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Everything posted by cyborgxxi

  1. Holy cow, thanks! But how am I supposed to translate all this? I don't know the Belgian language... sighI doubt there's a translator out there too.Can you help me out, warbird? Thanks
  2. This is really important so don't forget! You don't want SPAM in your inboxes, do you? Thanks to M^E :)But don't worry, I don't post any e-mail addresses without "encoding" them. Haha!!
  3. It doesn't matter what you think - you're looking for comments, remember? Anyway, I don't like the acronym you put up there. It would look better without: 1. The acronym 2. "Utopia" - look up the definition because it's misused here 3. The silvery color 4. The hazy "filter" 5. That lens flare... I just noticed it was getting on my nerves 6. Motion blur of Luigi Also, your ebbinger signature is really really big. As we all know, we don't like big signatures - it's 113 kilobytes!! 113!!! Please look out for the dial-up users cuz you know, we're not all the great geeks of Internet. Errm... I think you should think simpler... more simply in your signature-making process. Some, you think too much. Some, the colors don't match. But your Photoshop skills are better than mine Keep up the work
  4. I have to say that this is one of the few people I have seen with overheating computers. I had that problem too and it bugged me for a while. I was running a power supply of 170W and my graphic driver needed at least 300W or somewhere around that. It was amazing how it worked, really!Anyway, now I have a new computer case (I showed you guys earlier). It's pretty cool and I got for about $45 dollars. It has: (labeled as)-Air Duct for Intel-Support PCI Express / Intel Standard-Power Supply 500 W for Intel Prescott-Meet Intel Prescott / Thermal Standard / < 38 degrees Celcius-Extreme Cooler / 3 FansIt helps with the heating part. Before once, my computer overheated, shut itself down, and I opened the case to see what the problem was. Of course - I touched the memory chip and AOW!! It sizzled my fingers... hahahaI let my computer cool down for a while and booted... but with the side panels open. I learned that getting a new computer case is very recommended (or a cooling system) when overheating occurs
  5. I guess the businesses these days are trying whatever to make money, despite the standard quality and assurance they provide. Oh well, it's like buying a Star Wars lightsaber film replica for $1,000 while it was made with materials of $100 only.You know what I mean?
  6. Alright simple enough: Disk space Gmail - 2+ gigabytes Yahoo! - 1 gigabyte Hotmail - 2 megabytes Advertisement Gmail - No ads Yahoo! - Ads Hotmail - Ads Navigation Gmail - Fast Yahoo! - Standard Hotmail - Sub-par Screw Hotmail and Hail Gmail
  7. Hahah this is very true. My teacher tells her class that it's not helpful to people's vocabulary and spelling because now you're mixed in to this world of false spellings. I wonder if any of my friends use this in their writing :S
  8. Hey WutskeAfter I fiddled around with Registry Mechanic and "optimized my system", the Prefetch is 5 already!! No wonder - I could clearly see the difference between the past Windows XP boot-up session (the bar, too!).But here's some advice if you want to get rid of that 3~4 minute boot up time:1. Defrag your hard drive2. Run a virus scan, Ad-Aware, and some popular softwares3. Get some more RAM - I am serious in this one. I am not very satisfied with 512 MB either (I used to run it with 128 MB - it was hell) Now I have 1 gigabyte4. Reformat your hard drive Instant clean-upWell, dont forget to make back up for important data and stuff I'm looking forward to a reformat of my own as well
  9. I have to agree with gamalocka. These sites will urge you to go premium SO BAD. And yes... we're at a severe disadvantage when doing this. People are getting greedier and greedier. I wish people would just try to make the payments cover the server maintenance and a LITTLE bit to support themselves. At least be humble, guys
  10. What about this: Isn't it stupid how Valve makes you pay for that stupid game? I mean, once you download Steam, it makes you BUY the game!! It's absolutely stupid!! I remember I was downloading CS 1.5 from FilePlanet and playing it for free (with bots on LAN). Now, we have to pay for CS 1.6Now... CS: Source. Yes, those new graphics, layout, and ragdoll effects are cool. But you don't deserve money for making us buy Half-Life with it, too. Jerks.And I'm wondering why Sierra got thrown off. Do they get any money from this? No.
