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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. yup, he's finally killed, but I could care less. Source: CBC News xboxrulz
  2. This is definitely the movie to watch this Winter Break! This movie is a really touchy one, there are some very sad and emotional scenes. However, the movie will pick up again and will make you wanna dance, laugh and get thrilled with what Mumble does best, tap-dancing. The adélie amigos made my day with their funny taglines and such. Anyways, I'll rate the movie here with breakdown: Overall: 33/35 (94%) CGI: 5/5 Storyline: 5/5 Realism: 4/5 Penguins: 5/5 Characters: 5/5 Dancing: 5/5 Soundtrack: 4/5 Shortcomings: Although it's hard to rate the realism of penguins because they toe-tap and dance and sing, but penguin eggs will freeze immediately once the penguin parents drop their egg suddenly. The soundtrack was great, but I think they played too many songs in the movie. Other than that, the movie was great! Happy Feet Movie Poster Maurice, Baby Gloria and Memphis look on as Mumble's egg hatches Mumble with the five adélie penguin amigos. xboxrulz
  3. usually, I would use NVIDIA's version of the kernel module (aka drivers) than the ones provided by Fedora Core. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xboxrulz
  4. You can defrag your page files :s?I never knew that is even possible.Heck, I dunno even if I can fsck my swap partition in Linux :sxboxrulz
  5. Interesting, maybe now we got to strap a bunch of Cell processor servers together and start finding more of these prime numbers.xboxrulz
  6. lol, how the hell did your XBOX caught on fire, did you put it in a room with good ventilation? and did you place it in a room that is not over 30 degrees celcius?xboxrulz
  7. Button mashing is fine, as long as it's not on the keyboard because you're going to kill your keyboard because it was never design to handle so much abuse from the user. Video game controllers, on the other hand were designed to take a lot of abuse especially for button mashers, so go ahead and button mash. Even I button mash for fun :)xboxrulz
  8. Most likely it is since it matches the core's codename. I don't remember AMD producing 2 versions of their processors under the same codename.xboxrulz
  9. Alegis, I too am using Windows Vista, but right now I'm running RC1 as there are no other ways of obtaining the full version anyways, and I don't know if I'm going to blow CAD $499 just for gaming on my PC. Anyways, back to the Mac thing. I am definitely not trying to defend Apple here at all. I like their products and such, but I don't think they may necessarily be better than Microsoft Windows, however, I am defending UNIX, which of course MacOS X is part of that family and Apple is the only company successfully placed UNIX on the home computing market.Many people use Windows Live Messenger a lot, especially teenagers, they use it all the time. I know that as a fact because I am one. We love goodies available to us on these programs to chat with our friends. However, if a corporation forces us to upgrade by restricting a software that works perfectly fine on the older system to only work on a new system, then it is not good for the consumer.Furthermore, there weren't much of a difference between XP/2000 technologies. They used the same code-base. Both still have DirectX and both use the same driver system. Both still uses the same API with different identification (One as Windows 2000 and the other as Windows XP). However, Microsoft had deliberately cut off game developers to develop new games for the Windows 2000 platform, to ensure that they get money from upgrades. Of course one can argue that it makes "innovation" and "evolution" of code. However, one must remember that both Windows 2000 and Windows XP are essentially the same operating system with a different GUI and directory layout with essentially the same core. It's like having a Linux distribution with a Linux kernel of with GNOME calling it version 1 and then the next "version" bundled with KDE instead. It's still the same core system, applications should still run regardless and users shouldn't be forced to upgrade for profit reasons.Windows Genuine Advantage not only blocked out pirates, but even legitimate customers, how is this giving the customer a peace of mind by buying the rights to run Windows?xboxrulz
  10. true, when we pull our topics back on Windows XP vs. Windows Vista, of course Windows Vista is much safer than Windows XP. You will be asked to double check your actions in order to execute commands that will alter the system's state. However, if the changes are large enough, it'll start asking you for your administrator password. This security layout is one of the aspects why I said that it was close to UNIX and not necessarily Linux. Linux is a free clone of UNIX, so when we talk about security, it'll fall under the "UNIX" name as it also encompasses MacOS X, Darwin, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Solaris, AIX, and etc.When I talk about the latest software, I meant software that were created within a few months to a year. All the latest tools like