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Everything posted by finaldesign1405241487

  1. Well I try to be good. But Im not that good as I can really be... I hope that with time I will be even be better...
  2. well thanks for your feedback - it's done with combination of: 3ds Max, Cinema 4D, Bryce, and ofcourse Photoshop...
  3. thanks for the feedback, I make the php script to open images in another window 800x600px size, but I see now that I must make it larger, anyway IE automaticly resizes picture to window size, and it looks ok, I didn't test it in FireFox so Im not sure if FF resizes picture to window box too..?
  4. Hi all! I've recently joined deviantArt community, so you can find my work at dplehati.deviantart.com Please give me some feedback. Currently I work only on quality wallpapers but hey Im not sure how good they are, so I need your feedback... You can find that wallpapers also on my webpage at http://www.finaldesign.tk/
  5. heheheheh now that's a spirit anyway, there is a possibility that bush colaborates with asteroids too hehehe
  6. Yes serververs where down but now they up and running. thanks for the reply, you can now review them at my website and I'll upload them to deviantART as soon as I create an account there... b.t.w. I don't like that ImageShack thing, they have no propper login there, It's not safe for me...
  7. Hello! I updated my site recently, there is gallery section now up and running. I will upload as much as 1 - 2 new wallpapers up, and anyone can download them.... You can find them at http://www.final-design.net/ under gallery in main menu. this domain forwarders also works: finaldesign.eu.tt or at this finaldesign.tk and put your review here, if you like it or not... NOTE: fixed links...
  8. I think it's possible, I have tried that myself, and it's working fine
  9. Im also interested in joining this project, just when you give me enough details about it. As for now you didn't say anything, just that artist will be "credited"... Anyway you can see some of my arts on the http://www.finaldesign.tk/ under gallery section...
  10. hello! check out my gallery at My Webpage and tell me what you think about it...
  11. pretty often in PowerSupplly module burnes out one little fuse, and it looks like a tube of glass 3mm diameter and 1,5 cm long, with a thin wire inside, That is a fuse for power overload protection... Now if that wire inside a fuse is burned out, you will see that it's cracked, and all you need to do is to buy a new one in your electronis store, or if it's kind a emergency you can replace a wire with a homemade one (get it somewhere from old elec. equipment...) but I stronlgy recomend that you buy an original fuse.
  12. I recently had some problem with includes. So here it is, if you know solution lemme know... Problem: If you have one php file in your public_html/ folder, called index.php, and in that index.php you include another file which is in public_html/directory/file.php - and in that included file "file.php" there is another inclusion of public_html/directory2/file2.php how can you manage to work it out... ?It gets me lots of errors, and I end with solution that it can't be done, because if I include something in some file in root directory (e.q. index.php) script will stay executed in that directory (hipoteticly) and if I include file which has line of code in it self include("../directory2/file2.php"); what it really does it goes directory back beyond public_html and finds nothing... - complicated huh ? and I cannot change the code of that file.php because Im using it in another file and that file is in folder public_html/directory/ so that file needs that ".." part of code in include...How to solve this complication? any suggestion for different programming...?
  13. Im using DVDdecrypter and DVDShrink, they work for me very good, and for ripping in div-x Lavavo DVD ripper, works fine too... Yes, im using Nero 6.3 also, anyway I've tried to burn normally in nero, that works for me fine, but sometimes also, when nero does that "transcending" videofiles, sometimes it blocks also... Don't know why... Actually I figured that when nero does "transcending" it blocks the whole program... but not always... mostly it's working... I can't figure that out?
  14. That's not the point of the site's idea. Who cares about sponsors? all we want are results.
  15. Hello!First of all my computer specs.:AMD Duron 1,6 GhzRam DDR 512 + DDR 128 (2 modules)Asus MainboardVGA Gainward GeForce MX460, 64 MBHDD Maxtor 80 GbCD-RW Sonx 52x maxDVD+-RW, CD-RW combo Pioneer, 8x--------------------------------------------Now software specs.:Windows XP prof. service pack 2Nero 6.0--------------------------------------------And now the problem:Whenever I try to burn a movie compilation to DVD with 'Nero Vision' my Nero blocks, and it stop responding - only when it trys to display that window with movie animation, where it shows a progres of movie beeing burned... (I hope you understand what Im trying to explain...) So, anyway, It's really annoying thing, so any solution to that?Only thing that Im beeing able to do about it it's to minimize whole 'Nero Vision' down to taskbar, and open task manager, and watch the processor usage - so when it falls down from 99% to 1-2% - Im sure then that the burning and converting files to DVD video is done.But, I would like to have an normal burning 'session' if anyone has some solution??
  16. and not just scan for spyware you must scan your computer for viruses aloso - I recommend Kaspersky Anti Virus - works for me best...
  17. no. club and dance are completly different from drum n bass. In this style, bass is a main music lead, and drums (there are many different sound of drums used in each song) are playing very fast and often changing rhytm from one to another. It's pretty interesting music, and can be associated with ambiental also. There are many mixes of ambiental and drum n bass also... Try to find some drum n bass samples on google and listen to it. maybe you'll like it.
  18. but consider this: terrorists may use gmail to spread it's information, and they can use gmail as ther primary communication service. How to control that? Im sure there is some system filter integrated which scans user's email for targeted words: like 'kill', 'president' and such things.
  19. People! don't be funny. If there is no life in space: that would mean that whole universe is a wasted space. There is something out there. Human race is not the only thing in space. It's just too damn big for one advanced race only...
  20. It's probably the soundcard driver, did u use an original driver for winxp that comes with your soundcard?
  21. my brother learnd Blender In just a month. I know, It seems a loong time, but for a month you can learn it very very good. Just google for some blender tutorials (there are plenty on internet for free...) and start reading them, soon you will crack the idea about blender and how it works, I can't really tell you how it's best way to start up with blender, But I can tell you I learned 3dsmax in just a 2 weeks, not entirely ofcourse but enough to get me started with 3d stuff. So get the tutorials and help documents, and kickit.
  22. there is also an longest email address, I have one, I registered one for myself long time ago, url for this email is: http://www.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijk.com/ It's entire alfabet actually... funny, and then you can open yourself there an email like: anything_you_like@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijk.com
  23. Good pont. I've never realize that it's a ripof from someone else's work.
  24. I agree on that violation of trademark - it's not ok to copy two (yahoo and google) logos and them combine them, without permission. Still it's funny idea, if I may say so.
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