  11. Ohhh... I hate cheaters. I absolutely hate them. They're disgusting and they are too stupid to play without cheats and hacks. I mean, this girl almost fooled me into thinking that she was a pro. She sucked, actually but I think she's cheating. She headshotted me about 10 times in a row in a small 1:1 map.Anyway, I don't like Steam and they shouldn't charge so much for games. I mean, Counter Strike started out free! It's not fair
  12. Yes, FEAR is one of the most anticipated first-person shooter games of the year!! I actually enjoyed the demo but absolutely hated the scary scenes. I was even scared when I played the demo with my friend. Of course, it was in the middle of the night and it wasn't as scary as it could be because the graphics were very horrible with the poor computer specifications :) Oh well, but I really have to say the game is great!! From the screenshots and singleplayer movies, it just looks too good... I have somethings to say: (this is all based on the demo and the singleplayer video I have watched) 1. Artificial Intelligence The troops are too easy to kill. However, their accuracy and use of weapons make them lethal. I'm serious. That's why medical packs are so vital in this game. But the artificial intelligence in the demo made themselves look like fools. They don't charge at you (rarely) but I guess that's what makes them "real soldiers". Real soldiers won't just rush into battle and try to kick people in the face while under heavy fire, would they? Hmmm... I guess the artificial intelligence is satisfactory. 2. Graphics Wow... I just have to say that the graphics are awesome. I mean, it makes me believe that there are no textures at all. I especially enjoyed the grenades and explosions!! There was this "warping" or "space-ripping" effect the explosion created... as if the air was water and it rippled outwards. Just awesome. But it was too bad I couldn't see the laser beam weapon properly - all my graphic settings were set to the lowest. Errm... I give it EXCELLENT although it asks too much from low-spec computers. They did a great job. 3. Scare Factor Ranging from unexpected scares to triggers that make you paranoid, F.E.A.R. does a great job on making this game some kind of an adventurous horror movie. As the director says, F.E.A.R helps you develop an idea of what is actually going on, not just give it away. The fear... yes, the fear... doesn't really help you determine it but enhances HOW YOU THINK and ACT. I got scared even while playing in broad daylight!! If you are scared of games like Resident Evil or Silent Hill, then this is not the game for you. Because the environment and special effects will make it look too realistic!! Okay, I was just joking - you can still play this game for multiplayer and it will be great as well. Hahaha!! ========================== I rate this game 96%!! (no rubric, sorry! haha)
  13. I also have to ask you guys, "Where can I learn a programming language?"After thinking about WHY: As a hobby at first and grow up into a freelance or a programmer for some company. I take a great amount of interest in computers and I have to say programming is very vital in this computer world.But first, I have to know where I can learn some stuff. Hmm... the problem is I don't know what language to start out with. I finally decided on HTML to get the hang of what everything is - but I also do not know how to "learn" HTML. Teachers told me that it's a self-learning language through the trial and error method / use of Frontpage codes.It was very intimidating because I had no idea what these codes stood for, except for some. For example, <br> means break (return). <b> is bold, <i> is italics, and that's it. Hahaha!!
  14. Sorry for double post but I forgot:Xanga (free)--------------Big fat advertisement at the top-Keeps on reminding you to upgrade to PremiumMSN Spaces (free as well)-------------+Ultra small advertisement, better than Xanga
  15. Wow... a lot of people are getting into blogging now!! It's amazing to see such an idea or a hobby turn into a business. Interesting how people try to make money in every way they can. So, I have chosen to go for blogging myself, since a lot of my friends are doing it. Yes, can you feel the peer pressure? How your friends affect your choices? Weird and interesting!!But hey, it's my choice to do it. So, I have decided - either Xanga or MSN Spaces. But again...DILEMMA: Xanga or MSN SpacesUps & Downs of Xanga---------------+Loads faster+200 megabytes of photo storage-Limited customizationUps & Downs of MSN Spaces---------------+A bit more customization than Xanga+Updates on MSN Messenger+Looks more professional than Xanga-Photo loading is annoyingIf you have any other comments or would like to start a debate, then please go ahead. Let's say I want you guys to persuade me But please use the truth and no harsh language But mockery is okayErrm.. also, it's between Xanga and MSN Spaces. Thanks
  16. I have heard of a couple of my friends talking over Myspace and Xanga. They said Myspace is better because of some reason I can't remember but Myspace doesn't work very well in my browser... all the entries are squished to the right!!
