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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. Well, by July 29th a new planet has been discovered and it is double Pluto's size! The temporary name for this planet is 2003UB313. The proposed name is: Lila (or Lilah) For more information check out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2003UB313 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xboxrulz
  2. can u install PCLinuxOS onto the HDD like Knoppix or no?xboxrulz
  3. For me? SuSE Linux. It is easy to configure, easy to explore and very stable, Mandriva (formerly Mandrake) has too many bugs plus you can't upgrade unless ur in the club. SuSE has many apps prebuilt in RPM. Ubuntu is great but it can't cconfigure everything and it doesn't work w/ my graphic card.xboxrulz
  4. The article is completely bogus since M$ funded it. Anyways, about switching to Linux, I switched without any friends or expert sitting down and teach me how to use Linux. I was inexperienced, I did research, ran thru forums. Now, I'm an experienced user using Linux for more than 1 year. I know how to compile, use DEB, RPM, know how to debug my system and know where the logs are. Understand how Linux works and yada yada...Therefore, if you have the will to learn it, it's easy, no experts needed.xboxrulz
  5. [offtopic] I just find that Microsoft Games Studios and Microsoft 2 separate companies. One makes great games while another makes crappy software and charges the user double the software's worth[/offtopic]WinFS has been cutted out of Windows Vista (formerly, Longhorn)xboxrulz
  6. According the Linux-NTFS, you can recompile your kernel to allow to only write (w/ out rename) but it is extremely not recommended as you may screw-up those files just by writing. http://www.linux-ntfs.org/ for more info xboxrulz
  7. SuSE has an automatic detector and pre-configure NTFS partition to read.xboxrulz
  8. well, I recommend SuSE Linux. It has a great setup tool: YaST2, you can download it thru torrents (totally legal, granted by their license; you don't get support)xboxrulz
  9. u could also try emerging a new kernel as your's is old.xboxrulz
  10. try chmod 0777 /dev/nullor if u have an Desktop Environment, tell it to set /dev/nullxboxrulz
  11. This is where Linux comes in; download any very low resource sucking LiveCD and boot it from there. Then move everything onto a backup.Your hardware is getting too old, if it's me, it's in my "antique" collection.xboxrulz
  12. Gentoo is not for newbies; while SuSE is. I don't suggest Ubuntu for gamers since it sucks on gamer PCs w/ 1280*1024 resolution at least.The best distro I've ever used is SuSE Linux.xboxrulz
  13. u mean Madagascar was made on Red Hat Enterprise Sever 3.Wait... a server version of Linux?U gotta be kiddin'xboxrulz
  14. What my OS would be is that it is as customized as Linux, works w/ all UNIX commands and that it's POSIX standardized. Another thing is that it will have a GUI faster and looks better than Mac OS X. Of course it will run on my favourite type of processor: the IBM G5 Processor, but of course I won't be as protective as Apple and make it open.xboxrulz
  15. I like Linux and Mac actually but if you're gonna force me to choose one or the other, I have to take Linux because it's more customizable and that it is much more open than Mac. If you ask "what about Windows"? What do you think, developer or not it suck to the bone.xboxrulz
  16. Mandrake, bugged? yes, definitely, but 90%+ uses customized kernels. Gentoo (optional), Slackware and Debian uses Vanilla kernels.I rather use KDE than GNOME and I hate the WM. Maybe that's me, but it's close to the desktops I know best, Windows and Macs.xboxrulz
  17. Maybe you should try installing another Linux distribution. I have always suggest SuSE Linux, you should use it too. Installing it and making it run was very very easy!xboxrulz
  18. good for u for finding a small system. I personally don't like them. I like BIG So, if that's what you like then, go ahead and make yourself happy.Happy computing w/ Linux.xboxrulz
  19. this is a hard thing to answer because an average person doesn't know every single font in the world. I don't have a clue either.My only advice is to ask the people who made it.xboxrulz
  20. I agree w/ the UNIX people here. I prefer Linux since it is the flagship of opensource software and the "real" OS that has no bs included.Linux has been my #1 OS since last year. Mac is not too far behind my favourites. It is very close second. Third is SkyOS and then last is Windows.xboxrulz
  21. SuSE Linux version 6.4 is SO OLD THAT IT IS NOT SUPPORTED. Plus the KDE version on that is very old. I recommend you to at least use SuSE Linux 9.0 and up.Fedora Core has had some problems with its experimental kernels.Also, your machine are too old to support any new versions of any OS. I recommend you get new machines.Linux has gotten easier thru the years because Linux is now better aimed at the desktop users than before.xboxrulz
  22. Fedora Core now gives you an improve version of the Anaconda installer which makes installation easier.xboxrulz
  23. I tried another software called XEN, but SuSE Linux didn't install it properly for me...xboxrulz
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