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Everything posted by finaldesign1405241487

  1. there is http://www.templatemonster.com/ too. They are commercial but sometimes they offer some quality free templates.
  2. I look for the statistics. You have them in your cpanel webstats. Look how many visitors of your page are using firefox, opera, or internetexplorer? then decide with which one you will go. There will always be some differences between 2 browsers, and pretty often things will render uncorrect.
  3. but hey! Most of today's video cards have classic CRT output and TV PAL/NTSC output for connecting to TV's. so if you don't have two monitors you sure can connect your TV to computer, and have a dual "monitor+tv" screen... I use this way my TV, so I can watch movies from computer on TV, like DVD and Divx... and sometimes if it's some FPS game, I game it on my TV screen too...
  4. Im pretty shure that this is problem with CPU or memmory. IF that hp won't post (boot) it's probbably because the CPU is dead. 1. IF your memmory is not good then you will hear beep's from that system speaker inside the chasis. Solution: replace the memory with some other one, just to check if it change the situation. So you can eliminate good components.2. IF CPU is dead (overheated) then you will hear beep's too (depending on the motherboard) maybe you can't hear anything if it's some specific mainboard, and computer screen would be blank.Solution: try to find some other CPU (from friend or your own) so you can replace it and check if it works then)3. IF your mainboard is dead computer won't post too... Solution: buy a new computer. you will hardly find replacable motherboard, if it's an old computer... maybe in "yellow pages" or some auctions.I would try with that 2nd. solution. Im pretty sure that's it. Anyway when you find a problem, please check that all fans are working especially the CPU FAN, and PowerSupplyUnit fan.good luck!
  5. this competition is open to whole world. You can enter it when you finish your design, via post or via email...
  6. thanks, I've been there, but didn't find very much usefull information, that's too advanced info for me, there is no much explanation... do you know maybe how can I check for sure if my CPU is locked or unlocked one?
  7. Hi all! I just want to anounce that there is a logo design competition at tokyomidtown.jp so if you want to earn 5 milion Yen, take a look, and submit your design until September-20-2005. I'll make sure to submit my creations and get that prize Here is quote from their pages, what they expect and what this is all about: So, make your design. Earn money. Don't do sigs, do real stuff
  8. Thanks very much for such quick replys. I diassembled my computer yesterday and I upgraded it with new Watercooling system from ThermalTake (BigWater). I think that it would be enough to keep it all cooled when I try to overclock. Anyway, as I can't find much about it on google how to overclock that specific duron processor, here is my cpu, ramo, and other info: If anyone know little more details about this specific cpu, and stuff, and how to overclock it, please let me know... thanks!
  9. Hey try ubuntu. I think you can still order a free CD. I just recived my 5 copies for me and my friends. I didn't manage to try it jet, but I will soon. I have tried that boot CD with preinstalled ubuntu on, and it works very well, and with sound on also.. I think you will find it under https://www.ubuntu.com/
  10. Yeah, I agree with all this. A huge mistake is to use noncompatible collors, like that neon green on white background or black backgr. There are soo many nice colors but people seems to use that ugly default colors always...
  11. Hey!I started to overclock my computer. So far, I overclocked my graphic card (Gainward Geeforce Mx440) and it works fine...Now I want to overclock my Duron1600 cpu, but it has locked multipliers. So, if anyone knows how to unlock it, please let me know, or post some links about it... thanks!
  12. I have been in contact with one man who had listening police radio ferquencies, and recorded them. You can CLEARLY hear on that recordings that cops are talking about some strange sphere objects glowing and floating on the sky above one of biggest mountains here in croatia. They have confirmed that an military airplane F-16 was in the air and chase that "Glowing Sphere" but did not able to identify it while it dissapear. So, beleve in what ever you want. I just know that "they" are experimenting on us, for a very loong time.
