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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. If teleportation machines are ever built, they would use Quantum Entaglement to commumicate over large distances instantly. (Teleportation) Search Google for Quantum Entanglement, very interesting stuff. Basically... You entangle 2 photons together, then seperate them as far apart as you like. When you kick one photon, the other jumps. Advantages: because no data is tansmitted, or any matter is sent, then its impossoble for information to be lost, or corupted along the way. They said Human Flight was impossable...They said the same about computers, and getting into space... What scientist say, is that there are no KNOWN laws of phsics that say any of those things are impossable. Scientists say that Teleportation aprears to be possible... or at least, that we cannot currently dis-prove it. The MAJOR flaw in this theory is your order of events. Scientists found that there are parrallel Universes years before parrallel universes ever found there way into sci-fi fillms.... Same with Aliens. What do you know about maths ???? Take the probability of somthing happening... for example what you described. its a very very very very very small number... now multiply that number by Infinity (because time and the universe are probably infinite) and the answer is..... 100% Personally, i dont like religons that use fear (threat of hell) to make you ignore common snece, mathematics and porbability. Ohh, and our brains evolved, they just didnt apear. Ohh... and, here was a very interesting article about the possable end of the universe in newscientist (a magasene i like) with an infinite amount of time... even the most unlikely events WILL happen. The Difference between the scientific argument, and the christion one is very simple... The Scientist say that Aliens PROBABLY Exist, and give reasons such as how evolution can take a simple thing, and grow it over billions of years... and things like how the ingredients for life are ommon in the universe.. The Christians say that aliens DEFINATLY dont exist becase it doesnt say they do in a very old book, written by people who knew a lot less about space than we do today. See the difference ??? Nobody KNOWS for certain.... Scientits are giving a reasonable believable answer. Christians a claiming to know the answer, with no proof, based on personal beliefe. If the christian God made all people,,, Why dont the Hindu's (who god must have created) know about him ? If All people were created, and didnt evolve... Why do people who live in hotter climates like Africa have darker skin than those in colder climates like Sweden ???? To me, religon is a very very powerfull meme. capable of getting very deeply lodged into your brain. I wonder... would you bet your family's life on information taken from such an old self-contradicting book ?
  2. giFT all the way !!!it runs as a daemon (like all network services should !)you can controll it with a great number of GUI's,You can leave it running at home, and tell it what to download / get info on porgress from work / university.and it is able to use all 3 major p2p networks.. Gnutella, FastTrack(the kazaa network) and OpenFT.Its Open source, (so no adware / spyware / or any other little nasties)and it will run on just about anything.
  3. Good point... However.you are trying to test a machine for intelligence using a concept which is totally alien to it.Lets say an alien from a world which has superior technology to us comes to visit.in this aliens world, re-production is done by some other means we cannot even think of... maybe they split like bacteria ??? and they have no understanding of sex.this alien would not know how to react to someone beeing pregnant, but i would still consider the alien intelligent.
  4. The Bible Also clearly states that..... So i think we can quite easily dis-credit the bible as evidence for anything.
  5. $150 !!!i spent £20 on a sweeet looking black / sliver case.400 WATT power supply, 4 CD drive bays, 1 floppy bay, 5 hard disk bays.Front USB / audio connecters.and it keeps my AMD-k8 3400+ cpu at 35 degree's idle, 50 degree's flat out compiling.i dont think you need to spend money to get a decent case.just make sure you have a big enough power supply, (bigger is better, even if you dont need it, it will run more efficently)
  6. Ahh, so i was half right... It did work, but your origonal methos is probably easyer, LOL.Thanks for letting me know, im always inerested in how well the Wine project is doing.
  7. At first i didnt reply to this because i wasnt 100% sure, but seeing as some of the replys dont seem to know what X is, ill have a go anyways. just to warn you, i dont actually OWN a mac... but here is what i think i know. Aqua is not an X11 server, (like Xorg and Xfree86) It does not use the X11 protocol, so you cant just replace one with the other (like you could with eXcees / Xorg / Xfree86). There is an X11 server available for MacOSX, and it can be used to run any *Nix rpogram designed to use the X11 protocol and an X11 server for its GUI. (in other words, your window manager) But i dont think normal MacOSX applications will be able to use the X11 server. so to put it simply, in my opinion, you can run window maker on MacOSX, but you may have alot of trubble running iChat within winowMaker. but like i said.. i dont own a mac, this is my educated guess. How good are you with C ? if you could port WindowMaker from X11 to Aqua, (and sumbit your work to window-maker) maybe you could start an aqua revolution ?? LOL. EDIT: Ahaaaa... Fink again batman ! http://www.finkproject.org/ look in the FAQ section 2.2 ! Looks they they manager to get Aqual running in XFree86.
