man? What the heck?I mean, at least that author could've written it in a good manner... Obviously, he doesn't respect human life. *shakes head negatively*
  17. My gosh. I really feel like blamming this site with a rocket launcher. This is really stupid! You really have to know that evolution is a lie. It never happened. It's just a theory of micro and macro-evolution. Heh, stupid scientists. I can respect their "imagination" capabilities, but I won't. It's as if they worship this person and his theory of evolution - and well, not worship but you know what I mean.
  18. I'm in SAFE MODE, right now. Yes, SAFE MODE it is.It won't let me other applications that scan drives or something similar because my PerfectDisk trial version is not working properly. It doesn't detect any drives!!Thus, I'm just messing around with my new Nokia 6030 Man it's really late: 2:34 AM! I thought it would be faster than 8% an hour - but I guess it's not.
  19. Hey - this is some cool info! Thanks!! I'll keep in mind to do this thing after I'm through defragging my hard drive. It's 8% after an hour or so in SAFE MODE. I don't know if that's fast or slow. :DI have a GeForce FX 5700 and I think it will lag like hell in Doom 3 or other grpahic / memory intense games. I don't really know... like I said: my computer needs medical attention :PThanks anyway
  20. Some of you might know about the situation about my computer. You know, the guy with the 4-year old computer who talked about the BIOS upgrades, etc. Well, you will know.Anyway, my computer needs urgent medical / hardware attention!! You guys all know how it feels when you get a brand new computer, right? Well, right now, it feels really old. I have never formatted my disk until 3 years ago, I installed Windows XP Professional on my computer.Since then, I have been upgrading my hardware, like getting better memory sticks, graphic driver cards, a new sound card. I have installed and uninstalled many and plenty of applications, movies, songs, games, programs, software, etc. Yes, 3~4 years without a format. Can you believe that? I always though formatting was for solving problems like messed up files.Anyway, I need your help. But first, listen to the situation:1. My computer specifications are as follows:A motherboard that might have hyper-threading capabilitiesIntel Pentium 4 2.0 GHzWinFast GeForce FX 5700 256mb DDR RAM (freshly updated, but shows a problem that it didn't pass some logo test, but ignored it)SiS #### (don't know the numbers) Built-in-to-the-motherboard sound card (maybe not a card) or driver... or audio driver2x Memory sticks, both from Samsung : 1 giga + 256 mega2. My computer has a good cooling system. It has a 500W power supply, air duct fan, etc etc. Enough fans... I think three of them with one on the side.3. When I'm playing graphic / memory-intense-hogging games, like Battlefield 2, my keyboard / computer "freezes" but the game is still going on. I can still move my mouse or look around in the game (FPS) but cannot interact with my keyboard. For example, you're driving a car, forward, by pressing W. When you attempt to turn left, you press A but before you can do that, your keyboard / computer "freezes" or "hangs". You keep going forward no matter what, no matter how many times or how hard you press 'A'. Thus, you crash into the crowds and kill a handful of people and a big, red "ROADKILL!!" sign flashes on your screen... but that's not the point and that didn't happen.I hope you understood what just happend. The computer froze!! During that freeze session, if you scroll your mouse scroller, your computer makes repeated internal 'beep' sounds. Weird...4. My computer has decent specifications. I mean 1.25 gigabytes of RAM and a GeForce FX 5700!! But for some reason, someone with worse specifications than my computer can play F.E.A.R. singleplayer demo / other games with higher graphic / performance settings than mine. I mean, WHAT IN THE WORLD IS WRONG WITH MY COMPUTER?=============================================Before you post, read:1. Applications running: MSN Messenger / WhatPulse / Sygate Personal Firewall / NVIDIA Settings / Norton GoBack / Some minor background programs2. I have some of the best spyware / adware / malware cleaners / scanners in the world. Don't blame the adware / spyware stuff. I'm sure there are no problems with that.3. My computer is properly cooled. Don't blame my computer but you can blame my CPU. However, I'm not exactly sure what my CPU temperature is while I'm playing Battlefield 2. I'm sure it never exceeds 55~60 degrees Celcius.4. I have 5 gigabytes of disk space left out of my 55 gigabyte hard drive.5. I didn't update my motherboard. I don't know if this affects anything.6. I NEED HELP!!Thanks
  21. I need some help on defragging. I've always defragged (a couple times on this computer in the last 4 years) my computer while 'normal mode'.Are there any tips and advice on defragging efficiently and quickly?