the latest iTunes, the latest RealPlayer and etc. stuff that the "regular" consumers would use. Also, the best example is Windows Live Messenger doesn't even work with Windows 2000 and lower operating systems. Windows Live Messenger is the basic of all of these software. Even the latest games require Windows XP to work. I haven't seen any new games allowing Windows ME/Windows 2000 for it to run. A great example of this is that on the System Requirements of Battlefield 2142, it specifically states Windows XP, same with Battle for Middle Earth II. Let's talk about a game that works on Windows 2000 on the XBOX (yes, that's what the XBOX runs on) being ported to the PC. Microsoft had forced gamers who wants Halo 2 on PC to first upgrade to Windows Vista before they can run the game. Note that the underlying technologies are still quite similar. DirectX and Windows NT codebase. Still, Microsoft forces you to run on a more recent version. Battlefield 2142 and Battle for Middle Earth II can both run on the NT kernel with DirectX, but their latest APIs forced developers to only develop for the latest version of Windows and leave the ones who couldn't upgrade, behind.I give you kudos for your argument for Safari, it uses an old version of KHTML (the core of Safari from the KDE project), it may have things that may not be compatible with the 10.3.9 release. I don't have an old version of MacOS X as I push for the latest software. However, my school still runs MacOS X 10.3.9. Also, other software still can run on MacOS X 10.3.9 like iTunes and games like Starcraft, and Quake 4. Remember, the Darwin core for MacOS X 10.4 and 10.3.9 are different. Although they're still BSD/Mach mixed, they include several major changes. They include speed difference, difference in the use of different shells, better Airport support, different gcc versions, and major hole patches. As Apple stated in their release notes for Darwin 7.0.1 (MacOSX 10.3.x) "AirPort wireless cards are detected, but cannot be configured." However, this has been fixed in Darwin 8.0.1 (10.4.x). Anyways, that's beside the point. Both are different kernels and they can still run the exact same software. In contrast to Microsoft, with the exclusion of Windows Vista, runs the same kernel (with different revisions 5.0, 5.1, 5.2) but yet, Microsoft still forces you to upgrade to the latest version of their operating system to run many of the software. In the end, it's going to be expensive for a regular user to run it in the long run. I can still keep MacOS X (although, it wouldn't be a good idea since there's a lot of good add-ons on MacOS X 10.4).When we talk about security patches, with the patches piling on top of each other, and it didn't even do anything good for the users. Also, with the compatibility of codes, Microsoft did specifically said that they supported older binaries for older DOS users for their 16-bit compatibility. By including this compatibility, it did open many holes on the Windows versions prior to Windows Vista (yes, they have removed it in Vista for security purposes). For example, SP2 was a huge let down. Of course it came with "goodies", a pop-up blocker and Windows Firewall (which in fact is a waste of space). However, how about things like Windows Genuine "Advantage"? and that SP2 crashes computers when you install it on top of computers still running SP1 and rendering them useless? How is that secure and peace of mind for the regular users?However, if you are still willing to spend money on Windows Vista, by all means, go ahead, it is very stable for regular use, but it's not the best secured system out there for the lowest price and that's all for now.xboxrulz
  11. lol, at least ur name is well liked in the Linux/UNIX community :)xboxrulz
  12. Bill Gates is smart and charitable, that I can give to you as kudos. However, his smarts got many people, including me hating him. Why? He uses vendor lock-in, suppressive market control and using poor codes make new releases. Vendor lock-in is a major blockade in competition. When you lock a customer to only your product, you have essentially took out competition, take a look at EU and how many court cases it had fired against Microsoft. Poor codes has been used for "compatibility" and they have never been actually patched. All the patches they release will need a repatch on top of that patch. When you get too many patches in the code, it gets enormous and hard to navigate and patch the actual problem in the first place. I never stated that they're heading the Linux way, I'm just saying that it starts to handle like a UNIX system with all it's security layouts quite similar. There is and maybe will always have the NT/UNIX difference. Windows will always be based on DOS. Also, on a Mac, you DON'T have to upgrade like on Windows. You can still be running MacOS X 10.3.9 and Apple wouldn't give a crap because the software are still compatible. However, for Windows, most new software must be running Windows XP (and at least Windows 2000). Windows Vista is just one of those rogue OSes that takes longer than their usual product cycle of around 2-4 years. Windows ME came out in 1999, Windows XP came out