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Everything posted by jipman

  1. I believe that they want you to send a signed bank-transfer thingy paper to them to sign and give the money to you. But instead of transfering TO you account then they will transfer FROM your account (if you catch my drift ) Maybe a little off topic: maybe you could get the email headers and his IP and report him to his Internet provider to kick him off the net . Anyway, I did some googling and found this nice site that explains it all http://userwebs.rmci.net/alphae/419coal/ This piece kinda shocks me THEY MUST BURN :) edit : I found a novel about those money scams too (it's about a guy who tries to find out the root of the email scam by replying to the mails and following the instructions) : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It's free for download
  2. Notice from jipman: DreamThere are already 10+ topics about this...If you want to discuss about something, please check if there is already a topic about it.You've been warned and your topic will be merged with the first one i could find
  3. Of course, body strength is important, but not the key, you can reach a lot with moderate strength. It's HOW you use your strength, and also, Parkour is not just running and jumping off things and do those rolls with(out) rails. What also is very cool are the balance-tricks, those are sometimes even harder to perform than the jump tricks. About the fitness, it doesn't have to be extreme. If you use your strength right and don't waste it, you can parkour for quite some time, without getting tired.
  4. Are you talking about microscopic here? M^E give you the link to this topic a few minutes before I could do and he didn't think it was necessary to close it. I thought that it might be better to close it so nobody else is going to reply here, and if they had comments they would reply here. So i did (you still with me ) and about That doesn't matter because knowledge = knowledge, even if its almost an year old. Maybe it might feel silly to reply to something a month old, but if you have a question and post it it there, it will show up on the last post thingy on the bottom and people will read it and reply to it. It's not so that noones going to reply because the topics old Who cares if the topic was started a month ago?
  5. 1 - go to http://whatpulse.org/ and download the whatpulse client2 - log in on the wp homepage and click on team (some where in your personal settings)3 - click on TEAM and search for Xisto and join team.4 (optional) - watch dragonball and start mashing your keyboard
  6. Well... since the topic starters question is already answered and the latest few replies, are .....how shall i put it... Off topicI sentence this topic to eternal close-ation.
  7. Really, have you seen that little button on the right top of this page called search? and if you click it, and you enter the words 'php email script form' You might have landed on THIS topic http://forums.xisto.com/topic/82772-topic/?findpost=1064295426= The moral of the story, use the almighty search, it is there to be used. Please use this function first because else the forum will be filled with topics about the same stuff TOPIC CLOSED edit: hmm whoops micro beat me to this
  8. did it have that problem all the time or is it just happening now?If that's the problem directly after install, I guess something went wrong during the install process. So the only solution (i can think of) is reinstalling and hoping it works then.If that is not the case... I have never seen such error before
  9. This is a sad sad moment todayToday, the overall leader of the whatpulse team : Chinees aka jipman aka me has been beaten in mouseclicks bye microscopic^earhtling.While jipman has just 442k clicks, microscopic^earthling has exceeded me with 464k clicks :rolleyes:Luckily, I am still leading in the keys sector......For now
  10. Notice from jipman: Rapco's problem was solved, this post can now be closed now.
  11. I want to remember everyone to join whatpulse.It's a great deal of fun and it increases the community spirit.Read the first post in this topic for more details
  12. Well... Maybe it's because the word http occurs 108 times on the main page of microsoftThey even used them to link to their own stuffI guess if they never heard of relative linking
  13. Open the file with Nero Burning Rom, It wil know how to burn it Or If want to get something off the bin file like installing you can use daemon tools to emulate a extra drive so you don't have to burn a disc http://www.daemon-tools.cc/deu/home
  14. I clean my mouse once a week cause it gets greasy quite fast (mx510)Also I usually clean my keyboard and open the case and clean the inside every month.Of courseThe software side of the pampering . Sometimes when i'm bored i just walk through my registry in search for useless keys and delete them. Also i do some windows tweaking.A format every 6 months (Windows tend to have the habit of wearing out after long use).I also bought the Zalman CNPS7000 B Cu cooler (around €35) to cool my precious Presscot Intel Pentium 4 3.00 Ghz CPU . Because I didn't trust the boxed one really. Also Im planning to casemod my case, I want to saw a window in it and maybe add some sound-isolation material in it.
  15. Notice from jipman: because aaorozco started a topic similar to this one, I decided to merge both topics.
  16. ehm... I think that it's a bad idea to start wars anyway.But about distro wars, I think there's more discussion between windows vs linux vs mac osx etc etc.Wars should be avoided
  17. Notice from jipman: Alright, enough bashing of the Topic starter.And since everyone recommends HTML I guess it is appropriate to close this
  18. things you could do (no particular order)1. Boot up using knoppix from a usb stick and run the almighty penguin2. Start windows xp in safe mode3. get prcview (http://www.teamcti.com/pview/prcview.htm) and kill every process that looks dangerous4. put your software on a floppy or anything disc so you don't have to download them.5. Learn real hacking and find out that when you know how to break the computers you already graduated :rolleyes:have fun
  19. Notice from jipman: Topic ClosedI think that we've seen enough opinions about this topic
  20. Well... America's Army is the best freeware first person shooter
  21. ReadingReading and Reading oh... Did i mention reading? No seriously, learn a programmer language, like C++ or Java. Then learn the how common things work. Like - Client/server communication (SMTP, POP, HTTP, FTP etc) - Make your own clients/server for above examples - What's going on in your computer - How does encryption work. - and many more other stuff Things like these will learn you what is possible and what is not. And trust me, it's a lot of reading ...
  22. nehI know why it happensIt happens because your graphics card doesn't work well.. The linux drivers for ATI and NVIDIA packed with the standard install are quite crappy.This is what you need to do.When you installed fc3 (text mode) you just boot it. But when you see grubgo in to 'edit command line arguments' and you'll see a list of words, on the end of that line, add the following : <space>init 3This forces your pc to start without X-server thus giving you text mode linux (the way it should be ).Anyway, go to the site for your graphics card and download and install the linux drivers according to the instructions.Reboot and it should work all fine.(I had that problem too )Note.You do need a little linux-1337-skillz to do this
  23. Notice from jipman: This topic was opened a while ago and the topic-starter hasn't repliedTopic Closed
  24. No offence, but you really should triple check your grammar here.I think nobody will understand this.
  25. That's the point, the standard windows driver usually do fine, but sometimes, In your case, you just need to get those drivers to get reasonable sound :Pconclusion : install the drivers of your sound card
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