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Everything posted by cyborgxxi

  1. Well, I have a mobile phone but I'm not in the US right now. However, these kind of phones are getting high-tech, very fast!! I mean, phones with digital cameras - then MP3 players - radios - organizers - applications - it's becoming a computer world. It's like a tiny computer with 10 megabytes of storage, which kinda stinks. Well, Gmail is no longer in Beta status, eh? That's ... some cool news you got there. I never even bother to thoroughly read the Google newsbits at their website. Well, I did, once or twice, and there were some interesting stuff. Such as making alliances with other companies, etc. However, I don't think it's very difficult to get a Gmail invite right now. You can go to these forums filled and crawling and swarming with Gmail users who want to give away their Gmail invites. I got a Gmail invite from my school friend and I was impressed by the storage and compactness!! I mean, 1 gigabyte of storage at first. Then, 2 gigabytes (some months ago). It's growing 1 megabyte a day too. Dude, this is like a hundred times better than Hotmail, with better filter stuff. However, I wish the spam mails would go somewhere different, like the Deleted Items section, other than the Spam section. I get about 4-5 spam mails a day. Also, I hope they do something about this spam issue. It's getting really annoying and if Google releases or upgrades to another version, I hope they do something about spam mails. You know how annoying they are
  2. I have been using Photoshop CS for the freshmen computer courses in my school. It was a very good program but I guess all those hidden tips and tricks include multitudes of series of stacked effects and graphics!!I believe it's an easy program to get the hang of (of the basic utilities) but a very difficult one to master. I don't believe there is an end to the effects of Photoshop CS!! I also doubt that there will be an end to any Adobe products (except the outdated, dumb ones, such as Adobe PageMaker - it is horrible!)Photoshop CS has a very big pricetag and I wonder why there's so much value on it. I mean, it can be a hobby but it will be expensive. It can also be a tool but only for those with the money and time, or else, it will go to waste. And also, approximately every few years or so, there will be a new version that comes out. I wonder how much you will spend if you keep upgrading your Photoshop software for 10 years!!Well, these are my current graphics programs that I use:-Adobe Photoshop CS-Paint.exe (har har)
  3. Wow. I have to say 10,000 RPM is a really impressive thing to have! I don't even know what my RPM is. Also, how do you make partitions in your hard drive?I have been asking that questions several times now but nobody answers me I mean, it would be very helpful to set aside certain spaces for games, media, and system files. THAT would be helpful, right?Anyway, it would also be helpful to answer my questions about partitioning a disk
  4. LOL! Thanks for the feedback. No, I slept for only 9 hours. Not a bad dream, don't you think? Yes, the dream was very vivid... but some parts, I can't even remember at all. Feel free to share your very vivid dreams
  5. First of all, I think that technology won't be used very often. Maybe for pictures, video confrences, pictures... but pictures are 2D!! I mean what the heck - they will all have to be programmed. Or you have to take video or photos in a 3D-something room and look at another 3D display unit. Then you will need to talk in a microphone and stuff.Hmm... I think this will make life more harder. Think about it - LCD is good enough no? Laser shows and laser 3D models will be just for impressing people. If you ever watch Minority Report, you can see that video recordings of that Tom Cruise's wife will be shown. Other video will be either projected onto a screen...Well, anyway... I'm not saying this technology is stupid but it won't be very effective until they do some massive research and development. Maybe these will be in use by everyone in some twenty years or so?
  6. I have to say I use Gmail more than Hotmail now. Ever since Gmail came out! I always check Gmail first... maybe almost everyday but Hotmail? Bah... forget it. 2 megabytes of disk space and advertisements everywhere. Gmail? 2.3 gigabytes of disk space and no advertisements anywhere.I mean... it's a win-win situation for Gmail. However, it's too bad you can't block out spam. You can only put filtering to stuff them in the trash. Yeah... I think Gmail really needs a spam-blocker feature. I am getting about 5 spam mails everyday... or maybe 3 or 4. It's annoying because I don't want spam!! Just advertisements from 3rd party organizations. First, I sign up for a newsletter and I got spam from one company. Then, it exponentially increases to "Would you like a free PSP?" or "Free Scholarship Money!" or "Get a Quote on your Credit for Free!" or "The Blue Pill!"Hotmail's spam blocker doesn't work very well. That's why I hate it. Gmail is probably the best, I think.