in 2001. You can't run new apps on Windows ME anymore, Microsoft had forced them to go to Windows XP. On free UNIX, no one cares if you're running a very old version of their operating system, the software would still most likely work. For example, most Linux software works with Linux kernel 2.2+ (latest kernel: Linux kernel 2.2 was introduced in 1999 and it still works with brand new software. My point of making this statement is not because I absolutely hate Microsoft Windows, I still use it quite often, I just don't like how people can be misleaded by Microsoft and Microsoft backers about how Windows is so safe and that it is cheaper than open source alternatives. It's because it's not! UNIX/UNIX-clones are technically superior to Microsoft Windows, but on the desktop market, it's the other way around. *P.S: Note my name, xboxrulz .... XBOX is a product of Microsoft, and I love it. I have the 360 and play it regularly. Therefore, I'm not totally against Microsoft on some aspects.* xboxrulz
  13. lol, I only placed the top spoken/written/ and entered languages around the world.Also, I did put PHP, but I didn't put it like you did, sparkx, I kept it simple.xboxrulz
  14. I merged the announcement and my topic wishing everyone merry christmas.We can't set the bad examples as staff to double post the same thing, now can we :Pxboxrulz
  15. I'm here to say HAPPY HOLIDAYS in different languages throughout the world in the top languages spoken, written or entered into a machine: Chinese: 聖誕快樂 English: Happy Holidays! Spanish: Feliz Navidad French: Joyeux Noël Dutch: Vrolijke Kerstmis Arabic: ميري كرسمس للكل و ينعاد عليكم German: Frohe Weihnachten Greek: Καλά Χριστούγεννα Italian: Buon Natale Japanese: メリークリスマス Korean: 즐거운 성탄 Russian: Веселое Рождество Lituanian: Su šventom Kalėdom ir laimingų Naujų Metų! Serbian: Срећни празници! Klingon: yItIv QISmaS Java (programming language): System.out.println ("Happy Holidays!"); Turing (programming language): put "HAPPY HOLIDAYS!" C/C++: cout << "happy holidays"; HTML: < p >HAPPY HOLIDAYS!< /p > PHP: $msg = happy holidays; echo $msg If you cannot read the text in the languages that do not use Roman characters, please use the UTF8 encoding or please install support for the fonts. Saying Happy Holidays in Java! xboxrulz
  16. odd, it usually crashes all the games I try to run it with. xboxrulz
  17. Are you sure that you installed the correct version of Internet Explorer 7?There's a x86 version and a x86_64 (or M$ might call it x64).Plus, Windows XP x64 Edition is quite experimental still.xboxrulz
  18. sorry, I meant RC1 actually.Anyways, I never thought my comments were interpreted ask jokes. I seriously think that Microsoft is finally learning their lesson.xboxrulz
  19. or you can just disable useless services that you might not use. That makes everything faster.xboxrulz
  20. It's still Linux, so therefore they are generally the same, so there's no "safer" distro. However, there is one distro version where it would become unstable with my systems, which was Mandriva.Other than that, all are stable.xboxrulz
  21. I just compress everything to .tar.gzxboxrulz
  22. Another thing I don't like about MySpace is that people can change their names at will. Therefore, sometimes I wouldn't be able to tell who they actually are. Therefore, I just hit the Reject button.xboxrulz
  23. I am both a Facebook addict and a MySpace user myself. However, whenever I use my Facebook account, I use it with great care. I ensure that I lock up all the sensitive materials and limit my profile in one network (in this case, it's Facebook). Facebook has many safety features that MySpace doesn't have. One major thing that MySpace doesn't have is the network feature. This network feature is an essential part to better security because you can just lock your material for network view or just friend-only view. You can even go as far as personal-view/invite-only view. Of course there's going to be fraud. That is why usually, I only add the people who I know. I don't just add random people who wants to add me (yes, I know some friends who would just add friends just for fun). Furthermore, Facebook has the option for you to place your profile into limited profile mode, where you tell Facebook that a certain friend can only see parts of your profile. MySpace is safer than what the media says it is. MySpace has the option for you to lock up your profile from other people, you can also choose to block a person from adding you before you even add the person on your friends list. These networking sites have been proven quite safe, if you put their security system in good use. They provide you with the tools, but you have to be the ones who use the tools provided. They aren't going to spoon feed you. Facebook + Heavily secured + Nice interface + Network feature - Not customizable MySpace + Can add music + HTML/CSS enabled - Less security features than Facebook - Looks ugly by default - Acts too much like Google xboxrulz
  24. Yes, it is a big possibility. However, we wouldn't get the chain reactions that fast and we won't get the hypercyclones. xboxrulz
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