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Everything posted by WeaponX

  1. Yeah, figured that was the reason why it wasn't as fast. I guess it just makes the PATA drives work on SATA only motherboards...But I have found that SATA is indeed much faster than the old IDE connections. I noticed this when I installed it into my desktop (instead of using it as an external drive) and installed Windows XP on it. It literally took only 20 minutes to install Windows XP on that SATA drive. This is using an actual SATA drive without any adapters/dongles/converters.The reason the power cable didn't give enough juice was because it was just a wall adapter one. You know, the ones that come with those IDE-USB Adapter cables I bought a few of those 2 in 1 four pin power cables/splitters and split them up like 2 times. Couldn't use more than one hard drive at the same time. I'm sure a low voltage power supply can handle this with no problems.How about the "dedicated" data line? Doesn't this apply to SATA? I thought that it can send and receive data at the same time without slowing things down? I know now that the converter won't make them the same speed, but would it actually SLOW transfer rates down on both ends if I connected this "SATA" drive to an actual SATA made hard drive on my SATA PC Card? How about the SATA PC Card itself? It's plugged into my laptop. Does it have SATA speeds if I just connect a original SATA hard drive to it?Thanks.
  2. I'll give the Linux boot CD a try. I do have an old version of Knoppix on CD somewhere ;)Just need to find something to keep me occupied while I leave this machine on...unless it can detect my wireless PC card?
  3. I deleted the COM entries and let the Windows Components update and reinstall it back. I thought we're in the clear since it didn't seem to restart on me yesterday, but it just did about a hour ago.I opened up this laptop before and don't recall seeing any capacitors on it (or at least couldn't see any from the angle I opened up at). Is there any way to tell if the motherboard is failing? I see these kind of issues happen with memory and bad motherboards, but usually I will notice the bad capacitors (desktop machines that is ). I will run the memory test to see if that's causing the problem.It might be time for me to just build a new desktop instead. This laptop has served me well for 4+ years already and the screen is going bad on me already (separate issue...have been using external monitor for a few months now). If it's anything more than memory, the thing will be up on eBay LOL.Thank. Will let you guys know if it's the memory or not
  4. Welcome to Xisto I recommend going directly to the PHP website since it has detailed documentation on this: http://php.net/manual/en/ "Useful" commands will vary. You will use what you need for your strategy game.
  5. Please include quotes for your code and lines of errors shown. All members here must do that for all programming code they post. I have edited your post to enclose them in quotes. Now to your question, I'm not a C++ guru or anything, but it looks like the Try, Catch and Throw statement requires this: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/6dekhbbc.aspx Does your program work out as expect when you put catch after the try block?
  6. My laptop has been recently rebooting on it's own when I'm using it. It doesn't seem to matter what I'm doing when this happens. I just formatted and installed Windows XP on this machine a few weeks ago. Not sure if there is some program that might be causing this problem. I checked the Event Viewer to see if it provided any information on this and all I see that might be alarming is under the Application area. I have 2 warnings that repeat itself a handful of times. I checked my list of Services to make sure COM+ Event System was not disabled and sure enough it's enabled and running. I even checked the Startup and Recovery option in My Computer->Properties->Advanced to make sure that the Automatically Restart option under System Failure is not checked. All looks ok there, so I'm not sure what could be causing this random restart. The laptop seems to have proper cooling as I can hear the fan spin from time to time. The computer is also free from viruses or spyware. Is there any way to find out what's causing this restart? I wanted to view the MiniDump report since I saw that there is an option that writes to that file, but don't know where it's located or named after. It's at %systemroot%\MiniDump which I assume to be C:\Windows\MiniDump. I already enabled all hidden files and folders, including system related ones, but can't locate any file/folder that might resemble this. Thanks.
  7. @kentweather, please don't post your question into someone else's (mine in this case ) topic. Create your own next time and someone will reply to it if they know of a solution. In regards to your question, take a look at: https://weather.com/weather/rss/subscription?from=footer They have instructions in the links there. You will need to use a RSS Feeder program to subscribe and download the feeds.
  8. @Quatrux: Are you able to change the Theme to the "classic" view? The newer layout is much more brighter and the icons are in different locations (which needs adjusting to for those who are accustomed to the older styled theme).
  9. I assume you meant the "dull-colored" cPanel? I don't see any option that will allow you to change that in cPanel. You might have to use what Xisto provided which is the brighter theme You can change the color of the theme if it helps. Just log in to you cPanel account and scroll to the very bottom where it says Language and Theme, and click on Theme. Choose the color that best suits your liking.