  13. Ok, first of all, you are thinking way off now... People watch the movies for about what 55-65 years now... That's not a loong time, but did you know that when first car is invented, car's speed was aprox. 25 km/h and people think that if car could go 100 km/h human body in car will be destroyed by it's speed. (!) Now, same thing with airplanes, breaking the speed of sound, diving into deep sea, jumping with parachute, landing on Moon!!!Now people are crazy and they like to think something is impossible just because they are scared of unknown... What people think now about man landing on Mars? Mostly people think it's pretty impossible, because the lack of technology. But the aren't aware about how fast technology advances forward. You look at STAR TREK episode now, and you may say: "Blah! That warp speed is imposible" But hey! What the people tought about some of the greatest philosophers in the world? That they probably crazy. And many of them was actually crazy. Why? Because they where crazy enough to think and invent stuff that noone else would dare to do. So, don't make harsch decisions yet. Many, really many things still wait to be discovered by human race.
  14. yup, if you have only 32 MB of ram, pages with lot's of pictures could load really slow.... try to call your internet provider as Brian said, or at least try to get more RAM.
  15. It sounds like a good thing, but as someone above said... Probably there will be many mature/pornographic content, but im sure that google will use it's advanced techniques to prevent that. Anyway, google's mission to organize whole world it's true good iniciative...
  16. hmmmm. you didn't quite say what type of winamp media file? ok, here is the deal. I see that you don't understand quite what is the issue here. Follow me here: Open Windows Explorer (Windows button+E). Then click > Tools > Folder Options Click on "View" tab Uncheck box for "Hide extensions for known file types" Click OK Now goto folder where is your "Winamp Media File" and look closely on it's filename and "Extension", probably it will look like like this: "Some File Name.mp3" Well, do that, and post a reply here, with file name, so then we can able to help you and tell you which program is best to use for conversion.
  17. Im pretty sure that xrays can damage your film, but if you use digital camera all should be ok. But, however, I heard from some friends of mine, that they had some CD collections in bags, and xrays destroyed them, but I found that unlikely... good luck on your holiday.oh, and sorry about double post but...if you have a camera with film inside, so it's not digital, your film (I think) can't be damaged by X-rays... it, can be "damaged" only by some light source, and only when you take pictures (ofcourse) so, technically, X-ray is not light source. it's an radiation... But, if you are afraid of loosing your pics on film, put your camera with film into a large lead can or bag of some sort, so X-rays can't get inside.
  18. thanks for your reply... I'll try these suggestion, I hope they work, I must go on vacation soon, so people at my office must be able to work without my assistance
  19. So, I have 4 computers at office, and they all share same DSL internet connection. We share the connection on 1 computer, while others acces it via Internet connection sharing. And everything works just fine, until I shutdown all computers and start them up again. Then they loose internet connection, in IE or Firefox there is no connection, but the weird thing is that in right bottom corner of taskbar it shows that blue "computer icon" that there is LAN and another one that there is internet connection via shared computer bla bla... IE and Firefox acts like there is none internet connection available... Please help me out with this one, Im really out of ideas now...Oh, and all computers are using Windows XP professional with SP2 (ly one is on SP1).
  20. or, try to clean you sistem of malware, like with spybot search&destroy, adaware or some antivirus antiware program...
  21. hey! Well, to br honest, im too not quite good with databases, but PM me, so i'll see what I can do
  22. there are many to choose... First of all, are you interested in making vector art or pixel art? There is a large difference. Then would you like to do 3d, or 2d? When you choose your path, there are programs like Photoshop - where you can draw all sort of digital art. Or you can use some 3d program, like 3dstudio, cinema, or a free Blender - you can model pretty cool stuff there, add some textures, and render your final image... There is a program also called Bryce - where you can make some pretty cool looking landscapes in just a few minutes. Also try Terragen - it's a free program, and does stuff like Bryce. Digital Art is really massive subject, a lot of things are digital art. Maybe it's the best to look around for that programs I just named you and try to find yourself inthem... Good luck.
  23. Ok, I've posted this tutorial here on Xisto forums, so try to go thru it, maybe you'll get some ideas on how to make your own layout and your whole web for group. ok here is link to it:http://forums.xisto.com/topic/83476-topic/?findpost=1064300617 p.s. I hope this is helpfull, oh and you'll need photoshop for that, but an free programs can to the trick (Like GIMP)
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