  8. To put it simply... the definition of wether 2 different animals are the same species is... if they are oppoosite sex, and they can mate to produce a fertile offspring, then they are the same species... so tothe question.. No.. Living is a very blury term. A single celled organism is nothing but a very cleverly designed chemical reaction. it can seek out more chemicals from its environment to refuel, nd continue its own chemical reactions, and build a copy of itself. a computer virus seeks cpu time, in order to *extend its life / chemical reaction*, and seeks hard disk space in which to make copys of itself. and the only difference between your Life, and what i am proposing, is One evolved, and the other was created, One is bade of water / carbon / protieins.. and the other is made of silicon and magnetised ceramic. Why does somthing NEED to be made out of non man made chemicals to be alive ? i think the real question here should be, simply When is somthing Self Aware. When does it ceese beeing a tool, and become a slave ?
  9. I was reading in newscientist (https://www.newscientist.com/) that in mamels, they managed to permenantly stop the deteriation of the immune system by extracting the aids virus from a patient, killing it, then re-injecting it into the patiton, along with a type of living white blood cell.im not a scientist, but the theory is that HIV works by killing a type of white blood cell that detects the virus, and tells the killer white blood cells how and what to kill.by giving the *special* white blood cell's a dead but un-damaged HIV virus, they could identify it without beeing killed, and kick start the immune system into fighting it.the mamels were never cured, and remained infectous, but they didnt die of aids.
  10. There is no evidence that god ever did anything. I dont think a book about *faith* can be used as *evidence*. I think you would have to be very very religous, or very very naieve to think that in all the universe, we are the only plannet with life on it. however.. having said that, i dont believe we we will ever likely be in contact with aliens for several reasons... 1) SETI (search for extra terrestrial life) is assuming that aliens are communicating with multi-directional radio waves... with our limited technology, we dont even do that anymore, we use fibre obtics, etc. ALSO, scientists have rpoven faster than light communication possable woth quantum entaglements (source : newscientist.com) This form of communication would be instant, where as radio waves, with a maximum speed o flight, would be useless ofver large ranges. in other words.. the aliens will either be communicating with each other using technology w having even invented... or a the very least will be using encryption? 2) It would take many many many lifetimes for an alien race to reach us.. Unless they have developed either time travel, or faster than light travel... in either case, with out technology, and mental capacity, we would hardly be interesting to them right ??? 3) We havnt developed WARP technology yet... so intterfering with us would be a direct violation of the prime directive (Star Trek reference couldnt resist)
  11. Lol.. i suppose this whole concept is new to windows users. righty... the CD is compressed, and contains 2 gigs of sofware. a complete office suite, web browsers, msn / icq / yahoo / whatever chat clients, a load of desktop games, media players, dvd players, the WINE emulator, compilers, email clients, everything. for every day use there is everything you could possably need. Now knoppix IS like a demo, you wouldnt use it permenantly, but it will allow you to add extra software through variouse methods. one method, si the plug-in, ive never used this so i cannoy comment. But a while ago, i had a computer with 2 cd drives, and no hard disk, so i booted knoppix. With Knoppix, any alterations you make to the root file-ssytem are stored in RAM. I wanted to install a quake server on knoppix. so i installed quake to a seperate location '/quake' then i burnwed the entire /quake directory onto a CD. next time i wanted to play quake, it was as simple as inserting my home made quakeCD, and mounting it as /quake you could porbably do the same with a fat32 hard disk partiton. But the main point, is it will give you a taste of linux without you needing to format any hard disks. Anyways, its really up to you, there is no wrong decision, whatever you do you will learn somthing, but if you choose knoppix and hate it, you dont have to re-install windows
  12. Feast your eyes.... http://web-systems.co.uk/?page=Products&gid=11 some pretty cool cases between ÂŁ15 and ÂŁ100. but im not sure where you live, or wwhere they will deliver to. (its my local shop in nottingham england)
  13. Avoid any linux distro's that work on top of windows like the plague.Wine will not emulate anything device driver related, use pengAOL to dial AOL.and everyone who tries linux and stays with it, ends up trying several distro's before they settle on a fovorite.I think the best advice would be to use Knoppix live-Cd.i think the current version of knoppix WILL allow you to run linux ontop of windows, and use the internet via a pre-established windows dial up. emualtion is slow, but think of it as a demo.
  14. Sounds like to me its some kind of hardware porblem.7 hours to format a hard disk !!! it takes a boot 7 tenths of a second to format my IDE 80 gig disk.It might be helpfull if you get a print out of your partiton table (with fdisk) and post that here.Somtimes i have loads of truble with windows and partitons, and it works woneders to check and correct the partitton type code to a windows value (vfat or ntfs, cant remember the code number)
  15. Dont bother. Its just a rip off of PearPC. PearPC is currently recieving donations so that they can Sue CherryOS. (sad world when you have to pay for justice, especially when pearPC already have the hard proof) Linkage... Proof thats its stolen (you can even do this at home with a Hexeditor) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and the slashdot article with lots of loverly links. https://slashdot.org/story/05/03/30/1552223/pearpc-trying-to-sue-cherryos CherryOS is nothing more than PearPC with a Graphical Launcher (which probably took all of 10 minutes to write). There is nothing more annoying than people who steal what your giving away, take the credit, and sell your work.
