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Everything posted by jipman

  1. What do you mean by illegal? kiddy pr0n, warez, mp3z?Also, if you got on that website, I guess that that would also question your motives don't it?
  2. Generally, I suck at cracking challenges. Do you have a hint for 'lil me?
  3. try windows movie maker, it's standard installed on your windows machine. It is a basic movie editing program which you can use to create/edit videos. It should be somewhere in your start menuORGet a video convertor, but usually most of them are not free and have limitations on them.
  4. Aren't you talking about content management systems? http://forums.xisto.com/topic/127-forum/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. Where's your geograpical location, then you can search for webhosts that are near you so you have higher speeds. Also, be sure to read the small prints.
  6. I suggest to open the file with a barebone text editor like notepad or vi(m), that always does the trick.About php rendering, what do you mean by that? PHP is like a full grown programming language, i can't imagine that built in to any web editor.
  7. Login to your cpanel and create a new ftp account
  8. And how about people not having the flash plugin? If you use a plugin, you could just make a link that shows users where they can get the missing plugin Since you don't care, make it easier for yourself and use plugins
  9. Using winsock is enough.But you do need a SMTP server where you have a account from, like the smtp server of your isp since relaying is disabled in 99 out of 100 servers these days :DI did create a small basic smtp email proggie though, if you need the VB source i might even mail it to you if you ask nicely
  10. Yeah... Something changed on the asta serversI gotta request SSH again.Anyway, i fixed the banning problem .Although it kinda made the challenge a bit easier
  11. Did you see the date of that post?It's posted more than a month ago :)And since the topic started hasn't replied. I think that his problem was solved.Im closing this one now
  12. 'ts better to use them as signatures for email,
  13. Aaaaaaaaah... The soviets are coming, the soviets are coming. humm... maybe i do play a little too much games (red alert 2 : http://www.ign.com/articles/2000/09/30/command-conquer-red-alert-2-2 )
  14. bloody japanese... ripping off good old chinese characters :)but maybe i'll learn japanese too some day, watching anime (dragonball) in the original language is much more fun than in translated english :)
  15. Hmm... you're right about that but take note of this :If you overclock gradually and stop when experiencing artefacts, the chances that you blow up your GPU are small. Also, i think the extra heat that is produced by increased voltage is higher than that of a few mhz more clock cycles. (Increased voltage keeps the core more stable so you can crank out a few more mhz more)By the way, the extra performance you gain is not much and you might lose maybe 2 or 3 years of lifespan for the hardware so it's not really efficient to overclock (most people do it for fun or to see how much their hardware can handle)
  16. 日本語, that Chinese, or the Japanese copied that too :| :S
  17. What do you see when you open a file with : <?php echo 'test'; ?> in it?exactly, you'll see <?php echo 'test'; ?> in the textarea, but what was in the source?< and all those other html characters.But when you POST it up to the server, it will just post <?php echo 'test'; ?>, because you will post up what up SEE in the textarea.
  18. neh.. That risk is only there when you push up the voltage. The only thing you will suffer are indeed those artefacts
  19. easyI made a editor by myself, let me enlighten you.If you encode all HTML like characters like < > to < , >, the < and > will show up correctly in the textarea but won't be executed.And posting is just posting the contents of the textarea and have a php file write it to a file.You also might want to wacht out for CHMODDING issues [brag]Mine works so nicely that I use that instead of SSH'ing to the server.[/brag]
  20. jipman


    What on earth do you mean by that?
  21. I do hope you know what hacking is.A hacking challenge is a (in my challenges case) a imaginary website that you, as challenger must hack. The site of course has flaws built in so it's not impossible to hack it. See them as a puzzle
  22. Arent such things only possible if you are under root?Try to use normal user accounts as often as possible, and for special actions switch to root.
  23. PIF is some kind of a batch that can run and execute programs on your pc, i guess that it downloaded some virus from some ftp/http site and executed it. I wonder my windows still supports those things, I thought that pifs are dated from the 16 bit dos age?Probably you still have a problem, try to pinpoint the virus's name and get a removal tool for it. Those pesky things have backup roots everywhere so if you delete something it is very likely to comeback just like that.
  24. Dang mse, are you really sure about that non english stuff?Because my site is quite dutch. Do I really need to translate everything into english?
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