  7. Alright. This is one of my able-to-remember action and adventure dreams. I can remember it but not all the perfect details. I will try to describe it to my best of my abilities.I slept at 1 AM in the morning. I woke up at 10 PM.First, I remember that I was in a space orbital base and I heard that they were looking for this really small, metallic-grey sphere. It has something around .5 mm diameter. The space base had a 3-meter tall jail cell in front of me. All the walls and floor were metallic grey like the sphere - I think there was a ramp to my right and a hangar bay next to the jail cell, where ships can land. The jail cell had a very clearly transparent window looking out to the space. I don't know if I accepted this mission but I remember it - our organization was looking for it. No... it's just that this police organization was looking for it. Nothing else.Then, mysteriously, I am at my apartment room but maybe in another world. My real-life apartment room doesn't look like this. Anyway, it was a rectangular room with a flat-screen TV on my right, a sofa on the left and a black table in the middle with a red-and-orange (outside ring was red, middle ring was orange, then the center circle was red). The floor was white with a tint of grey and the walls and the ceiling were darker than the floor. By the way, it is nighttime.There is a transparent glass door (very clear) about 5 meters in front of me. For some reason, I don't know how, I find the sphere in this room and it's on my palm. I observe it and I think I get to know how to teleport - now there is a lower, dark-red/brown apartment-slum building about 20 meters from the window. The window didn't have a balcony. It was just a window. Next, I am at the window and I see three of my friends playing the old cartridge games on the roof (the roof is rectangular and the floor was light brown/tan and had a outhouse-looking thing with stairway leading to the lower floor). They also have a small campfire so that's what caught my attention. I don't know how I figured they were my school friends (Kyle, Gun, Gersom) but I don't know how. I think I had very good eyesight. I put the sphere in my pants pocket (left side but I dont know what I was wearing).Next, I thought of the location beside then in my mind while I closed my eyes - concentrating on that exact location for about 2~3 seconds. I opened my eyes and I was next to my friends. I looked at them and they were surprised of course... but just then, I heard someone or something coming up the stairs... or I sensed it. I think my friends sensed it too... but it was too late. Someone opened the door and found us but I freaked out (about being caught stealing the cartridge games - nobody told me this but this I know) and jumped off the building. The sphere fell of out of my pocket but I caught it and stuffed it in my pocket again.Hmm... my putting out my hands like superman and concentrating really hard to fly (while I was falling), I could really fly. Maybe at 80~120 miles per hour but I could fly even faster if I wanted to. Then something appeared - some figure that wanted my sphere (I think that's the enemy of the space police organization) but that figure could fly but he didn't need to have his arms out. I noticed that I didn't have to, too... Having attempting to fly away from him for couple minutes without much success, I thought hard for a second and warped...I think the reason I was flying away from him and not fighting him was because I didn't know any other powers... if I had any.Whenever I have location changes / warps, it's like changing places in Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament 2003/4.Yes, I change location to the space base again. However, I am in a different part of the space base. For some reason, the security people in light-blue suits are chasing me down the hallways and rooms. That part is vague and can't remember much but I remember crashing into this small office room (through the opaque, grey-color window on one side - the color being like the walls and the flooring). Another thing - I always knew my surroundings (for a short distance) and I knew where to go... sometimes.Well, I ran back to the place where I described on my original location in the space base. I ran to Mr Dayton, the US history teacher of my school, and asked for help (I don't know why but I think I knew he could help me with anything). He was 30~40% taller than me because I had to look up to his face. He said, "You stole something, didn't you?" (either the video game console was his or someone else's...) I explained to him that I didn't do it - my three friends did and I said, "It's just the old, cartridge game consoles!" And I showed him my "sphere".The security people got to me and they made look at their yellowish-gold bookmark cards - which had imprinted pictures of something bad I did. I looked at Mr Dayton, who told them I had what they really wanted, but they didn't care. Angrily, I looked at the bookmarks. The first thing was stealing that game cartridge - and had some text or lines imprinted below the picture on the top. By the way, the imprints are the same color as the yellowish-gold bookmarks. I didn't know how the imprinted logo looked like on the first one but the second one had a boxed