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Everything posted by jipman

  1. Guess you shouldn't put pr0n pictures of yourself online huh :)
  2. Totally agreed.The people with who act like that are in lead.
  3. Thanks,Because Linux is built up from loose parts it performs better, like a computer. If you buy a Dell, you end up having a computer that has all the hardware it promises with HyperTreading and stuff. But which performs badly. If you create one yourself, you can select the best suitable hardware and create a Uber-machine (I like that word 'uber').
  4. an example xyz.com is a TOP LEVEL domain www is just a subdomain that links to the TOP level domain like https://gen.xyz/ I personally think the www subdomain is quite useless.... Since http:// already specifies the protocol, so you don't need www.
  5. Seeing the huge amount of people who seem to open those mails..... I can conclude that three quarters of the world population is... uhm..... ..... Nevermind :)
  6. Source please. If those bastards do that, they have a MAJOR problem ... Btw. I don't believe they can force me, since microsoft.com is blocked by my router. So it doesn't even reach the server forcing the upgrades. Anyway, if it comes out, i'll make a fix
  7. It's just a little unrealistic, but it's fun yeah... It seems that you have almost no problems with gravity. ps. I like the guy with the electric tri-cycle-like-moped the best
  8. I TOLD YOU SO ... FC3 is the most user friendly distro of them all
  9. Comrade Hackersy has been unloyal to Mother Russia, KILL that capitalistic bastard . Kinda reminds me to Enemy at the Gates.... Anyways, out of sight, out of mind, if companies don't suspect anything, they are unlikely to be hyper-paranoia about security. Just saving every penny possible
  10. Sniper Elite : Berlin 1945, some cool kick *bottom* single player sniper game
  11. What do you mean by that, Linux is more OS than Windoze is.
  12. I appreciate the warning, but if someone falls for such trick....let's just say that's quite pittifull.......... This sort of 'virusses' are so old, why do people fall for them... :S... Really weird.
  13. Big deal.. I've a RSS feed on my desktop... Try topping that .... ALways the newest news just by pressing f5
  14. Quite useless.. Even if you get full 56k, that's nothing compared to my 1600 kbit/sec ADSL download speed.Still wondering why ADSL, using the same telly-fone line, can have such great speeds. :S
  15. NICKELODEON :)The childish poor bastard that I am
  16. I don't think it has something to do with the frames, IIS should be able to display them. Have you linked the pages well? Try to access the pages manual, eg. http://ww38.yoursite.com/page_that_comes_in_frame.html If that doesn't work, I think it's a problem with Dreamweaver, make sure you set the links-type in dreamweaver to RELATIVE. I'm not sure how to do this, but you should find it.
  17. Let's collectively drop our evil M$ software and go for Linux or any other *nix based OS. Let us burn down the house of Gates and crucify him .Just kidding...I just want to see him going bankrupt and becoming a beggar. Jipman at sadistic mode, signing off...
  18. Fairly Oddparents RULE .:), let's let the fact that I'm 17 OUT of this discussion ok?I do like cartoons more than other tv shows. I hate soaps btw.
  19. Ehm.... dude.... That's quite obvious... If anyone would read a email that came from Paris Hilton, would you read it? Or if the NSA would contact you stating that they want you to work for them. Or if the FBI telling you that you have to open an email with an attachment.To keep it short. If you fall for these tricks, it's really pittiful :)(Not trying to piss anyone off with this, it's just the truth )
  20. Nope, why do you think that they are stars anyways? They're popular, and what do popular people attract, fans. . That leads to fans wanting to be with that star or know everything about him/her... which leads to what we see now.
  21. Wow, that's a bad case of misspelling It's the constant of Max Planck.. ...At school we have books with all those things, speed of light, conductivity and a whole lot of those constants.
  22. [joke] Was it something like parishilton@hotmail.com, cause it seems to me that half the internet population uses hotmail [/joke]
  23. What do people have with google spoofs anyways, Toogle, Foogle, Gizoogle... and lot's more.... It's funny ok, but tends to get a teeny weeny little bit cliche...Just my opinion.it's funny though.
  24. FireFox does it all for me.. And at least it doesn't show a banner on your screen ... What the free Opera version did. I my opinion FireFox is better, it does about everything Opera does and doesn't have useless things in it I never use (mouse-gestures :S )...And yech... I don't want a browser that reads the contents to me ."See amateurs taking it up their *bottom*....." :P
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