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Everything posted by cyborgxxi

  1. Wow, that's cool. So that means AOL is about $20~25 billion dollar company? Hmm... I thought it would be bigger. You know what, I don't even know what a billion dollars are - it's an amount of money I will never have (I doubt it) and I will never know the value of. I think it can buy me billions of Kit Kat bars (oh my gosh, I love them).Anyway, it would be interesting to see Microsoft ally with Yahoo!. Some of the biggest Internet industry/companies working together to do something... something mysterious - or maybe dominate the Internet industry? Well, since I do not study world business / marketing, I don't know any familiar effects to what might actually happen.But wow... $1 billion!!!! I mean, I wish I could have 0.1% of that
  2. Errm... also add the note that: $20 for PayPal minimum, $50 for others That's all. Also, I don't think it's bad for free web hosting applicants. I mean, I tried it with mine and they didn't deny my application request. I only have about a dollar by now I don't know if the payouts are supposed to be higher or lower but I don't really care about getting paid... I think it will be more than two years before I get paid $20! Hahaha!
  3. Laugh my butt off - the fans jump up and your CPu goes up to 2.4 GHz when you launch Doom 3 huh... hahahaha that's a really funny expression! Man, I think it's time for me to get a new processor / motherboard too! I have a Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz (5 years ago) and do you think it was a good piece of hardware back then? Because man, LOOK AT THIS:: I WAS USING A 170W POWER SUPPLY FOR 4.5 YEARS UNTIL A COUPLE MONTHS BACK!! - No wonder my computer was shutting off while trying to play games
  4. Well, first of all, I kinda agree with twitch. When I first came to Xisto, it wasn't that strikingly professional-looking. But hold on - I'm really busy right now so I will post some more later
  5. Hahaha, I thought people wouldn't post about this again because M^E made an announcement about it already :huh:Well, anyway, thanks for M^E again for clearing it up... *snap* I could've referred to it hahaha, nothing against anyone!
  6. This is what I do very VERY often:Just sit there, stand there, lie there - thinking of nothing, but looking out the window or something. Time goes by at a fair speed but it's a good way to waste time (not in purpose though). It's a habit of mine
  7. Bah, whatever you guys say, Microsoft Office is simply the best. Something doesn't make it best just because it's free - think of the quality. Think about it - how long has Microsoft Office programs have been around and have been leading? Pretty long time, don't you think?I am saying that MO is the best, if not, one of the best then
  8. These posts were made over and over again but still, I think it will be a very tough battle to win. Oh, and there is still the war going on, but I never use MSN Search - I use 100% Google
  9. Hey I agree with MTF too!! It's not smart people you need... you need to have dedication and a good plan to make your Operating System worth while. For example, maybe some features are like: 1. Free-to-use 2. Benefits of use 3. Open-source 4. Stuff that enpass the big operating systems out there So simply, how can it be better than the big operating systems, like Windows and Linux? Mac? But if Google doesn't want to do it, then that's fine Many times, though, I wonder how they get funded.
  10. Hmm.. maybe it has to do with the old "rotten" energy that is in the battery. You have to know that a normal battery does not store energy. I think the single-use batteries have chemical reactions that cause to give off energy, allowing applications and hardware to run. Hmm... now, with rechargeable batteries in use, I do not really know what the problem is.On the other hand, I had this similar problem with my Sony Cybershot battery. I would recharge the batteries to the MAX and then in 5 minutes or less, they just die. However, now with a NEW Sony Cybershot (different one), it lasts about several hours or so. I think it's a problem with the battery hardware / camera itself.
  11. My goodness - there are tons of weird and cool stuff people are inventing out there! However, do they ever become a big business? Nah - most don't. Some do, however.For example, really small and new technologies are not going to replace Duracell or Panasonic, are they? It may take a few decades but... hmm... it could be a challenge
  12. Ahhh... thanks for that little bit of advice, derouge. I think I heard that stuff a couple times more from other people but hmm, now I can't think it's just a way to get me into only one language. Yeah, I'll probably finish HTML and then start off with PHP. Might you know where I can learn PHP on the Net? For example, online tutorials like htmlgoodies.com ?? By the way, on the first day I was learning HTML at the site I listed above, I was very sleepy - it was VERY boring!! But... BUT - the end results were very satisfying It's so great to see your own work... A simple page with nothing but a bolded "This is my first web page" Hahaha!! HTML... cool stuff
  13. Well, that Xbox 360 issue is something like 'pre-investment' funds or something like that. People are making crazy amounts of money just for selling SUPER ULTRA HIGH DEMAND items!! Yeah, capitalism follows the law of "supply and demand". Something to do with mercantilism and stuff, marketing and economy, etc etc.Anyway, I want to try out Ebay sometimes. I want to get like paintball equipment, maybe some SWAT uniforms ... or even Navy Seal. Man... they look so cool and I wanna wear 'em to school or something. Hahaha! Yes, I have big dreams
  14. Hey m^e, I want to be a junior coder before I graduate from school. If we have some spare time, maybe I can come over to your place and learn computer languages from you. Or maybe you can just teach me something... like hardware stuff, assembling computers, etc.Anyway, I think this will need a VERY LARGE AMOUNT of work-force and time-dedication to pull this off. I mean, I know that you guys are not aiming to be as big as SourceForge.net, but something similar, right? Well, do not worry because I believe that AntiLost.org has potential to become a successful open source website.But, I want to at least get some training so that I can help better. I am not that great with Photoshopping nor coding (I just know basic HTML stuff). If you can recommend me what to learn or at least WHERE I can self-teach myself, then that will be great.Send me a PM, e-mail, doesn't matter. I will be glad to help!