side-view-of-a-tank logo. It also had a x29 on the bottom-right corner of it.I asked, "What? I never killed 29 people! And I never got into a tank...!" They replayed the tank-scene video (remember after falling down?) in my head. My tank was shooting at people and running over them... "No way! Also, they're aliens not humans..." I have no idea if they were really humans or not but they looked like humanoids - not humans. So I'm guessing I really killed humanoid aliens. On that video, I was in third person view. They didnt care - they wanted to arrest me - so I put the sphere into my left pocket again and ran through the bars. Or more specifically, I pulled two bars apart and squeezed inside and ran towards the glass window.Warped!! I'm warped into some facility of some kind where the walls and the ceiling/flooring were of cobalt blue color. The walls looked techie and had a middle-section bar running through the hallway (which had lighter color).I was at a corner of this room and this room had two hallways leading out of it. I am looking at the opposite corner of the room and there is a straight hallway (with another room near there, with furniture) on the left side and another hallway that goes a little bent toward the right then bends about 70~80 degrees to the left. I don't know which I chose but next thing I know, I am in this chamber. The ceiling is very high - probably 10~15 meters. The opposite side of the wall bends inside and that part has black-outline crossed windows... really large.I don't think anyone has seen me yet. Anyway, I fly, break through the windows (and the sky has no sun, just very light-blue sky with cirrus-like clouds) and look back... there is that man again (he has blackish armor on...) chasing me, trying to kill me and get my sphere. The facility had a white paint with red roof (like two panels touching each other on the top) I said, "Stop! Wait!" and then we talked about why he wanted my sphere. He either didn't say anything, or he was saying unintelligible things. I put my hands as if casting a spell and did a stun effect on him, and tried to fly away as fast as possible. It didn't work - then I concentrated real hard on flying and then boom - I think fire came out of my feet (without feeling any warmth or pain) then I flew away. Another warp.I was in the space base again - but some place I had never gone to. I was in the middle of this room or facility and people were already chasing me. I had to find another warp zone! As I looked at this big sliding door just closing or maybe a wall... or some big cabinet - I had to teleport behind there. I concentrated ... and opened my eyes but I didn't teleport. Oh no... I had to teleport now!! I flushed away all unimportant thoughts and concentrated on that exact location... and opened my eyes - then got there. I looked around then another warp.I was in the same blue facility again but there were the same security people. I warped at the same place as the last time and I remember going through the same procedure... getting to that spacious chamber (and I think there was a swimming pool in the middle of the room... seriously) and flying out. Crash!! Then what I saw was myself in third person view - and a giant warship with a rotating black laser cannon (two muzzles...) at the nose. It looked something like a purple seed that was seperated then had the chassis built between them. The chassis was black but a bit lighter so you could see shadings, etc. Then that was the end...===============================================This took me an hour to type... thinking about the dream over and over again. I am writing the order of events as most accurate as possible (from the memory of the dream) - but I think... or get a feeling that I left a few details out... or some events out.One - Telling a friend who needs to escape with me (in the humanoid alien world) who needs to teleport with me... but saying no because I couldn't carry him and teleport - or that I didn't know where to teleport because I can't see beyond wallsTwo - I just had this flash in my mind - Three people including me flying around, teleporting. I thinK i had another dream before this dream... maybe... maybe... So that means I had two dreams in all, but couldn't remember the first one? Weird....Three - More experiences with the black figure but couldn't remember how and what and where.I put all the events down in order I remember them - If I couldn't recall it well, I didn't write it. I simply put it as "some events that might have happened"... like the three parts above this paragraph.Hmm... do you guys think it means anything?
  8. Okay. Thanks for the information about the RPM terminology. So, size and RPM matters. But RPM matter mores but more directly to the size of the hard disk, I am guessing.But this is my second question: which company's hard disks or hard drives are the best? Or does it matter at all? There has to be one that stands out and makes better quality... or shines a little more than the others. Is there such a company?Some popular companies are Seagate, Kingston... err Samsung... that's all I know but if you know some answers to the questions above, then please answer them. I am going to need a hard drive soon and I will need some essential information before I buy one for real.