  16. I agree. Games could be programmed for almost Any OS. Have you ever played Unreal Tournament 2004 In windows and Linux ??? The Windows version uses DirectX, The Linux Version uses OpenGL. The games look identicle, i would have theough the completely different graphics architchture would have shown slight differences.. but nope. The windows version does run a little slower in terms of Frames per second... But thats probably due to the fact that in Linux i was using the 64bit bersion on my MAD64, and in windows, the 32Bit version on my AMD64. But whats with all the Mouse Lag ??? in windows98, all my directX games used to perform fine in terms of Frames per second, but directX caused an insane amount of Mouse Lag (half like 2, and UT) however switing the vidio options to OpenGL fixed it. When i started using windowsXP, it looked like they had fixed the mouse lag, but then Half Life 2 came out, and as soon as i pushed the hardware hard with the display settings, FPS suffered a little, but mouse lag apreared again. Personally, i prefere to program OpenGL, and i prefere to use it if given th option in Games
  17. I have 64bit Gentoo, but untill windows 64bit eddition is released, i need to use a 32bit media player to interface with the 32bit MS-windows codecs for playing media such as ASF or WMV.to do this, i have created a 32bit envoronment within my 64bit OS.I need the 32bit envoronment to connect to the Xserver in the 64bit OS.normally this is as simple as setting the display variable to ""but the graphical X server is not listening for incomming connections on port 6000.I know this is done by the KDE login manager (KDM) it dissables tcp logins.In KDE 3.3, you needed to comment out a "nolisten" line in a config file called Xserversbut ive recently upgraded to KDE-3.4. there is no Xservers config file, they must have moved that setting somwhere else.Does anyone know where ???
  18. Never delete lock files.They are used by some programs to detect when a resource is currently in use.the error message was shown because GNOME was trying to delete a lock file on shutdown, that you had already done.You dont need to dlete temp files, they will be deleted automatically when they are no longer needed.if you run a server, you may want to delete Log files in /var/log from time to time though. (or maybe trim the log files, they can hlp a lot if you crash, or get hacked)
  19. Then why are you using WindowsXP ?Go back to Windows2000.
  20. Thje problem is that sudo is annoying to get working securely, and i dont like installing it just for one little task.. plus, the cpu may never ever eve overheat.so far, the best solution i can think of is to make a c++ porgram that physically writes the new govenor to the /sys filesystem, and make the compiled program suid root.I was wondering if it would be possable to make the /sys file that controls cpu frequency writable to users other than root, and if any changes to the permissions would survive a re-boot. But i dont think the kernel guys would approve of chmod 666'ing parts of the /sys filesytem lol.
  21. Hey gus and girls :Pi will first describe my setup before i ask my question...i have an AMD64 Cpu running on a 2.6.11-gentoo-r3 kernel.the cpu and kernel support features for detecting the cpu tempreture, and setting the cpu speed.the kernel has 3 different modes of controlling the cpu tempreture,Powersave (the coldest, runs the cpu at its minimum speed)Performance (the hottest, keep the cpu running at full clock speed)OnDemand (runs the cpu at higher speeds when its needed, colder when its not)UserSpace (let the user decide)At the moment, its all setup to automatically change mode in different circumstances....Performance when i run a game,OnDemand for normal desktop use,powersave for when its running in server mode, or overngiht downloading.but there is one thing i cannot figure out how to do....I want it to drop to powersave mode, IF the cpu tempreture gets too hot.the cpu tempreture is measured both by KDE's Ksensors program, And for script convinience can be read from the file "/proc/acpi/cpu/cpu0/thermal_zone/tempreture"Ksensors has a feature where is can run a user defined command upon overheat, but that is designed to run a shutdown, or play a sound, and will only execute it with user privilages.. to change the cpu clock speed, you need root access.Any idea's anyone ? (other thn running kSensors as root)
  22. i was just saying that redhat 5 is a very old version of redhat. i disagree. i bought a copy of redhat 9 when it was new from ebay, without any help or talking to anyone i jumped in at the deep end and started playing around. eventually through trial and error i found my away around. Its a very steep learning curve at first, but within a few months i was compiling my own kernel's and all the other stuff you hear linux users talk about. But if i had known about knoppix, i probably would have gone with that option. to be honest, its very hard to learn about linux without actuall using it. and like i said, its a steep learning curve, but i think its worth it to say goodbye to adware, virii, virii scanners, adware removers, defragmenting, re-installing, re-booting etc etc etc. have a go, it you dont like it, you have only waster ÂŁ1 +pp
  23. Most computers ive used have a boot option key that you can press shortly after turning on the computer, you can usually select to boot from master or slave.if not, you could use a boot loader called GRUB.
  24. He is entitled to his opinion, I think his account (and any information the site has about him) should just be deleted without question. After all, it was a relativly polite request.He should have just PM'ed an Admin, but still, if he wants to leave, i dont think we should ask him to to do a writeup of why.Maybe add somthing in the rules / information about the proper way to request the termination of your account.just my opinion
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