  15. Dude, I would rather work at a farm for an hour and get $10 than rather just doing stuff on the Internet, helping other companies get paid, while you get... what, $0.80? Mere 80 cents...This is just an act of boosting sales, or a strategic sales plan. It's used to encourage others to buy their products/use their services and you just get a "discount" or "a tip" for helping them out.It's all part of business/marketing. Haha! Funny how this all ties in together.
  16. You should consider the following factors when purchasing music...-Quality-Quantity-PriceI don't use iTunes because I don't have an Apple product (haha, I know it's crazy). I mean, it's nothing that of a fad to have around here in Thailand but yeah... it's really popular, I know. Anyway, people here don't buy music online. They just buy CD's and rip 'em. I don't. Others do but I don't! (runs away and hides) I don't, I tell yaa!! Argh.Hold on, how do the downloads work? What if the download fails or something?
  17. I get these sometimes, but it has to do with MySQL database problems/errors / socket errors. When this happens, other people post about this problem at Xisto forums as well. However, this is not as severe as James_K's problem where it happens 5 minutes/hour. It happens about... every couple of days or so (this week and last week). It would be down for at least an hour but it wasn't that bad.Hope the problems go away for all of us. And we should do something about those DDoS attacks because they're nasty and people don't have the right to attack others physically or non-physically.
  18. My goodness, don't you wish you could have all the templates you want for free? Sigh... "inventions" and "creations" these days... they cost so much :)Oh well, thanks for the link, good sir.Have a good day!
  19. But first, I want to ask: I bought a GeForce FX 5700LE a year ago (October, November-ish) and I wonder if $150 was a fair price for it. Right now, I can't play Battlefield 2 very smoothly - very choppy (15~20 FPS) average and thus, it forced me to uninstall it.Now, I really want to get a new graphics card. I also want to upgrade my CPU. I bought it about 4~5 years ago (Pentium 4) and it's 2.0 GHz. I think it's getting a little outdated right now? Yeah, I thought so. Maybe a new hard drive - I need to reformat this hard drive I have here.Also, can someone tell me why my combo drive (bought two years ago) doesn't work very well? My computer sometimes hangs (can't move my cursor, do anything, not even taskbar manager thing in Windows XP) while my Samsung combo drive is trying to read the DVD.I was trying to copy a 3.2 gigabyte file to my desktop and it says 65 minutes remaining. I was like "What the heck".There are lots of questions here but I hope someone can answer them thoroughly Thanks (and please provide a bit of an explanation)
  20. Good post, Akijikan. Just like he said, you have to look at the information and data that is already shown there. If it's not obvious or it's hidden somewhere, then you can call it some sort of scam. Not "everyone" uses it, just many people. Millions of people. I don't use it because my parents think that inputting their credit card info to Internet pages are not safe. Well, yes it is unsafe but YOU ARE ENTERING IT INTO SECURE HTTP SITES!!! Bah, they don't understand what I'm trying to tell them. But it's okay, I understand how they feel. I want to use Ebay sometime too. And I wonder if I should start selling stuff!! Like... err... I don't know. I don't have anything to sell Hahaha!! Here is what I have to say though: Ebay does not suck Period.
  21. My goodness, I love this. I love this! I LOVE THIS!!! Oh yes, how much did you get for that little 1 gig chip? I think I got it for 10,000 baht ($250). I am not sure - I need to ask my mom - she got Samsung 1GB DDR from Korea. My other 256MB DDR is Samsung too so I guess they would fit together.I took out 256MB DDR because I thought it was going to slow down the computer but I think I'm wrong. Now I need to find that 256MB DDR stick and stick it in there! YAR!!! HAHHAHA(I'm sorry I am such in a good mood - I'm listening to Eve-Online radio station and it rooxxxooors my soxckksorszzz meh I'm turning into crazy monstera!! HAAHHAHA feels so good to listen to techno and trance!!)
  22. Alright, M^E, I am building a website right now. Well, so, I put my .html file under public_dir/ and thinking I can access that .html file just by typing http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ But no, I had to type in http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/index.html How do I fix this?
  23. Man, sometimes I really long for the day where I can learn some administration stuff with other languages and web development things. I want to help others and companies - or even just volunteer, but it's not like we can just learn stuff in one day.So, where can you learn all this stuff? From the Internet?
  24. Everyone, stop it. Sooner or later, this is going to turn into a flame war. There's nothing wrong with using FrontPage for building a website. My goodness, you're accusing him of not using the "wonder services you've been given". Silliness.First of all, there's too much heat in this thread. Someone close this thread. Make a new one.Second, there's nothing wrong with complaining unless your purpose is to make pointless ramblings about your dissatisfaction.Third, keep your words polite and don't poke other people. Many of you are assuming that vdhieu is some forum newbie who enjoys to complain. Now you're going to be anti-vdhieu because of a bad impression? C'mon - don't do this.Fourth, I have no idea what this discussion is about, except that there is attacking and defending going on, just because someone "complained" or merely asked for more info and stuff and might have been a little rude.Yeah, he acknowledged that he himself was rude. So don't be rude yourselves because if I was in his situation, I would feel really really bad. So everyone shake hands, take deep breaths, and start over on a new thread. I think that will be helpful.
  25. Wow, I don't know how you got that but I'm thankful that it didn't happen to me!! Sounds like a pretty serious bug and a serious problem because that results in automatic deletion, right? Or suspended?I would recommend PM'ing the admin ... probably OpaQue, yeah him.
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