  17. Oh darn - PSD file is gone? Oh well, if you have such good skills then you can surely make another one!! :)Thanks for the help in making a border too - I'll try it out sometime :)By the way - stroke 3 black means 3 pixel line with black color?
  18. Good design but here are some pointers:Make the text stand out more. It would be even better if you used the original Republic Commandos font / style.Have you tried outline? That's a feature in the text - helps a lot with making text stand out... especially if it's a large picture or the color you want to see is hard to see.But that's all... By the way - someone tell me how to add a border around the signature, please? :)
  19. I have a small list of sites here: Templates Box https://www.templatesbox.com/templates.htm Steves Templates http://www.steves-templates.com/templates.html Free Templates Layouts http://www.free-templates-layouts.com/ Free Site Templates http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hope that helps!! But by the way, how do you use templates? With Dreamweaver?
  20. Hmmm... I'm not very familiar with changing the boot screen but I've done it once before. I've put a custom picture and replaced it.I think you have to go to the Windows directory and change a file that has some weird extension to it. But I'm sure other programs could do it way better than that :)Have fun
  21. As you all don't know, I have a Sony Cybershot which I take pictures with I think photography is a cool hobby... taking pictures of scenery, vegetation, people, places, things. However, I have to say that taking pictures with a digital camera has some disadvantages - a film camera has much better quality and shutter speed.If I swish my hand, for example, it's going to appear as a blur unless I use flash (my digital camera). I don't know how it works for a film camera, but I still think film cameras are cool!!Anyway, enough about what I am doing. This is what I want to do: I want to label a blue, Arial, 12pt "Bobin L <cyborgxxi@gmail.com>" at the bottom right of every picture in this folder. How can I do this?I have tried Picture Package in Photoshop CS but the extra white space in the layout is very undesirable.If you have any comments or opinions on what I should put there to credit myself on every photo, please share them And don't forget to tell me how to label my name/contact on each photo in an automated process, if you know any, that is. Wait a minute - what I meant was I want the pictures to be creditted with something about me so that others can't take credit for themselves. You know what I mean?Anyway, someone tell me how and what I should put there.
  22. Haven't you ever learned? You are responsible for your actions? The parents MAY affect what their kids do, but who actually PERFORMS the action? Yes, the kids. The kids do something wrong but they are the ones who should be punished.I personally think United States has a serious problem about this "child abuse" thing. Doh!! Why can't you freaking spank your children? Or at least beat them with a book or a belt? That's what parents do in South Korea and the government doesn't really care about it.As long as you're disciplining children for the wrong they did, it's fine. If you're abusing your child, it means you're beating them up for no reason at all.
  23. Is there a software that will back-up the stuff I need for the reformat? I mean, I'm currently backing up the stuff I need and it's taking so much time!! My Nero or my combo drive is having problems because sometimes, it would just sit there, frozen and not responding. Most of the time, an error will show up about "Invalid track info" or just sit there frozen for 2~5 minutes at a time.Bah.. so annoyingBut anyway, I wish I had my Windows XP CD >_<
  24. Hahaha... you never used Photoshop before, huh? I think you must be using some plug-in or template for it. I mean, really... it's too much for a newbie / first-timer.By the way, I need someone to teach me how to make borders. My previous sigs (well, only one) don't have borders
  25. Hm... alright I'm going to start making images of CD's in ISO format. Althought ISO doesn't have an icon image for it, it's still fine. My friend told me it's like a zip file for a CD - it uses less space than a WDF.
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