  9. Erm... the sig isn't bad at all. I don't like it though... because it looks more like an advertisement for a game on a website. Maybe more like a banner type of thing, you know what I mean?Instead of having different scenes (the girl and the commander), why not have one thing. You know what, don't do a sig at all because it doesn't look good.When the game comes out, I'm sure there will be better images and graphics about it. So, I would say, "Hold on until FEAR is released"
  10. Do they think Dreamweaver users aren't true we programmers just because it cuts down their effort and time to create web pages and do web programming? I mean, that's why softwares are there for you. Believe me, I don't even know HTML and I can do the most basic text changing stuff in notepad. For example, changing the binary codes from 0 to 1 or vice versa. I really have to learn HTML and some web programming. Hmm... also, is web programming the same thing as web development? I used to use the latter term for building websites and stuff. But anyway, I hear Dreamweaver is a nice program. However, you should take a look on that web programming software from Adobe (the CS 2 version). I watched the trial video and dude... it's truly awesome!! AWESOME!! It's jaw-droppingly cool... You can add side menus, top bars, etc something like that. I mean with just a drag.. and also you can set up template colors (for some reason, it can detect them) from lime to purple or blue. Very interesting idea and I like it. Too bad its cost is something over 200 dollars!! Now that is jaw-droppingly expensive too
  11. You'll have to explain to my WHY the RPM matters for sure. What does RPM stand for? What does RPM do? What are its effects to the hard drive? Please answer these questions properly or don't answer them at all... >_<
  12. Did you know that you can also boost your Nvidia graphics... or any sort of graphics card by overclocking your following graphic card components:Core clockMemory clockYou must note that the core clock value is ALWAYS lower than the memory clock value. For example, my core clock is 300 MHz while my memory clock is 450 MHz. Yes, I know, my graphics card sucks... but I got it for $150. I think I got ripped off!!Anyway, is there anyone who knows where to put this code in? Or is this code just for linux systems? Whenever I try to put this code in the command prompt, it turns up with an error. Someone help me with this problem or just tell me how and where to put the code in. I really need to boost my NVidia card to play my Battlefield 2 properly...
  13. Wow, unimatrix, I'm not a dumb newbie. I feel insulted... I reinstalled Battlefield 2 three to five times already. Applied the 1.02 patch and no, my computer does not suffer from memory leaks.Basically, reinstalling Battlefield 2 does NOT HELP WITH THE LAG AT ALL. So, telling others to do things that you don't know what they do is not helping at all. So your hope of helping me has gone down the drain *chuckle*Yes, I know - 1.01 caused memory leaks in some computers but I have 1.02. You should have 1.02 as well. Anyway, I will need to upgrade my processor to 3 GHz and get 2 gigabytes of RAM.Maybe I need to get a new graphics card as well
  14. Belorios, which is better:Seagate or Samsung? Or does the RPM matter? I mean, are there any known differences between those companies?And someone still didn't answer my question about RPM!!
  15. Say, how long would that take? I never thought of that operation - but that's a good one!! Cool! But seriously, how long would that take if a manual installation would take 1 hour?
  16. Wow. Thanks for the random fact!! But it's a cool thing to know about. *chuckle* Yes... during when kings ruled and servants served, a king could do anything. Nowadays, the president can't do EVERYTHING he wanted to do. He can't just send his US marines in to Europe and conquer countries... nope.Anyway, this "the ruler can't do everything" idea came from the belief, "All men are created equal." Yes, this is from the Bible. It doesn't and won't matter if you don't believe in God or not - it doesn't change the fact. The Bible is either a book full of truths or full of lies. I believe it's the first choice.Well, that's not the point. Beginning from the ideas of socialism and nationalism by some Russian freak who my class has studied about (a little) last year, proposed a system where everyone would be paid the equal amount, because everyone is the same and equal. The rich said no but the poor said yes. Of course, there were more poor then the rich.So, I guess you can figure what happens. Then it turned into capitalism where everyone is equal and has equal rights, etc, but because of this capitalism idea, you can own businesses, go to work, etc - and you will get paid by how much you work... or how much products your company sells. Or some other way.Well, too bad the King of Thailand can't issue a decree like that anymore... hahaha! You don't want to go back to the 1700's or the 1800's because there are no air conditioners and... well, no computers!! *sob*
  17. Can you tell me more about this issue? I mean, I'm not going to start telling everyone about this but I believe that buying the legitimate copies is a right thing to do. However, it's not possible for such people to purchase such expensive pieces of software and hardware... in this kind of country where jobs are mostly low-paying. About a third or fourth of the average American's yearly salary...