  10. Finally, I'm finished with it. I had to reinstall Windows XP again. In the Ghost options, I went under the SCSI Drivers tab and checked all four boxes (also tried auto-detect but it said that no SCSI drivers were needed). I restarted and saw that dreaded Ghost screen that froze again. I've had it and was just about to scrap the whole idea of using SATA, but decided to play the waiting game. After like 2-3 minutes, it finally began creating the image. Don't know why it took so long, but glad it worked. My laptop doesn't even take this long to start the imaging process...usually starts immediately when I see the Ghost screen.Thanks for everyone's input.
  11. You have to keep in mind (if you don't know already) that 108Mbps or whatever speeds the access points have is only applying for your network in general. Unless your internet service provider has speeds that high, you will most likely never see it accessing online at those speeds. But if you are transferring files from your computer to another computer in the access point, then it can go up to that speed (usually less due to other factors that may slow it down). If there is no interference in your flat (other wireless devices or many walls in between the access point and your computer), the signal should be pretty strong. Linksys is a very good brand. Many have recommended this product before and if it's available to you, you should consider buying one. What about the PCI cards? They are not the same as the access points, unless there is some other newer devices that I haven't heard of before? I don't know what a PCI access point is... All wireless cards should work with any router. Usually if something doesn't work, it's a configuration error if anything. I have read some reviews that compared different routers to see which ones were better in terms of range and connectivity.
  12. For those who are wondering what these programs (like EasyPHP and XAMPP) does, it basically installed PHP, Apache and MySQL locally on your computer. Why do this? For those who want to test out scripts and the like, it will be much more convenient for them to do this straight from their computers instead of uploading it to their webhost and having them run there. You can also use all of these packages offline and it will work. One good example of why someone may use it is to install a test forum ;)There are a variety of these programs out there. I originally used XAMPP as well but have switched to another version called WAMP (http://www.wampserver.com/en/). I found it a bit easier to use and access the things I need.You may also type in localhost instead of for the web address. It should pick it up and go straight to the admin panel for your package (ie: EasyPHP, XAMPP, WAMP, etc.).
  13. I have 3 computers that are all connected wirelessly and are able to share files. All have files and printer sharing enabled also.I have my laptop here that's connected to a USB printer. I shared the printer and just called it Printer. I tried to connect to this printer from one of the other computers and added it via Network->Server option. I typed in \\laptopsComputername\Printer and it automatically changed the shared name to the actual printer name I have on my laptop. I didn't care since it was still detected/seen. So I printed out a document from that other computer. I see it in the queue from that computer and my laptop, but it's not budging. Is there any way to release this job or perhaps I did something wrong? I already tried to restart the print job to no avail.All 3 computers are using Windows XP.Thanks.
  14. That is a great site Niru. Usually not into customizing much with my Sony Ericsson, but I see some wallpapers and themes that I like there. Check out some of the Ghost Rider ones
  15. It's just been a while since I worked with mysql that I forgot the proper syntax. I thought I did it the other way and it worked in the past....I'm just glad it's working now
  16. I never heard of a file with a .jv extension before. What exactly is it you are trying to do (what kind of code...give us some name).If anything, you can probably just use a plain text editor like Microsoft's Notepad program to do this. Just remember to save the entire filename in double quotes to ensure that it doesn't save the file as a .txt (notepad) file by mistake. For example. if your file was named code1, you will save it as "code1.jv".
  17. I haven't played enough with CMS, but Mambo is supposedly a great choice. It could integrate with forums also. I know it works with SimpleMachines Forum.Not sure about the blogging feature. The ones I know of requires the users to create their own accounts. So they should at the very least know how to register for a free account. Maybe they can post a link in their signature back to the blog if they wish?Don't worry about starting out with a few members. If your site has good content and your users refer other users, it will all come together.If you want to have some income flowing from this, you might have to put up some ads. They don't need to use a credit card or anything. Just click on a ad if they like it. I recommend using Google's Adsense program. Be careful about "telling" your users to click on them. You should never do that and doing so may risk your account being banned by Google.Do you want to make a profit from this? If you are just worried about the webhosting and domain expense, then just get free hosting here at Xisto. There are no ads in your webpages (although, you may add them if you wish ) and the hosting packages just got better. Or you can just invest like $10 (less) on your own domain and have it point to Xisto.
