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Everything posted by jipman

  1. Well, you need to set up the yum.conf good, like the repo's
  2. Firefox,we've discussed this too many times. It's becoming quite useless now, please twistie, these things are discussed so many times, think of another way to make usefull posts
  3. Euhm dude, why not use a proxy?as browser , firefox rules.And by the way, boot knoppix from a cd to your laptop, or install Fedora Core 3 linux as dual boot.
  4. Isn't this posted a few times already? about Linux, fedora is the best in my opinion. The con qwij says does not exist because I have the almight YUM... That automaticaly searches for depencies and stuff
  5. Thats a harmless warning, it happens all the time to me, but the software will continue run (installer or whatever).
  6. Yeah... I saw that one too.... The most used keys with me are W A S D,Huh uh... Gamer? :P
  7. That about the notepad is true.But the file shouldn't be any problem of asking of saving. But that is not the point anyway.
  8. We're not going to plan to create cheats for whatpulse do we? Or else..... :PNo seriously, don't cheat :PAbout the keyups/downs.... it could be both.
  9. Do you mean you can't view the content after you sucessfully uploaded it.ORAre you having trouble uploading it??If it is 1, then there is a error in the uploading process.If it is 2, then are you using ftp to upload? If not, what do you use to upload?
  10. Are talking about an email account or a new computer??????????? There is absolutely no reason to abandon your current email service, email = email... Nothing special. But some people like to have enough storage for their stuff, or just like to try something new.
  11. Use FireFox or DieSince IE is the most used browser most virus builders will focus on that and leave FireFox alone. [joke].. So lets keep the number of Firefox users down, so the others can enjoy ad/spy/virus free internet :POr am i being a little selfish here :o [/joke]
  12. What do you mean by that? About hosting, could be a good idea. If you could split a part of your storage to some kind of web-server or something.
  13. As we speak, the capacity of every gmail account is growing steadily. Because gmail has decided to increase the storage room of all accounts I quote (i may quote, can't I?) source : https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&continue= https://mail.google.com/mail/ Cool isn't it?
  14. Btw.My friend stierenoog has decided to stop whatpulsing, because it's such a waste of keys/clicks, he has decided to register with us in order to increase our key/click count.I hope you don't mind.
  15. OR just use lego to create a little robot that hammering your keyboard.But that is cheating and i would never do that, I just hammer on my keyboad myself. :PWatching cartoons and hammering a keyboard can be quite relaxing for some reason.
  16. Uploading to Xisto???If its not at Xisto you migth wanna read the instructions with your hosting package. If you are hosted at Xisto, the basic package has a maximum of 20mb storage. So that might be the reason the file upload.
  17. Well... The Instruction sets of pentiums are better so they can do the work faster than celerons, even on the same clock speeds. Since the celeron you are talking about has a higher one, it will probably outrun a pentium for normal use (typing, internetting, emailing). But a pentium might perform better on the territory of multimedia and stuff..I suggest you first try both of them to see which one is better. use sysmark or something.Also, are you sure the celeron would FIT in your motherboard, since the p2 uses a special slot on the motherboard. So i doubt it if it would fit in the computer anyway.
  18. I think Nettransport should do the trickGoogle for it as i am too lazy to give a link , forgive me.
  19. Try removing the extension from the file egfile.rar -> fileThat solves it
  20. OR you could use a text file on your desktop that you use to write your notes on.OR keep a small notebook to write things on next to your computer.BUT, nice idea anyway
  21. VIM, means vim improved. It's a command-line based text editor with line numbers and syntax highlighting. It has a lot of very powerfull functions and tricks which many new editors don't even have. But because it's quite difficult to understand all it's functions, i guess few people use it.
  22. You might wanna watch your words there m8, i believe we have a wicca in our midst (moonwitch, i think)@moonwitchare you wicca? If yes, could you tell us what you do with it and believe of it?
  23. Euh call of duty Try http://www.spelletjes.nl/ Its dutch, but you should understand it.
  24. Thou shall have a fair match against me, I will never cheat
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