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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. You just use BootCamp to dual boot into Windows.Simple as that.xboxrulz
  2. you get a new knife? what's the difference, better for emo soldiers ?xboxrulz
  3. Vista is slower on games, but only DirectX 9 games. On DirectX 10 games, I've seen them run very fast.xboxrulz
  4. @NoMore: Will Smith is good, i have to admit, Eminem, I hate him, even when I read the lyrics to make sense of it, but its still crap.Seriously sorry, but I still hate rap.xboxrulz
  5. I vote for GIMP due to its high portability and simple interface.However, I side with Photoshop for professional image editing.Plus, the win32 version of GTK2+ is crap, which in turn make GIMP, crap.xboxrulz
  6. best to ask the folks at SuSE Forums, they most likely would have a good answer to your problem: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xboxrulz
  7. I still have the Windows 98 SE boot up floppy. It can be found here: It works much better than the Windows XP installation disc for recovering your MBR. xboxrulz
  8. I suggest either a Mac, as suggested above or go for AMD machines, especially X2s. Plus, a Mac can double as a PC, it runs Windows too ;)xboxrulz
  9. ya, apparently the SATA controller may be causing problems.Have you tried the brokendriver boot option?xboxrulz
  10. I thought SSH was disabled at Astahostxboxrulz
  11. Mozilla Firefox is blocking this stupid pop up over here in Canada.I'm using Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP and openSUSE 10.2 and I can see it, it's really annoying!xboxrulz
  12. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ gives out free calls to North America.xboxrulz
  13. Once in a while posting useless posts like this is fun, I have to admit, even when I'm a moderator.However, I just can't help it to announce that this is my 1337th post, 1337N355!xboxrulz
  14. The Wii is the fastest selling console right now, even faster than both the XBOX 360 and the PS 3. In fact, the Playstation 3 is the slowest selling. In Japan many retailers have stockpiles of Playstation 3s.xboxrulz
  15. actually Windows 98 can be installed by "boot from floppy" technique. Just make a Windows 98 bootup floppy disc to start, then insert the Windows 98 disc and then launch setup.exe off the floppy.xboxrulz
  16. I added a Facebook group for Xisto. /login.php?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fgroups%2F2231223500%2F&_fb_noscript=1 If any of the administrator wants admin powers on the group, feel free to PM me and I will bump you. xboxrulz
  17. I don't think anyone can ever make a 100% blockade for stalkers, except for yourself.xboxrulz
  18. I think we should really clean up the front page, else it's called false advertisement. According International Trade Laws, they are illegal.xboxrulz
  19. this post is getting pointless anyways.Closed.xboxrulz
  20. I would like to rebuttle that with my review: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/92323-topic/?findpost=1064363861 xboxrulz
  21. I played NBA 07 on the PS3, it's ok, I liked NBA Live 06 better.xboxrulz
  22. I got to try it, more about my opinion on Wii Sports can be found here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/92323-topic/?findpost=1064363861 It's an awesome package. xboxrulz
  23. I choose NVIDIA over ATI, mainly because of the Linux compatibility and that I trust NVIDIA as that's the first card I got with my first computer.xboxrulz
  24. Finally I have tested all the consoles. Here I shall give you my in depth feelings about these new next-gen consoles. The consoles will be reviewed in chronological order when I first tested, with the last console at the end. First up, the XBOX 360, the American G.I, the mastermind of online gameplay on the console. With it's triple core IBM PowerPC G5 processors (3.2GHz each), and sporting a ATI Xenos 500 MHz graphics chip (with EDRAM upgrade), it is clearly a powerhouse all in one. Great with multitasking downloading, chatting and gameplay. Release Date: November 22, 2005 Online Service: XBOX Live First tested at: Canadian Auto Show 2006, XBOX 360 booth Game: Project Gotham 3 Test time: 15 minutes (limited time trial) TV type: LCD HDTV Full Screen Anti Aliasing (FSAA): 4x Sold: 10.4 million Price: CAD$ 399.99 (Core), $499.99 (Premium) My Rating: 8/10 Like: A full rounded system, packs a punch with it's tri-core processors. Dislike: XBOX Live is a little expensive for a student. Most anticipated game: Halo 3 When I first tested the game, it was a smooth game, graphics were amazing. However, I didn't really like the PGR series in the first place. However, I was amazed at the XBOX 360 dashboard, I haven't seen anything like it before. I waited until most of the clinks have been smoothed out before purchasing it in June of 2006 (2-3 months after the Auto Show). Next up, it's the Nintendo Wii, the Schwarzenegger's Choice. The only console where exercising is fun again. Although, it only sports a single core PowerPC G4 chip (729MHz), and a ATI Broadway 293MHz chip, it still packs a punch. The Wii is simply the fastest selling console in the 7th generation console race. Release Date: November 19, 2006 Online Service: WiiConnect 24 First tested at: cousin's house Game: Call of Duty 3, Wii Sports Test time: 2 - 3 hours (stopped when I got tired and the fact that it was already 2:00am) TV Type: CRT EDTV Full Screen Anti Aliasing (FSAA): noticable, but don't know if it is actually supported (2x at least) Sold: 4 million Price: CAD $279.99 My Rating: 9/10 Like: Workout is fun again Dislike: Wiimote + First Person Shooter = hell Most anticipated game: Warioware Call of Duty 3's graphics on the Wii is worse than on the PC, XBOX 360 and the Playstation 3, however, it still needs tuning on the controller-side. Using the Wiimote to play the game is hellish as a slight movement will throw away your shooting. Sniping with the Wiimote takes precision. Wii Sports was great, I spent most of the 2 - 3 hours on it. Bowling was fun. I thought this game was going to go lopside on me since the graphics and how things looked childish, was actually quite fun. I analyzed the graphics close enough, there was at least a 2x FSAA. I don't see the jaggety lines that I do on GameCube or XBOX or even the PS2. Last and hopefully not least, is the Sony Playstation 3, the Sumo, the black fat knight, the quiet bulky ninja carrying loot under his/her shirt. With supercomputer specs, gaming has been brought to a new level (not necessarily a higher level). Sporting the 3.2 GHz Cell Broadband Engine (CBE), featuring 1 PPE (the general purpose processor), and 7 SPE, with the last SPE disabled to only run the system operating system. It sports a NVIDIA RSX "Realtime Synthesizer" 550 MHz GPU. Supercomputer technology, underdelivered. Release Date: November 17, 2006 Online service: Playstation Networking Platform (PSNP) First tested at: EB Games on Yonge and Highway 7 Game tested: NBA 07, Motorstorm Test time: 30 - 45 minutes, with breaks in between (got bored really quick) TV Type: LCD HDTV, HDMI Full Screen Anti-Aliasing: I think it's supported, but not noticeable what-so-ever Sold: 1.2 million Price: CAD $549.99 (20 GB), $659.99 (60 GB ) My Rating: 4/10 Like: ability to run Linux, able to run Folding@Home, deadly silent (kinda, not really since I might not know if it's on without turning on the TV) Dislike: Sixaxis controller (complete XBOX 360/Wii ripoff), Cell Broadband Engine, Bluray Disc, mediocre graphics, many glitches (more than XBOX 360, but less severe), missing universal buddy list on PSNP. Most anticipated game: Metal Gear Solid 4: The Guns of the Patriot Motorstorm was the first PS 3 game I tried, it was ok, with the ability for me to fall off the cliff, crash into rocks and blow up and etc. It got boring after going the 3 lap race. The graphics on the thing was the same as the original XBOX, and I couldn't tell if there were FSAA enabled on the system at all. I saw heavy jaggety lines, which got really annoying after a while, after playing the XBOX 360 and the Wii. Playing this game, I felt like playing on my original XBOX. NBA 07 was the next game I played. The graphics were much better than Motorstorm. Great reflections on the floor, characters looks pretty good. However, it still doesn't match NBA Live 06 on the XBOX 360 on standard definition TV. Yes, you've read it right, it's a first generation game on standard definition that still looks better than a Playstation 3 first generation game on HDMI. However, I didn't see any FSAA at all either. Which makes me wonder, is there really FSAA on the PS3? If not, then, really, the PS3 is falling short on technology. Then, to confirm the multitasking issue, it's true, the Playstation can't multitask. Although the Cell Processor has been touted for it's "power", and the supercomputerness, it still missing one important feature, it can't multitask. I can't have a system wide chat with my buddies while several games (as in talking even when switching from game to game), it can't download while playing an offline game and etc. As Mark Rein Epic Games Studios said, "Sony says the next generation starts when they say so. I say that's *BLEEP*. Gears of War is the first second-generation game for XBOX 360 and it looks very fine. You will never see [PS3] launch titles this good." Amen! Final thoughts: It was a good year for the gaming industry in 2006, all the systems finally came out. The Wii seen as the champion overall, while the XBOX 360 is pwning the Playstation 3 on trying to capture the "traditional gaming" market. Playstation only appeals me by the ability for me to use it as a supercomputer, but definitely NOT for gaming and it's PSNP is a total mess. The Bluray is slowing down PS3 production, thus, slowing down adoption. Which system to get rating: XBOX 360: By buying me, you'll make yourself proud, you'll also make Marcus Fenix and the Master Chief proud. Wii: Schwarzenegger should seriously consider supplying free Wiis to everyone in California and persuade the Government of Ontario to do the same. Playstation 3: Buy me if you want a really cheap computer, and if Bluray takes off, buy me as a cheap Bluray player. If you don't want either, buy the Wii or if you need the graphics and online play, get the XBOX 360. Hope you liked my review, if you wish to comment, feel free, but please keep it clean. xboxrulz
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