  18. Yeah, I know new motherboards have the floppy drive connector also. I'm just saying that in my case, the board I have doesn't have it...phasing it out sooner than I thought LOL.I'll give nlite a test drive. Just don't have enough time in the day to do this lately
  19. What do you mean when you say it can't find it? The modem? Did you check the Device Manager and see if the modem drivers are automatically installed by Windows? If you see a question mark next to it, then you will have to install the proper drivers for it. If that's the case, see if Everest can detect the exact type of card you have there: http://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/everest_free_edition.html Download Everest and install it. Then look for the modem settings (or something that's similar....maybe under Network if not modem). See if you can locate the brand and model of the modem you have there.
  20. Serena, all these are pretty simple to configure and use. Most of them are just straight forward fields asking you for the username and password. If Trillian doesn't work and you are sure everything is correct (in terms of username and password), then check your firewall or something. Make sure you are installing it under an Administrator (or one that has the same rights) account to be sure. Update on the Google Talk feature. The Google Talk plug-in I found last time didn't work. So I searched around and found an alternative method to use it. Just install the Jabber plug-in. Go into Trillian->Trillian (menu)->Connections->Manage My Connections. Then on the left panel, click on Plugins. Check Jabbber and it should install the plugin. Then click on Identities & Connections on the upper left panel. Go to Add a new connection and select Jabber. Then enter your username with the @gmail.com after it. Type in the password. Then click on the Change button. For server host, type in talk.google.com and use server port 5222. Click Save Settings and Connect. Works without any problems here
  21. Heard of nlite before in the past but never got a chance to test it out personally. I might have to give it a try if this still fails.I'll try repairing the master boot record. I didn't know that Ghost will go so far as to mess within that area as well.Thanks.
  22. Trust me guys, I tried everything I could think of. In terms of the name, I just used backup as an example here. It's actually using my full name to create the backup followed by .sql.gz as mentioned above. The thing is that this .gz file is compressed and MySQL won't import it as it is right? So I had to extract it to get the full SQL file. I have done this exact procedure numerous times in the past before without encountering this kind of issue. I'm using root without a password since this is done locally. But it prompts me for the password after I type that line in and hit Enter. Blank password either way... Yes, "backup.sql" is the name of the file (I even checked in the command prompt to verify that there's no other extension after that) and testDB is the database I want this backup to go into. I already created that testDB file in phpMyAdmin if that helps because I recall that it will complain if it doesn't exist already...now that I think about it, might as well try it without creating it first. I doubt it will work... Any other suggestions? UPDATE: OK, something is definitely "screwy" here. I typed in: mysql -u root -p testDB < backup.sql and that actually worked this time. I know the example I mentioned above is different from this, but I have also tried this recent command before and it failed. It worked today for some strange reason. I was even able to create that "testDB" database without creating it first in phpMyAdmin. But after playing around with it more, I couldn't copy the backup.sql file into another "non-existent" database without creating first. All well...Just glad it's imported now Thanks for all the replies.
  23. I actually got my hand on a IDE floppy drive but the problem is that the motherboard doesn't have a connector for it. You know where the older motherboards that supported floppy drives have like 3 ports (2 for hard drive and CDROM drives and one for floppy drive). The floppy drive connector has less pins thus it's a shorter cable and won't fit properly ;)Any chance I DON'T need to install the SATA drivers? I mean, the first time I installed Windows XP on it, it installed fine. One would think that it shouldn't even detect the SATA drive if the drivers weren't already on the board...no? The first time I installed it I didn't even think about loading the drivers (thought it was like IDE)...until I restarted and that's when hell broke loose (won't boot up anymore).Thanks.
  24. It's a matter of which one YOU like more. If you search around, you will see many different forums for Halo and other gaming sites. If you want to use a commercial (paid) forum, the two most popular ones are vBulletin and InvisionBoard (which is what Xisto uses here). I think vBulletin has more mods and hacks to it so you can customize it to your liking. But it can be very daunting unless you know your way around in vBulletin. InvisionBoard should be a bit easier to use and administer. You can play around with vBulletin a little by using their demo version: http://www.vbulletin.com/en/vb5-trial/ For InvisionBoard, they have a free version (limited features) at: http://www.zifboards.com/ You should get a feel of what both will be like after testing them a little more. If you want to go with the free alternative, I highly recommend using SimpleMachines Forum: http://www.simplemachines.org/ I have been using it for years now and absolutely love it. Support is available if you encounter problems with it. Most web hosts who use cPanel should have SimpleMachines Forum listed in Fantastico. So it's pretty much straight forward to install as well All these forums should be up-to-date and I'm sure they support CSS editing for their styles and other features.
  25. You will need to re-apply for the upgrade once you reach 30 credits. You can do so at: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/100-forum/ In terms of buying more hosting credits, it's always in effect. It's useful for those of us who can't be as active here and who wants to remain a hosted member.
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