  22. Alright! Cool!You know, I'm not a newbie I have done everything else previously except defragging my drive. I'll go into safe mode and defrag it because I heard it take a LOT less time that way.Man... I just quit Battlefield 2 because my computer has good specs but it sucks. I dont know why but my computer just stops receiving data from me... and keeps making internal 'beep' sounds everytime I click during that "stop time".ARGH!!
  23. Wow. You guys make me pee in my pants!! Make me go, "Wow... that's cool. I don't even know HTML"Alright alright. I seriously want to learn HTML and C. Maybe Visual Basic but I don't know how. Where can you learn this? My school doesn't offer any programming courses... this is pathetic...Read on for some interesting facts:8th grade computer course(s): Getting to use Microsoft ExcelFreshman computer course(s): Getting to know about Adobe Photoshop CS... and Adobe PageMaker 4.0!!! This program is so old!!! Why not some other program like Macromedia's?! Bah... can't complain anyway. They won't really care.Sophomore+ computer course(s): Video editting/projects, using video softwares, like Adobe Creative Suite, etc. Oh, also, this year, there was this thing about multimedia courses. Looked pretty stupid.Anyway, the point is... my school doesn't offer programming courses. If I want to learn HTML and Visual basic... and C and C++, where can I do that? In what ways?Can I just pick up a 500-page thick book from a bookstore and start off? Well, I have never seen those before except in really big bookstores.Anyway, I'm free for suggestions because I don't want to sit here and drool at you guys who are doing so well.
  24. Wow, that is cool!! Working with Microsoft. Well, since you hate Microsoft, can we trust you that you're not going to mess up their company secretly with uber subtlety? Maybe you're going to defect the softwares and such. Tsk tsk... I don't know why people hate Microsoft so much!! I have to say that, even though I'm 15 years old, each programming language is different. Some are used for these kind of programs, and some are for web-based, etc. For example, C is mainly used in embedded softwares/programs, like the features in a mobile phone that allows the user to connect to a network and transfer data, etc. JAVA is becoming popular these days, from what I heard and what I've seen. I mean, it is!! JAVA games, JAVA applications, JAVA run-time errors, ahem. Anyway... Project management is a good skill too. I heard Cpanel is hiring web project managers / administrators having to do with programming and managing - paying something like $25,000~$60,000 yearly salary. I don't know about you guys but in a country poor like this, that is a hell 'uva amount of money. Oh, don't forget taxes too. In my personal opinion, I think companies and the world is expecting more and more out of us each ongoing year. It was really cool too know C and C++ many years ago, but what about now? It's like "You have to know those or you won't be even considered"... like a basic... a BASIC requirement!! Where is this WORLD COMING TO?!!?! Sigh... Well, since you know C/C++ and JAVA, that's pretty good. That's a good start. Like hatim says: Databases (becoming quite important) Project Management (becoming really important) Software Engineering (important) LOL
  25. Oooooh... I'm trembling!! We're sowwy LOL Alright then, sir. I'll be waiting for more pictures!! And again, compliments. Those are really good pictures!! I have a Sony Cybershot but like others said, it's not a very good digital camera. I prefer Canon above all others... What you really need are field cameras or photography cameras. Those are awfully nice but awfully expensive. However, the resolution is good and the sharpness is great. Well, I never expected those place to be in India. Honestly, I thought India would be something like Iraq with grassy plains here and there, but mostly a dusty place. Heh, I have a lot to learn, yes, I know. Hehehe... Keep it up!!
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