  18. So, all I do is put the Windows XP CD in and reinstall? That simple?Hmm... that wasn't so hard, was it?Anyway... can someone tell me about making partitions on a hard drive? Is there a utility to do it?
  19. Hello there, space hogs!! *chuckles*Well, it has been at least four years since I bought this computer, which I am using, right now, as I type. Anyway, I have a 55 gigabyte hard drive, which is very old because I never ran a reformat on it.Personally, I would appreciate at least two drives with 40 gigabytes each. However, since the gaming industries are releasing massive RAM-and-space-hogging games, that take up at least three to four gigabytes of space now, we really need additional disk space.Last time I went to this IT mall, I saw this guy ordering a 300 gigabyte hard drive. With a bit of hesitation, I asked him, "Excuse me, but why would anyone need such big storage?" He told me that he needed it for his photos and music.You know, with each digital photo taking 3~4 megabytes right now (with 7~8+ megapixel pictures). Additionally, each mp3 song taking up at least (at an average) of 4~5 megabytes. Ermm... I don't think 300 is just right enough... it's too big.Anyway, his choice, not mine. But can someone explain to me the RPM issue? The more RPM, the better? If yes, how? Why?
  20. My family has two computers and a half and all three are Personal Computers. About 8~10 years ago, I remember when I went to my dad's office and observed the workers using the... computer. I dont know if you call it a Macintosh or not, but I don't know either.There was another computer in the office and that one used Windows 95. It was pretty cool - I used to play Red Alert on that one.Anyways, you boot up and there is no Windows. The background is black and the text is the white, geeky style you see in Command Prompt!! Wow, it was really cool to me back then. This Thai office worker would type in stuff but I had no idea what he accomplished.Seriously, I had NO FREAKING IDEA what you can DO on those computers. I swear... I can't even think up of a reason right now. Okay, maybe not NOTHING, but at least SOMETHING. Such as playing 2-Dimensional games. For example... the pizza-eating worm that grows longer... something similar to snake but you can move him in ANY direction. Heh, that was fun.Oh also... get ready for this.DOOMI didn't know how to play and I couldn't get past the second level. The controls were difficult to get used to because there was no mouse. I mean, yeah... there were no mice for those computers. Just a keyboard and you move around with the up and down arrow keys, aiming left and right with the left and right keys... and pressing Control or Shift... maybe Space for jump. I don't know - it's too old now.Anyway, ta ta for now. Enough of old stories - I hope I didn't bore anyone
  21. By the way, did you know there is a kelogger that deletes itself from the system after a set period of time? I have used this before on my friends as a joke... but I didn't enter their e-mail accounts or anything. But it was funny enough to see their reactions, like, "What? How in the world did you get my password?" or "Dude, you hacked me!!"If you are still interested in sending in a keylogger, then here: Perfect Keylogger. It's an European keylogger in an European language so you'll have to change the language during setup.Search Google for "perfect keylogger".The keylogger attaches itself to a file (like a screensaver, a photo) with specified information, such as e-mail address, time intervals of when to send the keylog, photos to send, take photos when some site or word shows up, how long until the keylogger deletes itself, etc. It's a decent one, I think.
  22. Hello all. I'm a 15 year old sophomore in an international school located in a Southeast Asian country called Thailand. The technology is very limited here and almost all pieces of equipment is imported. However, it's difficult to find programmers or computer experts who can help you for free. There are several popular computer / development centers where they teach you for a fee. And with this poor country's economy affecting the population, which is divided into rich and poor, with no in-between, it's difficult to find a good amount of money. Thus, I have decided not to invest any time or money into learning at those centers here. I mean, I am a student and won't be able to concentrate and focus into those lessons while I have school matters to take care of. School work, student council (like student government system), and going to the gym. Since I don't have much time to spare, and only a small ring of friends, who aren't computer experts (neither hardware nor multimedia), I will have to rely on the web. With my interests centered on computers and multimedia, maybe programming in there, I really wanted to learn at least SOMETHING in the categories. Right now, I know how to assemble computers (thank God) and a good amount of hardware stuff. But that's all from experience and tinkering with them. Last year, I had a course about using Adobe Photoshop CS (got through half of the book because of insufficient class times and the overwhelming amount of computer illiterate people in the course), Adobe PageMaker 4.0 (not InDesign!!), and Microsoft Excel. Most of it was boring work and I thought it was a bit of wasting our time because when am I ever going to use PageMaker in my life? Creating brochures, posters, banners, letterheads, and business cards... Okay. It MAY be useful (just a bit) but nobody is going to use Adobe PageMaker in 5 years' time. Adobe InDesign would be used but not a lot... Oh, don't think I'm stupid because the course descriptions were like, "Using various, popular software for everyday occasions and duties..." and the course was called, "Desktop Publishing". I think Photoshop was a good course. This year, they added a course called "Multimedia" and I don't know what they're going to do. The IT director told me that if I liked photography, I should take it. It seems, they're not going to do video editting. They cut it off too. Alright enough of the boring stuff. What I need help on is this: Having limited time for learning programming languages, what is the best choice? Hmm, maybe I should narrow it down... Note: I don't even know HTML. However, I am still interested in learning a programming language. Or maybe anything related to computers. But programming seems cool... as well as Photoshopping. 1. Is HTML worth learning? 2. How can you learn HTML? Through a book? 3. What good programming language tutorials are there out in the Net? 4. Is Visual Basic worth learning? What about Basic? 5. Please provide a short description on the following languages: HTML / Basic / Visual Basic / C / C++ / Java / PHP / Asp / Perl 6. How can be programming useful in life (except in job-matters)? I mean, multimedia is for hobbying. Programming for jobs? Finally, is there anything I should know about programming and learning a programming language?
  23. Okay, but someone has to answer his problem about his domain. Hmmm... losing about 17 credits in a day is a big issue. You must've spammed a lot, or something else... maybe meaningless posts. Anyway, that's a lot of posted to be counted for.Also, I never realized Xisto had a paid service! >_<
  24. Well, some, or few, free web hosts do stand out and they don't suck. Sometimes, I think the ugprade requests to be accepted faster because I can't install the portal site >_< But it's okay - I have the patience. I mean, I promised a site to be running before school starts but I only have 19.8 megabytes of space left, out of 20 megabytes, and school starts tomorrow. Oh dear... Well, at least they won't be thinking too much of gaming and Star Wars pen-and-paper roleplaying games on the first week of school as a sophomore. I mean, well, things are getting rough here. New, serious-looking teachers that you think they will whoop your butt with surprise / pop quizzes. Lots of expectations thinking that we're a bunch of geniuses in a poor country. Anyway, read this below, which is the obvious "free web hosting package" statment: Oh, right. Can you do anything with 25 megabytes? At least you can install yourself a portal site and post a couple digital photos. Hmm... not the best. You can't do much with 20 megabytes in a starter package at Xisto either. You MUST get an upgrade, so post up!! And do a request quick because you can do a lot of things with 150 megabytes. By the way, that GameSpy Network thing is cool. Except that GameSpy is trying to reap huge benefits just from the amount of visitors and level of traffic. That way, GameSpy would accept professional looking and good content websites, devoted to gaming. More traffic = more ad views = more revenue = business. Smart people, I have to say.
  25. I am determined to run a reformat because my hard drive is at least 3 years old. I mean, 3 years with installing and uninstalling, deleting files I dont need, and without a reformat. That is a long time, I have to say.Also, how can I create a partition? My one and only 55 gigabyte hard disk has only one, which is C:, FAT32 type. Any ideas how I can seperate it?Hmm...And I still need to know how to format a drive. By the way, if I right click on my C: drive and choose to format, what happens next? Can I even boot anymore? I mean... my Windows XP files will be gone...
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